Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 844 Being used as a gun!

"Mr. Huofen, you must not be deceived by him. You are obviously at a disadvantage in such a transaction. If I were you, what I have to do now is to turn around and leave immediately."

He Xingbang walked over directly, shouting anxiously.


Zhao Shanhe looked up and saw that it was He Xingbang, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Hoffen also looked impatient.

"I said, are you finished, why do you follow me wherever I go?"

"Mr. Huofen, believe me, I really do it for your own good. The man sitting in front of you is not as kind, honest and honest as you think. Really, he is a complete liar, he is lying to you signed the contract, he"

"I'm the one asking Director Zhao to sign the contract!"

Before He Xingbang could finish speaking, Huofen waved his hand restlessly and interrupted him directly.

This person is really like a piece of dog skin plaster, he will follow wherever he goes, and he can't get rid of it.

"It was you who asked Zhao Shanhe to sign the contract, and he was also lying."

He Xingbang stopped abruptly when he reached his mouth. He looked over in disbelief, and asked in surprise, "What did you just say? You mean you are asking Zhao Shanhe to sign the contract?"

"That's right, so the deception you mentioned is nothing at all."

Huofen turned to look at Zhao Shanhe.

"Director Zhao, you haven't answered my question just now, can you tell me the answer now?"

"no problem!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't hesitate any longer, and said happily: "I like to cooperate with big companies like Angel Group, so I agree to the conditions offered by Mr. Huofen! The two of us can sign the contract now, your side If it’s okay to wait, I’ll have the contract ready now.”

"No problem!" Huofen said with a smile on his face, found an empty seat, and sat down calmly.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe turned around and looked over.

"Xiangyang, let's make a contract according to what Mr. Huofen said!"

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang turned around and started to do this.

"Everyone, since everyone is so interested in the weed mower made by Hetu, I would like to introduce this person to you. He is the representative of the largest retail giant in the United States, Mr. Hoffin."

"Just now, he signed an order for [-] units with us. For the order of [-] units, [-] units is the order, and [-] units is the exclusive right to broadcast this advertisement."


Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience with a gentle smile.

"Anyone who is interested in our weeding machine can come and consult us at any time."

"Anyone who says they are interested in our advertisement can come and negotiate with us at any time."

"However, it needs to be reminded that the exclusive broadcast rights in the United States have already been handed over to the Angel Group. If any of you say that you are interested, you can only broadcast it in other countries."

"In a word, early come early."

After saying this, there was an uproar in the audience.

They no longer have to doubt the authenticity of this matter, because Huofen himself is sitting here, and the contract is drawn up there.

But this is too incredible.

"How much is an order for [-] lawnmowers?"

"Five thousand lawnmowers are just for the exclusive right to broadcast this ad, which is too exaggerated, is it worth it?"

"I really don't understand Zhao Shanhe now."

It's not just that they couldn't understand, even Xiao Zhongyuan who came over and stood there was dazed.He never dreamed that things would develop like this. Not only did the Angel Group purchase [-] weed mowers, but they added another [-] lawnmowers have been taken back and forth like this, what do you want him to do when he is burning with anxiety?

Xiao Zhongyuan glanced at the gloomy He Xingbang.

"It seems that I really can't trust Tiannuo Machinery."

"Old Xiao, you know how to choose now, don't you? If you don't know, then don't ask me for this kind of thing in the future, and I can't help you." Bao Tianhua said in a low voice.

"I know, of course I know."

While speaking, Xiao Zhongyuan immediately stood up.

"Director Zhao, I have something to say!"

"So it's Mr. Xiao. I don't know what Mr. Xiao wants to say?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently when he saw Xiao Zhongyuan standing up.

"Director Zhao, it's like this. As for the weed mower purchased by Mr. Huofen, I also want to purchase [-] units here. Do you think it's okay?" Xiao Zhongyuan asked with a smile.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said: "As I said just now, Hetu Manufacturing welcomes everyone to come to discuss business. Since Mr. Xiao thinks, [-] weeding machines are of course no problem. If you are willing, we can sign the contract now. "


Xiao Zhongyuan walked towards the booth in stride.

"Mr. Xiao, wait a minute!"

Seeing that Xiao Zhongyuan was about to sign a contract, He Xingbang quickly raised his arm to stop him subconsciously, and then said eagerly: "Mr. Xiao, didn't we agree? How could you do this?"

"Say what?"

Xiao Zhongyuan glanced at He Xingbang and frowned.

"Mr. He, I'm a businessman. I always shop around when I buy things, right? There are better lawn mowers than yours, why should I choose yours?"

"But Zhao Shanhe's weeding machines are expensive! Mr. Xiao, they are much more expensive than ours!"

He Xingbang thought of the price he had heard, and hurriedly said, "Our lawn mowers are at least half cheaper than theirs. Why do you have to choose his?"

"And you don't know, when he sold the lawn mowers to Xianmu Company in our Eastern Province, the price was cheaper than ours, but now he is marking such a high price here. Do you think you were taken advantage of?"

"Mr. Hoffen, do you want to be taken advantage of so willingly?"

"Is there such a thing?"

Xiao Zhongyuan took back the steps he had taken, and looked at Zhao Shanhe with a hesitant expression.

"Director Zhao, is what he said true?"

"it is true!"

Faced with Xiao Zhongyuan's questioning, Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to defend, but admitted it straightforwardly.

"Why is that?" Xiao Zhongyuan asked with a displeased face.

"Really? Did you all see it? Zhao Shanhe admitted it! Hahaha!"

He Xingbang grasped this matter mercilessly, and shouted at the people watching.

"What is he? He treats you all as fools! Do you think there is such a thing as him? What kind of shit is this!"

"So you should come to our house to buy. Our weeding machines are not only superior in quality, but also very cheap. Each one only costs 1000 yuan! If anyone comes to place an order today, we will give you a lower price, and the quantity is large. discount!"

He Xingbang promoted more and more vigorously.

With his sales promotion, the people from Tiannuo Machinery also began to agitate.

"If you say to cooperate with the people made by Hetu, you will be taken advantage of!"

"Why do you spend so much money to buy a weeding machine of the same quality? Do you know how much one of them sells for? 1000 yuan! It used to be in our province, but it only sold for a few hundred, and it was Huaxia currency! "

"This is pure deception!"

The scene instantly showed a one-sided situation.

Everyone looked suspiciously at Zhao Shanhe, as if they were looking at a liar.This is not taking us seriously, even if you cut leeks, you don't cut them like this, right?

Even Huofen couldn't help hesitating at this moment.

He stared into Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and asked seriously: "Director Zhao, is what he said true? The weed mower you sell in Eastern Province is the same as this one, but the price is only a few hundred dollars?"

"We want to speak!"

"Zhao Shanhe, you must give us a satisfactory explanation!"

"If you say that the explanation is not clear, you are deceiving consumers!"

For a while, the crowd was furious.

"Old Xiao, Xiao Zhongyuan, what are you talking about there? Hurry up and come back to me!"

Bao Tianhua saw that Xiao Zhongyuan was acting stupid again, and started confronting Zhao Shanhe in front of so many people, so he hurriedly shouted.

He really couldn't figure out where Xiao Zhongyuan made a mistake, how could he do such stupid things one after another!Aren't you just looking for trouble?Not to mention that Zhao Shanhe must have an explanation for this matter, even if there is no explanation, does it have anything to do with you?

There is a reason for others to set the price of the lawn mower. Even if there is no reason, it is their freedom. Buy it if you think it is suitable, and don’t buy it if it is not suitable. Why are you arguing with them?Is it possible to force others to sell it to you at a low price?

The most important thing is why is your position so unstable?Your ears are too soft!

You are now being used as a gun!

"Old Bao, it's okay, I just asked."

Xiao Zhongyuan turned his head and took a look, indicating that Bao Tianhua was fine, then continued to look at Zhao Shanhe.

"Director Zhao, are you really not going to explain what Mr. He said? We can sign a contract with you to buy it, but we have to buy it clearly! Be clear! Even if we lose money, we can't lose it in a muddle. !"

"Losing money?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the audience casually, then his eyes fell on Xiao Zhongyuan, and he said calmly: "Mr. Xiao, you mean that you are losing money by signing the contract with us, right?"

"Isn't it? Mr. He said it"


Hearing Xiao Zhongyuan mentioning He Xingbang again, Zhao Shanhe interrupted him unceremoniously. He stared over indifferently, and said indifferently: "Mr. ? Boss He, is your father or your mother? Why do you just listen to him like that?"

"Me!" Xiao Zhongyuan was at a loss for words.

"Could it be that what he said was right and what I said was wrong? Besides, I haven't spoken yet, and I haven't explained this matter yet, so you strangle us to death with a stick. Don't you think it's a bit too much?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with sharp eyes like a knife.


Xiao Zhongyuan was speechless.

"You don't have anything to say, do you?"

"Yes, you are a purchaser who came to consult, I should greet you with a smile. But I'm sorry, just for your doubts just now, for your trust in He Xingbang, what I want to say is that your order we Don't do it!"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were cold.

"Don't you think Tiannuo Machinery is good? You can cooperate with him. You can sign the contract now, as much as you want. Isn't his price cheap? One thousand ones, you just place an order All right."


Hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, Xiao Zhongyuan immediately became anxious.

It's just that Zhao Shanhe didn't give him a chance to speak at all, so he turned his head to look at Huofen, and then spoke surprisingly.

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