Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 822 Do you sit and watch a show?

"Have you heard? Our tactic of placing an order this time has worked. Zhao Xiaobai Distillery is extremely busy, and their factory director, Chen Duo, has personally gone to the countryside to purchase sorghum. Zhenghe County has already bought all the sorghum." , They all started to go to other counties.”

He Xingbang laughed arrogantly, raised the wine glass in his hand and said happily: "For this good deed, we should celebrate, come on, let's go!"

"This is indeed a good thing, and it is worth a toast!"

Chen Jinjun also laughed and toasted.

After the three drank their glasses of wine, Du Heng asked: "I've also heard what Mr. He said, and my people also told me that the batch of sorghum that Ma Siqun gave Chen Duo has almost been used up. Originally, it could last for three months, but now let alone three months, one month is enough, because there are too many orders."

"not enough!"

Chen Jinjun narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

"We placed an order for 40 cases before, and we used up the inventory of Zhao Xiaobai Winery in one go, but they have collected a lot of them scatteredly during this period of time. I think we should strike while the iron is hot and continue to place orders. This will definitely defeat them completely."

"Continue to place an order?"

Du Heng frowned slightly.

"What? Mr. Du, don't you want to?"

"It's not that I don't want to, but you all know that if you continue to place orders, it will cost money. Zhao Xiaobaijiu is sold in boxes, with more than 100 boxes per box, and more than 1000 million for [-] boxes."

"I've placed an order for 20 boxes before, and I invested 3000 million in this alone. If I continue to place orders, I have to continue to raise funds." Du Heng said hesitantly with a look on his face.

He really couldn't bear it anymore.

Due to the impact of Zhao Xiaobai's winery in the past two years, Du Jiachun Winery's market share has been low, and it is already very difficult to take out 3000 million all at once.Now if he said to continue to spend money to place orders, he was really hesitant.Because if you do this again, it will affect the foundation of Du Jiachun, and in this way, many things will become complicated.

"Mr. Du, I thought what you were talking about, isn't it difficult for you? But since you have said so, then Mr. Chen and I will be mainly responsible for the additional orders this time. We The two will each place an order of [-] boxes, and you can order [-] boxes symbolically, it should be fine, right?" He Xingbang said with a smile.

If it is 150 boxes, it is [-] million.

In fact, even this money, Du Heng didn't want to take it out, but things have developed to this point, there is no turning back, and he has already given out 3000 million, so there is no need to stop at this time.

"Okay, I have no objection, [-] boxes are [-] boxes."

Du Heng gritted his teeth, looked at He Xingbang after saying this, and asked, "Mr. He, we trust you a lot and know that you can accomplish this this time, but you have to tell us the truth, right? How long can Zhao Shanhe last?"

"How long will it last?"

He Xingbang pondered slightly.

"Actually, if it wasn't for Ma Siqun, Zhao Shanhe couldn't hold on for a long time, but there is no need to bring up the old story now. Let's discuss the matter. As far as Zhao Shanhe's current sorghum stock is concerned, it won't last for a few days."

"One week!"

He Xingbang raised a finger.

"In a week at most, all his sorghum will bottom out. At that time, he can only lose money if he wants to take orders. And, let's put in an order of 11 boxes this time. I think this time will be shortened. It is estimated that in four or five days, Zhao Shanhe will collapse."

"Four or five days?"

Hearing this, Du Heng smiled instantly.

"Then let's wait five days later to see Zhao Shanhe's joke!"

"If possible, we can go to Zhao Xiaobai Winery for a walk." Chen Jinjun chuckled.

"That's a good idea! That's it, let's go to Zhao Xiaobai Winery next week." He Xingbang's eyes lit up, and he pointed at Chen Jinjun and praised.

"it is good!"


Mid-autumn grain industry.

Ma Siqun was the most impatient person during this time, he really didn't expect things to turn out like this.At the beginning, I was saving money for He Xingbang with good intentions, but who would have thought that this guy not only didn't appreciate it, but even scolded himself after he found out about it.

It was as if he had made a huge mistake.

But fortunately, Zhao Shanhe had almost used up the sorghum that he sent over, so this matter, let's end here, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

"Old Yang, have you heard about that?" Ma Siqun was smoking a cigarette, crossing his legs, and looked over with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Yang Shangfa asked in bewilderment.

"It's the sudden increase in orders from Zhao Xiaobai Distillery. Before that, Zhao Xiaobai Distillery ordered an extra 50 cases, which is enough for Chen Duo to drink a pot."

"Also, this is not over yet. I just received news that another order of 10,000+ boxes has been placed. Tell me, can Zhao Xiaobai Winery withstand this?" Ma Siqun asked proudly as he glanced at the audience. road.

Yang Shangfa remained silent.

The rest of the executives sitting in the conference room all spoke one after another.

"I think it's enough."

"It's not enough, it's definitely unbearable. How can Zhao Shanhe bear such a thing? Where did he get so many boxes of Zhao Xiaobai?"

"As the saying goes, it's hard for a good woman to cook without rice. Zhao Shanhe now wants people and money, but the problem is that he doesn't have sorghum for wine making."

"Now it's just liquidated damages, maybe how much will be paid."

"Mr. Ma, fortunately you were wise enough to choose to cooperate with Xianhua Feed Factory. Otherwise, our Mid-Autumn Festival grain industry would definitely be dragged down."

"Ha ha!"

Amidst the sound of flattery, Ma Siqun waved his hand casually, glanced at Yang Shangfa, and said proudly: "Then we have to cooperate with a powerful factory. Compared with Xianhua Feed, Zhao Xiaobai Distillery is almost meaningless. Just Let's just sit and watch the show."


Sit and watch a play?

Yang Shangfa sat with his eyes on his nose, his nose, his nose, his nose, his nose, his nose, his nose, and his heart. He didn't show any emotion on his face, but what he was thinking in his heart was that you all believed that Zhao Shanhe would definitely lose, but what if a miracle happened?

What if Zhao Shanhe wins?That's when you should cry.


This incident also spread throughout the entire Handong City in the first place.

Zhenghe County and Nanjue County are particularly strong.

They had always paid close attention to Zhao Shanhe's factory, but now they heard that Zhao Xiaobai's winery was in such a predicament, especially since many of them saw with their own eyes that the purchasing staff of the winery did indeed go to the farmers' homes to buy. Having passed sorghum, I firmly believe in this matter.

"Who do you think is targeting Zhao Xiaobai's winery this time?"

"Does this still need to be said? It has been spread outside, saying that a person named Xingchi Group in Zhongzhou City is behind the scenes."

"I want to know now, can Zhao Xiaobai Winery survive this time?"

"Carry it? What are you going to use to carry it? Zhao Xiaobai Distillery will definitely not be able to hold on this time, it's only a matter of time!"

"If he says he can't handle it, will it affect the normal operation of the other factories?"

"That's for sure."


No one believed that Zhao Xiaobai Winery could withstand this kind of shock.

After all, no matter how strong you are, you can't make wine without sorghum. As long as your throat is choked, all you can do is to be beaten passively until the winery goes bankrupt.

It didn't take long for the news to reach Zhaojiazhai.

The third child, Zhao Yongjun, sat on the bench anxiously, and said nervously: "Brother and sister-in-law, why don't you call Shanhe and ask, I think this is true, if it is true, we will find a way to help I’m going to buy sorghum. I dare not say anything else, like sorghum, we can buy a lot of sorghum in a few villages.”

"That's right, just ask!"

Lin Chunyan was also a little anxious.

Zhao Yonghao, who was urged like this, pinched out the cigarette between his fingers, and said calmly: "You don't need to ask Shanhe about this, I have already asked Qiu Ya, she said it was true, and that someone wanted to harm Shanhe, so Said to buy out all the sorghum in our province."

"Then what shall we do?" Lin Chunyan stood up with a clatter, and the bench behind her fell back to the ground with a bang.

"I think what the third brother said is right. We usually can't help Shanhe, but if we talk about collecting sorghum, we can still help. In this way, the third brother, you will give everyone in the village a lot of help." Tell me, let them all help to buy sorghum, don’t be afraid of higher prices, we want as much as we have.”

Zhao Yonghao had already thought about this in his heart.

"Okay." Zhao Yongjun stood up and prepared to act after speaking.

"What about me?" Lin Chunyan pointed at herself.

"You stay at home to harvest the sorghum, and the third child and I go out of the village to collect it. I still don't believe it, they can really buy out all the sorghum." Zhao Yonghao stood up slowly with his hands on his thighs Let's talk.

"Okay, I'll tell Chuntang and the others to help harvest the sorghum." Lin Chunyan said quickly.

"it is good!"

The thing moved quickly.

People in Zhaojiazhai usually receive a lot of favors from Zhao Shanhe, and these people have many relatives and friends who work in Zhao Shanhe's factory, so after knowing this, they all scramble to be the first, and treat it as their own business. go ahead and do it.

For a while, sorghum became a tight commodity.

This incident quickly reached Zhao Shanhe's ears.

"Shanhe, do you want to tell your parents to stop accepting them?" Li Qiuya asked anxiously.

"Need not!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled, waved his hands and said: "Parents are also kind, since they are willing to do this, let them do it. Anyway, we have as much sorghum as possible, and we can collect it if we can. Besides, it's just right for them to do this. can help us."

Li Qiuya asked in surprise, "Didn't we already buy sorghum?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled pointedly: "What do you think He Xingbang would think if he knew about this?"

"I will definitely feel that our winery can't hold on anymore, otherwise, why would even my parents have been alarmed." Li Qiuya smiled suddenly.


Zhao Shanhe shrugged helplessly.

"I'm poor, who made me have no sorghum? I have no choice but to ask my parents to help me buy it from street to street. This way He Xingbang and the others will definitely be more excited. Once they are excited, they will continue to place orders. .”

"You said that I just got an order of 60 boxes from them. How can this be their scale? With their scale, how can I get 100 million boxes?"

100 million boxes of Zhao Xiaobai?

Li Qiuya stuck out her tongue, you really dare to think.

It is estimated that they are going crazy, all cash flow should be tied to you, if you say something, it will definitely be stretched.Now you want people to make 100 million boxes, so they can't jump off the building?

"Then I'll add a fire too."

Li Qiuya pursed her lips and smiled, then picked up the phone on the table.

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