Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 845 Do You Dare To Promise?

"Mr. Huofen, if you want to tear up the contract now, I can agree now. Do you want to break the contract?"

Zhao Shanhe had a calm expression and a calm tone.


After Huo Fen met Zhao Shanhe's eyes, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, he couldn't help feeling proud, and suddenly he raised his head and laughed.

"Break the contract, I just said it casually just now, I will never tear up our contract! How much you sell in the Eastern Province is all your business, even if you give it to others for free, that's the same. Your power. If you clearly mark the price here, then I will follow your price, and the order of [-] weeding machines will remain unchanged."

With a determined expression on Huofen's face, he stood up and walked over.

"Come on, is the contract on your side ready? If it's done, we can sign it now!"

"All right!"

Li Xiangyang came over with a new contract.

Zhao Shanhe handed it over casually.

"Mr. Huofen, please see if there is any problem. If there is no problem, let's sign the contract now. After signing the contract, you have to pay a part of the deposit in advance according to the rules."

"it is good!"

Hoffen began to look at the contract as he spoke.

And after seeing him like this, the people standing around couldn't help whispering.

"Do you think this foreigner has a brain problem?"

"I don't think he's right either."

"Isn't this a clear way to be taken advantage of? Is it so easy to earn money from foreigners?"

Hearing such chatter, Huofen's expression was calm, but he sneered dismissively in his heart.What do you know, do you really think that they are all weeding machines, and the quality is the same?It's not that I haven't seen Tiannuo, as far as their lawn mowers are far from being comparable to those made by Hetu, it's no wonder they are sold so cheap.

You get what you pay for, don’t you understand?

If you want to be cheap, you can buy Tiannuo, but I won't, what I want is brand effect, and I want to ensure that the products purchased by my Angel Group are first-class.

"Mr. Huofen, I really ask you to think about it seriously." He Xingbang said seriously.

"He Xingbang, isn't it a bit out of character for you to do this?"

Seeing that He Xingbang was still so recalcitrant, Zhao Shanhe looked over indifferently, and said in an unhappy tone: "This is my booth, if you come here to interfere with my signing the contract, you are making trouble, and you are calling the shots."

"Okay, didn't you always say that the weed mowers made by our Hetu are expensive? You said that the ones we sold to Xianmu Company in Eastern Province are cheaper than yours. If you sell them so expensive, you are spoiling the situation. I'm taking everyone for a fool."

"Then before I explain this question, do you dare to take out your lawn mower and compare it with ours?"


After He Xingbang's expression froze slightly, he hesitated.

"Yeah, it's Bibi. If you don't say anything else, just take out the cutter head of your weeder and let's try it. As long as the cutter head of your weeder can be better than ours, I will admit defeat."

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back.

"If I lose, I won't sign a contract with Mr. Hoffin again, and I will apologize in front of everyone."

"But what if you lose?"

"What are you going to do if you lose?"


He Xingbang hesitated.

He didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to be so ruthless, and he played such tricks as soon as he came up.He wanted to refuse, after all, he knew the quality of his lawn mower well, but could he refuse now?

He is already in a difficult situation right now, as long as he utters any discouraged words at this stall, he will be treated as a guilty conscience and deliberate provocation.

If this is really the case, the already bad reputation will be completely ruined.

"Compare, compare, what are you afraid of!"

"Our Tiannuo Machinery's weeder is better than yours. We have high quality and low price. Unlike you, you can do whatever you want. The price will be set at once, disrupting the market order."

"Go and bring over two of our lawnmowers, and compare them with them, and compare them now!"

What He Xingbang never imagined in his dreams was that he was still hesitating here, who would have thought that someone had already started agitating over there.The instigators were Tiannuo Machinery's own workers. They all looked over with righteous indignation, and they all showed the aura of wanting to swallow Zhao Shanhe alive, and everyone shouted hoarsely.

"Did you see that? People from Tiannuo Machinery have shouted like this, do you guys from Hetu dare to fight?"

"As long as you can compete today, I will sign a contract with whoever wins."

"That's right, I don't care how cheap you sold it in Eastern Province before. If you win, we will sign a contract with you."

The atmosphere is set in place.

Feeling this kind of atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe was very excited. He didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, but this kind of thing is a god-sent opportunity, and such an opportunity is rare.

He Xingbang, it's not that I'm looking for trouble with you, it's because you insisted on coming to me.

In this case, I can only stand on your shoulders.

"He Xingbang, you go, I'll be waiting for you here, let's make this bet in front of the big guys today. If I lose, it will be the conditions just now, but if you lose, my The requirements are also very simple."

Zhao Shanhe paused, and said slowly: "I want you to admit in front of everyone that your Tiannuo mechanical weeder is not as good as our Hetu's, and I want you to never leave the Canton Fair after apologizing. I want you to continue Take your team here and stay here until the end of the Canton Fair, do you dare to agree?"


There was an uproar in the audience after these words were said.

Is it still possible to do this?This is too crazy, right?Originally, I thought that what you said would tell He Xingbang and the others to leave immediately, but who would have thought that you wanted them to stay.

If it is said to stay, who will buy their weeding machine with today's big drama?

Aren't they the best stepping stones?

For them, staying is a kind of humiliation, and it is to create a foil for your river map.

Will He Xingbang choose to accept it?

Now I really want to knock Zhao Shanhe to the ground and beat him up hard.What kind of bet is this, do you bully people like this?Aren't you just slapping me in the face?

But still the same sentence, I have been put on the fire, driven to a corner, and there is no way out.

"Zhao Shanhe, I promise you!"

He Xingbang took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "I hope you can respect your bet, and don't lose it when the time comes."

"Don't worry, I won't renege on my debts, all the big guys present are witnesses." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Director Zhao, you'd better win. Otherwise, it's not as simple as not signing the contract with me. You must know that according to the contract we have signed, you have to pay liquidated damages. The liquidated damages alone are as high as 8000 million."

Huofen shook the new contract with a playful reminder in his eyes.

"Mr. Hoffen, I know."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "I value our cooperation more than anyone else. Besides, isn't this kind of bet what you want to see? Don't you want to see if our lawn mower looks right?" Is that good?"

"Ha ha!"

Hoffen smiled casually.

That's what he thought.

This bet has no loss for him at all, not only no loss, no matter whether Zhao Shanhe wins or loses, he can profit from it.

If Zhao Shanhe loses, he can get a liquidated damages of 8000 million Huaxia coins in vain; if Zhao Shanhe wins, it is tantamount to making a free and sensational advertisement for the lawnmower.

Is there anything more cost-effective than this kind of thing?

The entire clubhouse became lively because of this incident. Everyone was shocked by this incident and gathered around with interest.They all want to see who the winner of this bet is.

"Don't sell the goods, go over there and have a look, there is a big bet, it sounds very exciting."

"real or fake?"

"Didn't you see so many people around?"

"Go, go, go! Go!"

River map manufacturing camp.

"Will our factory manager play too big?" Yang Exiu frowned slightly and asked in a low voice.

"Is it big?"

Guo began to say casually: "Even if it is big, it depends on who you are playing with. As for Tiannuo Machinery, they are not qualified to challenge us yet! The quality of their weeding machines is at best better than the sickle."

"Don't worry, the factory manager has always made decisions before acting. When have you ever seen him fight an uncertain battle?" Li Xiangyang said calmly with the corners of his lips curled up.

He is full of confidence in Zhao Shanhe.

"Old Bao, do you think Zhao Shanhe can really win?" Xiao Zhongyuan asked with narrowed eyes after retreating.

"Old Xiao, whether Director Zhao can win this time has nothing to do with you. You, just ask for blessings!" Bao Tianhua said with deep meaning in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Zhongyuan frowned displeased.

"Isn't my money money? Let me tell you, no one will be against money. Even if Zhao Shanhe wins, so what? He will still cooperate with me."

"I hope so!"

Bao Tianhua didn't mean to explain, just shook his head and sighed lightly.

When you are Zhao Shanhe, will you be the same as all businessmen?Do you think all businessmen only have money in their eyes?If you think this way, you are very wrong. Let me tell you, Zhao Shanhe is not the kind of person you think.

"Team leader, do you want to stop this matter?"

"Need not!"

In the crowd, the middle-aged man in the white shirt looked at the situation in front of him, slightly pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled, and said with great interest: "Just watch the show."


In the midst of all this attention, the people from Tiannuo Machinery quickly ordered two weed mowers, put them on the ground with a bang, and placed them side by side with the weed mowers made by Hetu.

"Zhao Shanhe, don't you want to compare? Tell me, how?" He Xingbang said proudly.

A factory that has just started to enter the field of weeding machines, even if it is lucky to be able to develop a weeding machine, how good can the quality be?This is also the reason why He Xingbang dared to agree to Zhao Shanhe's bet.

He has this confidence.

"He Xingbang, is this the weeding machine that Tiannuo Machinery is selling?" Zhao Shanhe asked after a glance.


He Xingbang raised his head and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"It's not just a problem, it's a big problem."

Zhao Shanhe turned his head to look at Xiao Zhongyuan, and slowly said a word with the corner of his mouth slanted. The moment he heard this, Xiao Zhongyuan quickly looked at the weed mower, and then his face changed drastically.

How could this be?

I was almost cheated by He Xingbang!

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