"You said you can come to the capital by yourself, but you insist on calling me to come with you. Do you think I'm idle and have nothing to do all day? Let me tell you, it's not like that. I have a lot of things to deal with."

Holding up his red wine glass, Tang Jieton pretended to be angry and complained.

"Are you still angry at the Canton Fair?"

Standing next to Tangerton is none other than August of Schiller Heavy Industries.

It was the heir of the Schiller family who rejected Zhao Shanhe and Tang Jiedun at the Canton Fair and wanted to invest solely on his own.

"What do you say?"

Tang Jie raised his eyebrows and said in a displeased tone: "It's fine if you refuse me, but even Zhao Shanhe refused! Finally, you can see how strong Zhao Shanhe's energy is."

"He has just started for less than two years, but he can achieve such great achievements. Don't you think he is a very talented businessman?"

"You are still afraid that others will divide your power if they buy shares, but you never thought that they have no intention of investing at all! You, this time is really wrong."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that investing would be so troublesome. If I had known it would be like this, I should really have left it to you and Zhao Shanhe!"

August shook his head annoyed.

"Don't, don't, I'm too lazy to meddle in your business. At best, I just want to share some shares and follow behind to make some money. Don't ask me for things that need to be managed, and I'm too lazy to take care of them. "

Tang Jiedun refused on the spot without even thinking about it.

"Yeah, you are too lazy to take care of it, and I also find it troublesome. If I knew it should be handed over to Zhao Shanhe, alas!"

"But it doesn't matter. I don't need to take the initiative to ask him. That's it. The two of us can do it. The big deal is just hiring a professional manager. It's not a big deal." August waved his hands nonchalantly Said.

"So what do you want to do in China's capital this time?" Tang Jiedun asked noncommittally.

"I received news that Huaxia will hold a Challenge Cup tomorrow at Jingzhou University, the most famous institution of higher learning, which is an auction of scientific and technological achievements of college students."

"You know, I'm very interested in things like auctions, so I just want to come over and see if I can find a suitable investment project."

"No way! Could it be that you are serious?"

As soon as August finished speaking, Tangerton looked over with an unbelievable expression.

"Of course." August replied as a matter of course.

"I'm really speechless!"

Tang Jieton shook his head helplessly, sighed and said: "August, let me tell you what's good about you. If you really want scientific and technological achievements, do you need to come here? We have a lot of them in the United States! "

"Besides, do you really think that these universities in Huaxia can come up with projects worthy of your investment? You are so naive! That's just a group of college students!"

"If they say they can succeed, how embarrassing those laboratories in our country will be! You, I'm afraid you will return disappointed this time. If I had known that you came here for this, I wouldn't have said anything to fool around with you .”

Tangerton was really speechless.

"Just take it as a chance. You don't know. I received news that some college students offered 1000 million yuan." August's words made Tang Jiedon lose interest even more.

"It's up to you. If you like, you can go with you, but I will leave after the auction ends tomorrow."

"it is good!"


It was silent all night.

the next day.

The weather in June has started to heat up, and the sky is getting bright early. When the sun rises high, before it has time to bake the city, the whole capital is already busy.

The streets are full of traffic, and people on bicycles have smiles on their faces.

Jingzhou University.

As the organizer of this Challenge Cup, Jingzhou University is making intensive preparations.

In fact, they have already started to make arrangements for this matter very early, but it always feels that the matter is not over for a day, and the preparation work has to be carried out all the time.

Small auditorium.

This is the venue for the auction of scientific and technological achievements.

Before you get close to the small auditorium, you can hear a humming sound coming from inside.College students sat inside one by one, talking loudly.

Naturally, students from Jingzhou University were indispensable among them, and more came from all over the country.No matter where they came from, they were all very interested in today's auction and wanted to know what would happen.

"Let me tell you, what our school presents this time is a blockbuster product, with an asking price of 1000 million!"

"Don't talk about it, you Jingzhou University is a bull, with a starting price of 1000 million, do you think someone will really take it?"

"We are also determined to win this time."

"I want to know now, at such an auction, will those bosses really bid with real money?"


After all, there has been no successful case of this kind of thing before, and even the Challenge Cup has been held before, but it was mostly academic in nature.It is all based on this to measure which university has a high level of scientific research, and no one even thought about selling it.

The college students speculated nervously.

The leaders of the school's team also had no idea. They subconsciously looked at the entrepreneur camp, imagining whether some of these people would stand up and bid for the auction.

It would be embarrassing to say no.

"Have you seen Zhao Shanhe?" Jiang Guangnian sat on the chair expressionlessly, looking straight ahead, leaning his head towards Jin Changshi who was next to him, trying not to move his lips too much, and asked in a low voice .

At Dongzhou University, he was the high-ranking vice president, but here, the vice presidents of various universities sat next to him. For a while, he didn't feel any sense of superiority, and even felt a little uneasy.

In this atmosphere, he can only hope that Zhao Shanhe will come.

"I didn't see it, there are too many people!"

Jin Changshi shook his head and looked around to find Zhao Shanhe, but finding Zhao Shanhe among so many people was undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, he could only pray that Zhao Shanhe would show up quickly.

"Then just wait!" Jiang Guangnian still had no emotion on his face, and he sat up straight again after speaking.

Entrepreneur camp.

An area is specially designated here for all the bosses who come to bid. They are the protagonists of today, and their money bags determine whether today's Challenge Cup will be successful or not.

"Mr. Liu, what project are you here for this time?"

"Mr. Zhao, long time no see. Let's have a drink later."

"Let me tell you, I'm here purely out of face, and I won't bid."


Amidst the cheers and laughter of entrepreneurs, the auction will soon start according to the procedure.

The person in charge of this auction is not someone from Jingzhou University, but an alumnus specially hired from outside, Han Zhengyang, the chief auctioneer of an auction house.

As the leading auctioneer in the auction house, Han Zhengyang is well-informed, and he is able to deal with such a situation with ease.

If it weren't for his status as an alumnus of Jingzhou University, he might not have come to host such a small auction.Because even he didn't have much confidence in such an auction.

A garden party for college students.

Han Zhengyang thought so.

Of course, the idea is the idea, he will not have any contempt or neglect, on the contrary, he will devote [-]% of his energy to promote this auction.Because only in this way can he reflect his strength.

"Everyone, you've all heard Principal Liu's opening remarks just now, so I won't talk about unnecessary nonsense, let's just get straight to the point."

Han Zhengyang picked up a document as he spoke.

"The first scientific and technological achievement we are going to auction today comes from Jingzhou University. It is an invention of a research group of college students. It is called the new technology of pure gold and imitation gold in cyanide-free electroplating of flowers."

"Before starting the auction, you can look through the information in your hand to check the introduction, and I will briefly tell you here."

"The principle of this new technology is to use the protection of metal to permanently maintain the most delicate and beautiful shape of the flower at the moment of opening, and this will not affect the texture of the flower. I believe this new technology has a good application prospect... ..."

Han Zhengyang introduced it concisely.

Everyone listened with great interest.

After Han Zhengyang finished speaking, he cut to the point.

"The starting price of this new technology is 4 yuan, and each increase should not be less than [-] yuan. Now, interested entrepreneurs, please take your number plates to bid."

Almost as soon as his voice fell to the ground, someone directly raised the number plate.

"Forty-five thousand!"

"fifty thousand!"

"Sixty-five thousand!"


Han Zhengyang, who didn't have much confidence in the auction, was refreshed after seeing this scene. It seems that today's auction will be exciting!In this case, it is even more necessary to host with full energy.

"Sixty-five thousand yuan once!"

"Is there any price increase?"

"Bosses, I hope you can think about this technology. It really has a very broad future in the future."

Han Zhengyang said with a bright smile.

"What kind of new technology is this? Brother Zhao, are you interested?" Liang Junning's lips moved slightly, and he looked aside and asked curiously.

"I'm interested." Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly.

"Let's wait and see. I think this first scientific and technological achievement must not be lost. It must be a good start, otherwise Jingzhou University will be ashamed." Liang Junning said in a low voice.

"Hehe!" Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Seventy thousand!"

"Seventy-five thousand!"

"Eighty thousand!"

While the two were talking, the bidding price soared all the way, and finally reached 10 yuan.And this is also the final transaction price. With the bang of the small hammer in Han Zhengyang's hand, the first scientific and technological achievement was auctioned off.

The starting price of 4 yuan was finally called 10 yuan.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is indeed a good start.

Then came a series of auctions.

Han Zhengyang really deserves to be the chief auctioneer. From every piece of scientific and technological achievements he introduced to the present, none of them have been unsold.As long as the price is not too exaggerated, it can be sold in the end.

Seeing this scene, all the college students present were excited, they were encouraged, and a sense of satisfaction of being recognized began to spread in their hearts.

Whoever said that reading is useless, this is the value of knowledge.

At this moment, Han Zhengyang picked up another document, and this time when his voice fell, the audience was in an uproar.

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