Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 842 It's too late to say anything

"Why are you willing to talk to me, an old man here for a long time? I see that there are other people here, why don't you go with them? Aren't you afraid that I won't buy a lawn mower?"

Hoffen asked curiously.

"so what?"

After Zhao Shanhe was slightly surprised, he smiled heartily.

"I didn't think about that at all. No matter who you are, as long as you come to my booth, I will treat them fairly and fairly. They come as a team, and I will receive them. You come alone, and I will still It will also receive. This is the first time I heard of this business, and I have to watch people order it.”

"Don't worry, I won't do it here."

"Ha ha!"

Feeling the sincerity in Zhao Shanhe's words and seeing the smile on his face, Huofen looked him up and down with admiring eyes for a while, and then smiled comfortably.

"You're right, very good. It's true that you can't watch people play videos in this business."

After pondering for a while, Huofen said slowly: "Can I talk to someone who can make decisions in Hetu Manufacturing?"

"This gentleman, this is our factory director, he can make decisions more than anyone else."

As soon as this question was asked, Yang E happened to come over and introduce with a smile.


Hoffen opened his eyes wide and looked over in surprise.

"You mean he is the director of your Hetu Manufacturing?"

"That's right, he is our factory director Zhao Shanhe, and he has the final say on everything we sell." Yang E nodded as a matter of course.

Hoffen was shocked now.

At first, he just thought that Zhao Shanhe was not simple, but he didn't expect to be the factory director.My darling, I have been treated coldly by Tiannuo Machinery, but here not only is someone specially receiving me, but I am also being received by the director of the factory.

This treatment is simply worlds apart.

It’s no wonder that so many people come to place orders, and it’s not for nothing.

"Hello, Director Zhao, let me introduce myself, my name is Huofen."

"Zhao Shanhe."

The two shook hands, which was considered a formal acquaintance.

"Director Zhao, to tell you the truth, I am here to purchase products at the Canton Fair. I am very interested in your weed mowers. Can we talk in detail?" Huofen asked.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Mr. Huofen, you can talk whatever you want, let's go over there and talk."

"it is good!"

When the two of them went to talk inside, this scene was also accidentally seen by Liang Kaihe who came over, and he frowned suspiciously.

"What do you mean? How could Zhao Shanhe value that foreigner so much? Does that foreigner have any other status? It shouldn't be. Why would a foreigner with status come here for a walk alone?"

With such thoughts in his heart, Liang Kaihe didn't have the mind to continue doing other things, and immediately started wandering around.

He had to figure it out.

About ten minutes later, Zhao Shanhe sent Huofen out with a smile on his face. He shook hands with Huofen, handed over the contract and said, "Mr. Huofen, then we've decided on this?"

"Of course, the contract has been signed, so there must be no way to change it."

Huofen smiled and said, "But Director Zhao, do you really not consider my suggestion?"

"Not consider."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said kindly with a smile: "It's the conditions I offered. I hope Mr. Huofen can think about it and give me an answer as soon as possible. Otherwise, I can't guarantee whether I will meet the right person or not. Promise people."

"You wait, I'll be over soon."

"it is good!"

After Huo Fen finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Looking at his back, Yang E stepped forward.

"This Huofen is really a monkey spirit. Our conditions are already very favorable. I didn't expect him to want to use our advertisement for free. How can there be such a good thing in this world."

"Don't worry, he will come back soon. You must know that a good idea is sometimes more expensive than the product. So he will definitely agree to the terms I offer him." Zhao Shanhe smiled confidently .

"hope so!"

Yang E picked up the document in her hand and said, "I just didn't expect Huofen's identity to be so extraordinary. He turned out to be the representative of the Angel Group. If the people from Tiannuo Machinery know about this, they will regret it to death."

Thinking of what Huofen just said about what happened at the Tiannuo Machinery booth, Zhao Shanhe looked to the side not far away, and saw Liang Kaihe who had been secretly watching his side all the time, and suddenly waved.

"Liang Kaihe!"

Yang E followed Zhao Shanhe's fingers and looked over.

Liang Kaihe didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would call him over, he thought about it and still didn't refuse.

"Director Zhao, do you have something to do with me? I'm very busy here, so if you have something to say, speak up quickly." Liang Kaihe said with a serious face when he came over.

"There is nothing else, I just want to thank you." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Thank me?" Liang Kaihe was confused.

"Yang E, tell him."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he turned and left.

Liang Kaihe became more and more puzzled, he looked at Yang E subconsciously, and asked suspiciously: "What does Zhao Shanhe mean by this? Did he call me here just to joke with me?"

"No, our factory manager is really not joking. He really wants to thank you Tiannuo Machinery. Because if it weren't for you, we probably wouldn't be able to get this order."

As Yang E spoke, she raised the contract in her hand.

"Order?" Hearing this, Liang Kaihe's eyes tightened, his heart beat suddenly accelerated, and his intuition told him that something had happened.


Yang E looked over seriously, and said seriously: "Do you know who that American guy is? His name is Huofen, and he is the representative of Angel Group, the largest retail sales giant in America. Just now, he signed a contract with us. signed a contract for [-] weed mowers."


Liang Kaihe froze for a moment.

Angel group?That bad old man turned out to be the representative of the Angel Group?how is this possible?Isn't Zhao Shanhe joking with me?Is he trying to stimulate me with this clumsy trick, humiliate us Tiannuo Machinery, and dampen our enthusiasm?

Yes, definitely so.

"You say yes?" Liang Kaihe was still trying to be aggressive, but his voice was trembling involuntarily.

"Look, you don't believe me when I tell you. If you don't believe me, you can investigate it yourself. Anyway, we already have a contract for [-] units here, so you guys have to work hard!"

Yang E spread her hands, shrugged and turned to walk away.

Looking at her back and listening to what she said just now, Liang Kaihe was burning with anxiety. He quickly turned his head and chased after her. He wanted to confirm Huofen's identity and whether he was really the representative of the Angel Group.

A few minutes later, Liang Kaihe returned to the booth in a daze.

"Old Liang, what's wrong with you?" He Xingbang asked in surprise when he saw Liang Kaihe's appearance.

"Yeah, what happened?"

Chen Jinjun had already returned by this time, and asked curiously.

"Mr. He, do you know? Who is that old man who was talking to me just now?" Liang Kaihe said without tears.

"Which old man? Oh! What? Who is he?" He Xingbang almost forgot about Huofen.

"His name is Huofen, and he is the representative of the American Angel Group." Liang Kaihe said.


He Xingbang hadn't done anything yet, but Chen Jinjun had already exclaimed. He stood up from the chair with a clatter, grabbed Liang Kaihe's arm with both hands and shook it, and asked eagerly, "Old Liang, are you telling the truth?" Is that person really a representative of the Angel Group?"

"It's absolutely true, I've gone to the organizing committee to verify it just now." Liang Kaihe shook his head dejectedly.

"What happened to the Angel Group?"

He Xingbang noticed that something was wrong with Chen Jinjun's expression, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "President Chen, do you know this Angel Group? Do you know this Huofen?"

"Mr. He, you started your business in real estate, so it's normal to be unfamiliar with the Angel Group, but how can we not know each other because we are in department stores! Let me tell you, this Angel Group is the largest retail sales group in the United States. One, it has a position that cannot be ignored in the business world of the United States." Chen Jinjun said with emotion.


He Xingbang jumped up in surprise.

"The angel group is so powerful?"

"It's more than powerful. Let me put it this way, the Angel Group is a weather vane in the department store circle. Every decision they make can affect the structure of the department store industry. This impact not only refers to the United States, but also includes Other countries, such as our Huaxia."

"Speaking of which, many aspects of our Yongxing Department Store follow others."

When Chen Jinjun said this, he looked over suspiciously.

"Look at you, could it be that this Hoffen has been here just now?"


He Xingbang squeezed out these two words from between his teeth with a livid face, regretting so much that his intestines were going green.

Nima's Huofen, you said that since you have such an awesome status, why are you pretending to be awesome!You have to make yourself so low-key!Aren't you cheating us?

If I knew you were like this, how could I neglect you?I will call the entire Tiannuo Machinery team over, serve you tea and water, and serve you like an ancestor.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Hoffen was already mad at himself.


There is still a chance to make up!

As long as he hasn't left, I will do everything possible to take him down!


Chen Jinjun is an extremely smart person. Although he said that he didn't see the scene when he came here, he can guess the general idea after seeing the expressions of He Xingbang and Liang Kaihe. It is probably because He Xingbang didn't take them seriously, so he said he was negligent. Yes, now that I know the identity of others, I will feel regretful.

"If you have been here, it means that you have met once. If this is the case, then go to him quickly. If you find him, whether it is an apology or a sincere invitation, you must invite him. Only in this way can you have Chance."

When Chen Jinjun said this, he felt that the weight of what he said was not enough, so he added: "If you say that you can get on the car of the Angel Group, I dare say that your future products will not have to worry about sales."

Hearing this, He Xingbang turned his head and said to Liang Kaihe: "Old Liang, hurry up and get rid of our people, you must find Huofen for me, I will apologize to him in person, and please bring him back .”

"Mr. He, I'm afraid it's too late."

Liang Kaihe shook his head in embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" He Xingbang paused.

Could it be that something went wrong?


What Liang Kaihe said afterwards was like a heavy hammer hitting He Xingbang's heart hard, and he was so painful that he was almost suffocating.

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