Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 841 One Hit Hit Weakness

"How else can I sell? Isn't it just a few tricks over and over again? It's nothing more than handing out leaflets and introducing them vigorously. Even if Zhao Shanhe is capable, at this Canton Fair, is it possible that he can come up with some new tricks?"

He Xingbang's face was full of disdain, and he didn't even bother to look straight at him. He stretched out two fingers one after another: "I have the flyer. I also have the salesman."

As he said that, he waved his hands at his busy employees again, with a smug look: "Now the general trend is with me, have you seen it? My people have already started handing out leaflets for sales promotion. How many people do I need?" How many, all the guild halls in the entire Canton Fair have my people, I still don’t believe it, this time he Zhao Shanhe can beat me.”

"Mr. He, you are sure to win."

Chen Jinjun smiled gently.

"Since this is the case, then I will congratulate you in advance on your victory. I will go around first to see if I can find a suitable source of goods."


He Xingbang knew that although Chen Jinjun promised to deal with Zhao Shanhe together with him, but he was here to select goods for Yongxing Department Store, while he was here to sell goods, there is an essential difference between the two.If he wanted to deal with Zhao Shanhe and snatch Hetu's order to manufacture weed mowers, he could only rely on himself, and no one else could count on him.

"Tell our people, whoever claims to be able to sign the contract and win the order will have a lot of bonuses." He Xingbang said proudly.


Liang Kaihe bowed and replied respectfully.

The Canton Fair is open to the outside world and is held globally, in order to have the opportunity to increase foreign exchange income.Whoever claims to be able to win overseas orders at the Canton Fair will be a meritorious minister to the country.

Therefore, all exhibitors attach great importance to it, and every booth is sparing no effort to sell.

Each of them was full of enthusiasm, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they were afraid of missing any opportunity.

In such a warm atmosphere, a blond man appeared in front of the booth of Tiannuo Machinery. He was in his fifties and was in the prime of life. No one followed him, but he picked up the booth at random. on the promotional page.

His name is Hoffen.

Seeing such a foreigner appear, He Xingbang just casually glanced at it, and ignored it.

attach great importance to?

Don't be funny, you don't even look at it, those people who come to the Canton Fair are not hugging each other.Whoever wanders around alone like this one is obviously just curious idlers who want to join in the fun.

If you have the time to talk to him, why not find a few people with more potential to sell.

Of course, he can do this, who made him the boss, but Liang Kaihe can't.He greets everyone who comes with a smile, and does his best to serve with enthusiasm.

"Hello, how can I help you?"


Hoffen chattered a bit of English.

The moment he heard this, Liang Kaihe couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment.He doesn't know anything about English, and not all the people who came to sell this time know English.The only one who understood was helping He Xingbang to translate.

"wait a minutes."

Worried that Huofen wouldn't understand, Liang Kaihe smiled at him, bowed slightly, made a few gestures with his hands, turned around and walked over, and whispered to He Xingbang, "Mr. He, I want Xiao Liu to follow me." After translating in the past, I couldn’t understand a word that foreigner said.”

"Old Liang, what nonsense are you talking about?"

After squinting at Huofen, He Xingbang said displeasedly to Liang Kaihe: "Did you see? My side is a team. They are called strong soldiers and strong horses. They are the most potential customers. The one on your side is just yourself." People coming here, don't they look like the uncle in our country who is idle and is sitting on the side of the road playing chess?"

"Uncle who plays chess?" Liang Kaihe was speechless for a moment.


He Xingbang waved his hands indifferently.

"Hurry up and find a reason to send him away. The big thing on my side is important."


He Xingbang said so, what can Liang Kaihe do?I can only walk over and say with a smile on my face: "I'm sorry, the translator here is busy, so I don't have time to come here for the time being. Would you like to take a look at our promotional page first, if there is anything you need to know, let's talk about it later .”

While speaking, Liang Kaihe made gestures in a hurry.

Huo Fen glanced at He Xingbang, and smiled lightly: "Do you think I'm not qualified enough?"

"You can speak Chinese?" Liang Kaihe was taken aback and asked unexpectedly.

"I know a little."

Huofen slowly put down the leaflet in his hand, and said calmly: "I can understand what you just said, don't you just think I'm not important? It doesn't matter, I just wander around."

Just go around?

It was really guessed!

After hearing this, Liang Kaihe's eyes were no longer as hot as before. The Canton Fair is so busy, everyone is racing against time to sell, time is money, time is life, who has time to chat with you, a bad old man ?

"Then you can just turn around!"

After speaking, Liang Kaihe also walked over and stood beside He Xingbang.

Huofen glanced at it, shook his head, turned around and left.

"See? Don't talk to people like this. Our time is so precious, good steel should be used wisely." He Xingbang said after seeing Huofen leave from the corner of his eye.


Liang Kaihe quickly responded.

Huofen didn't take what happened just now seriously, but continued to wander around casually.He didn't mean to go to all the booths, he only went to the ones he was interested in.


Just when he thought that there were no novel products in this guild hall and was about to leave, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and his eyes, which had been casual just now, suddenly became full of spirit.

Here is the booth made by Hetu.

This booth is playing an advertisement in turn.

What attracted Hoffen was the content of the ad.

In fact, it wasn't just Huofen. Before him, there were already many people standing here. They were all watching the advertisement with great interest, and everyone was whispering to each other.

What ad is that on TV?

An ad for a lawnmower, of course.

What appeared in front of everyone was a rice-style house with an extremely spacious green lawn in front of it.An American man in overalls is pushing a lawn mower to weed.

You can clearly see that his movements are gentle, with little effort.But patches of green grass were neatly cut and scattered evenly on the ground.

A gust of wind blew past.

A smiling little boy happily kicks a football on the cleared grass.

A woman holds out a glass of juice.

After the man took it, he and the woman leaned on the lawnmower and smiled at each other.

"Hetu weeding, happy family."

Advertisements followed.

It was such an advertisement that made Huofen stare intently after seeing it, full of amazement.

This ad was shot so well!

Not to mention anything else, the entry point of this advertisement is aimed at the American market. It is no exaggeration to say that there are such houses and grasslands everywhere in the United States.

And if they see this advertisement, there will definitely be countless people buying this weeding machine.

"Did you see that? When the gust of wind blew just now, all the weeds on the weeding machine floated down, and none of them got entangled."

"Yeah, this advertisement is very effective."

"Advertising effect? ​​No, you're wrong. This is not an advertising effect, but a live-action shooting. The quality of the weeding machine made by Hetu is very good. Their blades are all made of first-class alloy steel. This kind of material is instant kill Dropped a lot of weed mowers. If you don't believe me, there are samples over there."


Live action?

First-class alloy steel?

When Huofen heard this, his interest was even more mobilized. He went directly to the booth and just picked up a brochure when Zhao Shanhe walked over and greeted him with a gentle smile.

Zhao Shanhe speaks fluent English.

The moment he heard English, Huofen's expression of surprise on his face became more intense. He asked in English in amazement: "How can you speak English? You speak it so well?"

"I have learned a little bit." Zhao Shanhe raised his hand with a smile, squeezed a small gap, and said modestly.

"Learned a little?"

Huofen shook his head and said slowly: "It's not a little bit, it's impossible to speak so well. Well, since you can speak English, it's easy to say. Are you selling this lawnmower?"

"Yes sir, I am selling this lawnmower, how can I help you?" Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"I would like to know, what is the steel used in your weeding machine? What is the working principle of your weeding machine? If it is about weeding, how long can it be used continuously?" Huofen asked a few questions.

"No question, I can answer."

Zhao Shanhe pointed to the brochure in Huofen's hand and said, "The working principle of our weeding machine is on it. Well, it's actually the same as other weeding machines."

"But our materials are different. Let's talk about the cutter head of the weeder. We choose alloy steel. The standard of this alloy steel comes from the United States. And I dare say, even In the United States, not all lawnmowers will choose this kind of steel."

"As for weeding time..." Zhao Shanhe laughed, "As long as you don't feel tired, our weeding machine can work all the time."

Huofen kept flipping through the brochure while listening to Zhao Shanhe's introduction.

"Honestly, I am very interested in what you have to say."

Huofen closed it directly after watching it, and then pointed to the advertisement that was playing on TV.

"I'm curious, how did you come up with this kind of advertisement here? Is this also one of your marketing methods?"


Zhao Shanhe said with bright eyes: "I will broadcast this advertisement here, of course to promote my lawn mower. You should also come for the advertisement, right? From this point of view, my advertisement is not bad."

More than good?

It was simply a one-hit hit.

Huofen can imagine how much sensation this ad would cause if it was placed in the United States.You say it's just like this, but the quality of the weeding machine made by Hetu is still impeccable.With his many years of experience, it can be seen at a glance that the parameters of the weeding machine are all top-notch.

With these parameters alone, weed mowers of the same level can be killed in seconds.

The Tiannuo machinery just now is not qualified to carry shoes for others.

This is simply the partner God prepared for himself.

Thinking of this, Huofen rolled his eyes and slowly spoke to Zhao Shanhe.

Just what he said made Zhao Shanhe stunned.

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