Li Qiuya called Li Jianguo.

Who would have thought that just after she got through, Li Jianguo over there couldn't wait to ask: "Qiu Ya, I heard that something happened in your winery, is it true?"

"Dad, do you still need to ask me about the winery?" Li Qiuya smiled speechlessly.

You yourself work in a winery, and you are also a senior winemaker. Who knows if you don’t know about this?

"How did I figure it out? I'm just in charge of brewing, and I don't know anything about it. I've also heard that the sorghum in the factory seems a little nervous, but the problem is, I've always had sorghum when I'm brewing, and I don't know anything else. I don't see where I'm nervous." Li Jianguo felt a little strange when he said this.

"Dad, this is true. You, let Mom harvest sorghum too!" Li Qiuya said with a smile.

"Really?" Li Jianguo was shocked.


"Okay, then I'll tell your mother quickly, it's not a trivial matter. And if it's something like this, Shan He should be very anxious, don't bother him during this time, you know?" Li Jianguo still didn't forget when he was anxious exhorted.


Li Qiuya pouted and hung up the phone, looked at the smiling Zhao Shanhe, and stared speechlessly.

"My dad said, let me not bother you."

"Haha, my dad is just good to me, but you should bother me, if you don't bother me, I don't think there is much fun in this life!" Zhao Shanhe said with a playful smile.

"Screw you!"

Li Qiuya smiled coquettishly.

Just when she was about to continue talking, the phone on the desk rang. After Zhao Shanhe connected, Du Jingming's voice came from the other side, and he asked in a somewhat hasty tone: "Director Zhao, Can you come to my place?"

"Yes, I'll go now!"

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe pointed to the phone and said with a smile: "If I guess right, it should be because of the sorghum. I told him before, and I know it well. But now it seems that our leader Du also Some couldn't sit still, and he could feel his nervousness through the phone."

"How normal, who will do this matter, who will not panic?"

Li Qiuya turned around and walked out.

"Go ahead and explain clearly to Leader Du, so that he won't worry about it."



The Li family in Xikou Village.

After hanging up Li Qiuya's phone call, Tian Lihua pointed at Li Jianguo anxiously and said, "You said that you are an old man in the winery anyway. Even I have heard about such a big incident in the winery. How can you Can you still sit on Diaoyutai like a normal person? Don’t you know any inside information?”

"Tell me, how embarrassing it is for Qiuya to call us to tell us now."

"If the news gets out, what will people outside say, saying that our family only knows how to make money from the winery, but doesn't know how to help our son-in-law solve problems? I don't care, you hurry to collect sorghum for me!"

"it is good!"

Li Jianguo wanted to explain, but after seeing Tian Lihua's angry expression, he swallowed all the remaining words. He knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, so let's stop and do things.

After Li Jianguo went out, Tian Lihua called Tian Lirui.

"Lirui, listen, your city should be fine, right? Hurry up and buy sorghum for me... Yes, Shanhe Distillery needs sorghum. Don't care about the price, the more the better... "


County government.

As soon as Zhao Shanhe appeared, he bumped into Gu Changbei who was waiting in the corridor.

"Director Zhao, the leader has been waiting for you inside for a long time, so go in quickly." Gu Changbei said with a smile.

"it is good!"

"Director Zhao, is what's said outside true? Is your winery really out of ammunition and food?" Gu Changbei asked as he walked, his eyes fixed on Zhao Shanhe.

"Secretary Gu, I'm fine!" Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"It's fine!"

After entering the office and sitting down, Du Jingming said straight to the point: "I believed you when you said you were fine. But now according to the news I received, your winery's orders have skyrocketed, and your sorghum stock is definitely Not enough. Now I even heard that even your parents went to help harvest the sorghum, is this true?"

"it is true."

Zhao Shanhe nodded.

Du Jingming was taken aback: "It's true, you can still laugh? Do you know that as soon as the two of them go out to collect sorghum, everyone outside will know that you must have no sorghum."

"If He Xingbang and the others find out about this, you should know how serious the consequences will be. They have already mobilized a lot of funds to deal with you, and they won't just quit casually." Du Jingming said worriedly.


Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said with playful eyes: "Leader Du, the situation has become like this, can they retreat if they want to? Even if they want to, I will not let them retreat."

"So you have a solution?" Du Jingming's eyes lit up.


Zhao Shanhe smiled confidently, and said calmly: "Actually, I have sorghum. Not only do I have it, but the sorghum is still being transported in a steady stream. It's just that I have hidden all the sorghum."

"So now I'm not afraid of a surge in orders, I can take any more orders. What I'm afraid of is that before the show is over, these characters will suddenly slip away. That would be too boring."

Du Jingming suddenly realized.


His hanging heart also quietly fell to the ground.

I knew that Zhao Shanhe was not a person who would be easily bullied, and now it seems that he is so.

He Xingbang, Du Heng, Chen Jinjun, you thought that you could control Zhao Shanhe by joining hands, but no matter what, you never thought that he is actually a fisherman, and you are eating the bait he casts.

The ridiculous thing is that you stepped into the trap set by Zhao Shanhe step by step without knowing it.

"If you tell me earlier, there will be no such thing as today. All right, since you have set up the stage, go and finish the play, and I'll wait here to see the finale." Du Jingming breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the teacup, leaned back on the chair back and said with a smile.



When the news that everyone in Zhaojiazhai helped Zhao Shanhe to purchase sorghum reached He Xingbang's ears, he was so excited that he killed a bottle of wine on the spot, and said to He Xingtao dancing with his hands and feet, "See? Shanhe is completely out of luck this time, he even alarmed his parents, and by the way, the whole village is helping him buy sorghum."

"Not to mention their Zhaojiazhai, even if it is counted as a town, how much sorghum can it bring in?"

"Haha, Zhao Shanhe, you're done playing this time!"

He Xingtao was also elated.

Thinking of how he was humiliated by Zhao Shanhe, anger welled up in He Xingtao's eyes, and he said harshly: "After Zhao Shanhe is dealt with by you, I will go to Chen Xiao again. I will ask her in front of her. I won’t regret it after asking her! You said if she had followed me earlier, why would there be so many troubles!”

He Xingbang waved his hand happily: "Go, do whatever you want!"


Zhili Automobile.

When Qin Yuanshan reported the latest situation of Zhao Xiaobai Winery, Chen Jingwei slowly raised his finger, smiled wickedly and said, "This time, He Xingbang and the others are going to be in trouble!"

"Yeah, it looks like Director Zhao dug a big hole for them, and they jumped into it without even thinking about it." Qin Yuanshan laughed.

"It's just that it's easy to jump in, but it's difficult to get out."

Chen Jingwei picked up the pencil on the table and twirled it.

"You said that if someone launched a commercial attack on the three of them at this time, would they be able to bear it?"

"can you?"

Qin Yuanshan frowned in surprise.

"can you?"

Chen Jingwei looked over with deep eyes, and said slowly: "If you think this way, you are very wrong. Let me tell you, not only will you, but you will definitely."

"With Zhao Shanhe's business acumen, would he miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Originally, this incident was provoked by the other party's initiative, and he didn't have any psychological burden to fight back."

"If you don't believe it, let's just wait and see, this kind of counterattack will come soon."

Qin Yuanshan nodded thoughtfully: "Then let's wait and see."


Made by Hetu.

Time passes like this.

The battle surrounding Zhao Xiaobai Winery is still going on, all suppliers and sellers have their own positions, they are all standing in line according to their previous choices, waiting.No one made the final decision easily, they were all wondering whether Zhao Shanhe could withstand this storm.

In this atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe appeared in the research and development laboratory of Hetu Manufacturing.

No matter how noisy it is outside, various research and development experiments are still going on here quietly, and the ups and downs outside have not affected this place in the slightest.

This is what Gao Shaoyuan requested.

"How is it? How far has the research and development of the weeding machine progressed?" Zhao Shanhe asked as he walked.

"Come and see."

After speaking, Gao Shaoyuan took Zhao Shanhe to the innermost room, where the weeding machine was being researched and developed.You can see that the various parts are placed in an orderly manner, and there are two assembled weeding machines in the corner.

It's just that the brands of these two weeding machines are different.

"These are two samples we bought from outside. In fact, the principle of this weeding machine is quite simple. If we follow their instructions, it can be done in minutes. But I think, since we want to target Chi Group’s Tiannuo brand weeder can’t be said to be copied casually, so I made some improvements.”

Gao Shaoyuan pointed to the parts in front of him and explained.

"I have experimented with several types of weeding machines on the market, including Tiannuo. One of the biggest common problems with them is that they are easy to get stuck by weeds, and the weeds cut are also uneven, and there is not much to use. efficiency."

"If our weeding machine wants to stand out from the crowd, we must achieve what others have and what others have. So you can see that the cutter head of our weeding machine is made of the most advanced alloy steel. Dare to say, as long as our drafting is done, there will be absolutely no stumbling and jamming."

"Then there is the appearance. I think the appearance of the Tiannuo brand is not good-looking. It doesn't look fresh at all."

Gao Shaoyuan paused, took a few pieces of paper, pointed to the design drawing on it and said: "Look again, here are some of the designs I designed, and see if there is any suitable one. If not, this matter will be handed over to Here it is, you design one.”


Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being speechless, and looked at Gao Shaoyuan resentfully.

You can think about it, but to be honest, these design drawings that you have come up with...

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