Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 843 Brain Zhang Road Is Different From Ours

"Mr. He, I have received definite news that Huofen has signed a contract with Zhao Shanhe. The deal between them is the newly developed weeding machine made by Hetu Manufacturing, and they ordered [-] units in one go!"


He Xingbang stood there dumbfounded, his face pale and shocked.

Chen Jinjun also had an annoyed look on his face.

The thing I was most worried about still happened, and this is really what I am afraid of.

"Are you sure?" He Xingbang asked anxiously.


Liang Kaihe said with a dejected look: "Although I don't want to admit it, facts are facts. Zhao Shanhe told me about this himself. He said that Huofen has signed a contract with him."

"Nonsense! What nonsense!"

He Xingbang waved his hand and said angrily: "This is all fake, it must be a lie that Zhao Shanhe wanted to disturb our army. This is only the first day, and a big company like Angel Group will sign a contract with Zhao Shanhe? Kill me I don’t believe it either! Let’s go to Huofen right now, I want to ask about this in front of him, and I want to bring him back.”


Chen Jinjun also nodded.

This matter must be restored, otherwise the damage to Tiannuo Machinery will be too great, and it will probably become a joke if they come to sell the weed mower this time.

A group of people rushed towards the booth made by Hetu angrily.

And when they were halfway there, they saw Huofen.He Xingbang's eyes lit up, and he hurried to catch up, stopped him and said with a smile, "Mr. Huofen, hello."

The translator immediately stepped forward to translate.

"I can understand what you say."

Who would have thought that Huofen glanced indifferently, and said in a sarcastic tone.

Didn't you guys not translate it just now?Now that I came here in such a hurry, and brought an interpreter with me, and put on such a battle, I know my identity, so do you regret it?

But, hum, it's too late to regret!

I am the person who most dislikes people who look down on others, and who look down on others with dog eyes.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Huofen is very knowledgeable, and it's normal to speak Chinese. It's easy to say, Mr. Huofen. What happened just now is that we did something wrong. Please forgive me for being negligent."

"Let's go, let's go to our booth and have a chat, I promise I will give you a satisfactory answer." He Xingbang hurriedly said with a smile on his face, nodding and bowing.


Chen Jinjun was also beating the side drum beside him.

"Mr. Huo Fen, let me introduce myself. I am Chen Jinjun from Winstar Department Store. Like your Angel Group, I also do business in department stores. Do you think we can have a chat over there?"


Huofen refused without even thinking about it. He said calmly, "I still have something to go to the booth over there, so if you have something to do, go and do it!"

"Mr. Huofen, wait, are you going to sign a contract with Zhao Shanhe from Hetu Manufacturing?" He Xingbang asked hurriedly when Huofen said that he was about to leave.


"If that's the case, I'd like to explain it to you. The manufacturing of Hetu is far from as simple as you think. They are a factory that started their business by swindling and cheating. The weeding machine they talk about is not the case at all. Don't worry about it. Look at their rhetorical rhetoric, but in fact they have just produced weed mowers, so what experience do they have?"

"And as far as I know, the quality of their weeding machines is very poor. The most important thing is that their weeding machines have not been practiced and have not been sold in the market. Don't you say this is nonsense? If it happens What if it's dangerous?"

"So I advise you to think twice before you act, especially when placing an order. I think you can have a chat with us. Even if you don't sign a contract with us, you can find someone else, but just don't go. Choose Hetu Manufacturing."

He Xingbang tried his best to persuade.

And when he slandered Zhao Shanhe like this, what he didn't expect was that there were several people beside him. They frowned immediately when they heard such words, and one of them looked over with a kind of indifference in their eyes.

It's just that these people didn't speak, but remained silent.

They were silent, but Hoffen was not.

He already preconceived that Tiannuo Machinery is not good, so even if He Xingbang spit here and there, he would not believe it casually.

"I know how to choose, so I won't bother you. Please let me go over there to talk about things."

After Huofen finished speaking, he pushed aside the crowd and strode forward.

"Mr. He, what should we do now?" Liang Kaihe asked in a low voice while standing on the spot.


He Xingbang looked at Huofen's back with a gloomy face, and walked forward unwillingly. He wanted to see what Zhao Shanhe was capable of, and he was able to settle Huofen in such a short period of time.

It's also incredible.

Huo Fen, have you been intoxicated?Why do you trust Zhao Shanhe so much?When I say things like this, shouldn't normal people be suspicious and hesitant?Why are you still looking for Zhao Shanhe with such a pole?Are you identifying him?

A group of people chased after it.

Just as they swarmed up, those few people just followed up.

"Team leader, we have made it clear that they belong to Tiannuo Machinery Factory in Eastern Province. The person who spoke just now is He Xingbang, the boss of Xingchi Group. Tiannuo Machinery is a subsidiary of Xingchi Group."


The leading middle-aged man walked forward with a blank expression.

at the same time.

Bao Tianhua found Xiao Zhongyuan who was wandering in this guild hall, grabbed his arm, and said with Xiao Zhongyuan's stunned expression: "Come, follow me to Zhao Shanhe."

"To Zhao Shanhe's side?"

After Xiao Zhongyuan broke free, he raised the leaflet in his hand and said anxiously: "I mean Lao Bao, I don't have time to go to Zhao Shanhe, I have to find a lawnmower quickly."

"What are you looking for? You really don't believe Zhao Shanhe! I told you, didn't I? I said his weeding machine is of good quality, why didn't you listen?"

Bao Tianhua looked over sullenly.


"Forget it, do you want to go or not! By the way, just now, Huofen of the Angel Group in the United States has signed an order contract for [-] weeding machines with Zhao Shanhe."

Before Xiao Zhongyuan could explain, Bao Tianhua turned around and left after saying this.


Xiao Zhongyuan was shocked as if struck by lightning.

Angel Group signed [-] lawnmowers?

"Old Bao, wait for me!"

Xiao Zhongyuan hurried to catch up, and couldn't care about talking to others anymore.

Hetu Manufacturing Booth.

There are already a lot of people gathered here. It doesn't mean that they are all here for the weed mower. After all, it doesn't mean that everyone can use a product like this.There are many people who come here for consultation, some of them want to purchase non-ferrous metal solder, some of them are aiming at swallowing water pumps, and some of them are aiming at engine parts.

In this lively atmosphere, Huofen came back.

Seeing Huofen appearing in front of him, Zhao Shanhe was still the first to go forward to greet him, and the two stood in front of the desk smiling.

"Mr. Hoffin, I don't know how you think about it?"

"Director Zhao, I have to say that you are a very good businessman. We agreed to the conditions you offered earlier!" Huofen said with a hearty laugh.

"Mr. Huofen, just agree. I know that the Angel Group will make a wise decision, and I also believe that you will not regret this decision." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the two talking and laughing happily, Yang E who was not far away couldn't help muttering in surprise: "This Huofen really agreed? Can you agree to this kind of condition? If it were me, I would never say yes." Yes, without even thinking about it."

"that is you."

Cai Shishi smiled charmingly, and looked at Zhao Shanhe with admiration.

"Our factory manager is really powerful. His marketing strategy can be said to be completely aimed at the appetite of the US market, so he can use this advertisement to make an offer."

"You guys don't know that in the United States, as long as it is a good idea, an excellent idea is even more valuable than a product, so if the factory manager does this, Huofen will not refuse, after all, it is also good for them of."

One thousand lawnmowers are exchanged for the free right to use advertisements.

This is the condition that Zhao Shanhe offered Huofen, which may be a bit exaggerated in the eyes of Yang E and the others.Because in their eyes, this advertisement may not be worth so much money.

But Hoffen agreed.

It can only be said that the brain circuits of the Americans are different from ours.

"Six thousand weeding machines, now our weeding machine business has completely opened up the market." Yang E smiled with her eyes narrowed into a line, and she was very happy when she thought of this.

"Who said no."

Guo began to raise the corners of his lips.

"There is an order for the golden signboard of the Angel Group. Even if we only promote this, we can get other orderers to come. Or the director of the factory has to step in, it is amazing."

"Ha ha!"

Several people looked at each other, everything was silent.

"Director Zhao, I agree to the condition you said, but I have another condition I want to discuss with you. I wonder if you want to hear it?" Huofen said after sitting on the chair.

"What conditions?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It is that our Angel Group is willing to place an order for another [-] weeding machines, that is, our order for [-] weeding machines, to buy out the exclusive rights to broadcast your advertisement in the United States. I don't know what you want?" Huo Fen laughed. said.

[-] sets of orders to buy exclusive broadcasting rights?

Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

Yang E and the others were also stunned when they heard this.

"What do you mean? Is the Angel Group trying to make a round?"

"Is it worth it for them?"

"What do you mean, what is worth? Do you really think that we are taking advantage of this? Let me tell you, it's impossible! Didn't you see that the factory manager is thinking about it?"


It's not that Zhao Shanhe didn't think about this issue, because when he took out this ad, he thought of making something out of it, which is why he was willing to spend a lot of money to shoot this ad in the first place.

He just didn't expect Huofen to be so bold.

[-] lawnmowers in exchange for the exclusive rights to broadcast the advertisement.

In fact, this is not to say that it cannot be done.After all, except for retail giants like Angel Group, no one else can take such a large order.

If so, let's do it this way.

After making up his mind, Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and was about to speak when a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

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