Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 824 This matter is almost over

Zhao Shanhe handed back the design drawings directly, and sighed softly: "I'll do it, I'll do it!"

As he said that, Zhao Shanhe was about to come over with a pen and paper.

And when they saw that Zhao Shanhe wanted to design the appearance of the weeding machine himself, everyone in the laboratory came over enthusiastically.

Some of them are veterans, like Zhang Du and Wei Ming.They have been with Zhao Shanhe for so long, and they know him quite well. They all know that Zhao Shanhe must be extraordinary if he does it himself, and the design drawings he gives must be impeccable.

But there are also those who entered later.

Although these people know that Zhao Shanhe is powerful, they don't think that a factory manager like Zhao Shanhe can understand design.

Among them was a girl named Jiang Yuyan who was in charge of the design.

"What do you mean? Does our factory manager think the style of the weeding machine I designed is not good-looking?"


"Let me tell you that what our factory manager designed is definitely very fashionable and will be at the forefront of the times."

"I do not believe!"

Jiang Yuyan pursed her lips, glanced dissatisfied, stretched her neck to look into the center of the crowd, and at the same time muttered in a low voice: "I'd like to see what he can design, I dare say my design is not good! Humph!"

"Yuyan, you still trust our factory manager!" Wei Ming persuaded in a low voice.

"Brother Wei, is our factory manager as awesome as you say?" Jiang Yuyan asked with her nose twitching.

Wei Ming smiled lightly: "Don't worry, you will know soon."

In about ten minutes, Zhao Shanhe drew up a design and handed it to Gao Shaoyuan.

"Just follow this pattern to design!"

"it is good!"

Gao Shaoyuan just took a look at it, and agreed without hesitation.

"Senior engineer, can I have a look?"

Jiang Yuyan squeezed forward.

"Factory Manager, let me introduce you, this is an experimenter recently recruited in our laboratory, her name is..."

"Jiang Yuyan!"

Zhao Shanhe called out her name in one gulp.

Jiang Yuyan was a little surprised by this, she looked over in disbelief.

"you know me?"

"What's so strange, I not only know you, but also know many things about you." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"But I've only been here for a few days." Many thoughts flashed through Jiang Yuyan's mind, and she looked at Zhao Shanhe with a hint of vigilance.

"Yu Yan."

Noticing that Jiang Yuyan's little girl had lost her temper, Gao Shaoyuan directly interrupted her and said, "You didn't know when you came in, and you will know later."

"Our factory manager Zhao not only knows your name, but he can also call out other people's names. Not to mention our small laboratory, even if it is manufactured in the whole Hetu, there is no one he can't name .”


Jiang Yuyan was really shocked now.

"I know you designed the pattern of the weeder, how about mine?"

Zhao Shanhe pointed to the design drawing he had drawn.

"Let me see!"

Jiang Yuyan took it as she spoke, and looked down, her eyes glowed at the first sight, she raised her head in surprise and glanced at Zhao Shanhe, then quickly lowered her head to study, the more she studied, the more surprised she became.

"Is it a combination of plastic and alloy used here?"


Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "I think it is fresher to use green, and here, here, and here are all made of engineering plastics and alloy materials, which can ensure the quality to the greatest extent and at the same time allow users to for sensual pleasures."

"Speaking of which!"

Zhao Shanhe turned his head to look at Gao Shaoyuan.

"Senior engineer, I have a few requirements for our weeding machine. When you design and develop, you must take the following points into consideration."

"Tell me." Gao Shaoyuan immediately picked up a pen and a small notebook to memorize.

"First, the control and adjustment buttons should be designed to be simple and clear, so that even those who use the lawn mower for the first time can know how to use it at the first sight."


"Secondly, the handle of our weeding machine should be able to fold forward when it is designed, so that customers can fold it well when not in use."



Zhao Shanhe successively stated four requirements. After hearing these requirements, even the newcomer Jiang Yuyan, who had a high self-esteem, had to admire her.Only now did she know why a capable person like Gao Shaoyuan was convinced by Zhao Shanhe.

Who made Zhao Shanhe's point of view so sharp.

"Now you know how powerful our factory manager is? His greatest strength lies not in research and development, but in his guidance. As long as we have his guidance, we can just follow this direction." Wei Ming said in a low voice.


Countless little stars appeared in Jiang Yuyan's eyes.

"That's it for now."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking with a smile, he said slowly: "Everyone, I believe you are all aware of the difficulties and troubles our factory has encountered recently. I don't want you to stand up and wave the flag to cheer. What you have to do is to try your best to Quickly develop the lawn mower for me. As long as this can be done, you will be the heroes."

"We will!"

"That's it!"

After Zhao Shanhe and Gao Shaoyuan walked out of the laboratory, a group of experimenters began to invest in research and development excitedly.

"Don't worry, I will be able to develop and produce our weeder in a week at most. Then you can do whatever you want!" Gao Shaoyuan said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe patted Gao Shaoyuan on the shoulder, turned and left.

Needless to say, a look and a promise are enough.


into the night.

After dinner, Li Qiuya came out with a plate of fruit, put it in front of Zhao Shanhe, sat down and said: "I heard a gust of wind outside, it's about our winery."

"What's the wind?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"They said that our winery is completely dead, that it is about to collapse, and that we will see the outcome the day after tomorrow at the latest. You don't know, what they said has a nose and an eye, which makes me feel true Yes." Li Qiuya said while leaning forward slightly.

"I know about it."

Zhao Shanhe slowly picked up an apple and put it in his mouth.

"This should be the rumor from He Xingbang and the others. From their point of view, we can't hold on for long, and we will soon go bankrupt. But they never dreamed that our relatives and friends went around collecting sorghum. It’s just a smoke bomb, our sorghum is endless.”

"It's easy for them to talk. I'm worried that nothing will happen in the winery." Li Qiuya looked worried.

"Don't worry, with Chen Duo here, nothing will happen."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"And, well, it's almost over."

"You mean He Xingbang and the others will soon find out that we don't have a shortage of sorghum?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"They're not stupid, how could they say they can't see it. Maybe they can be fooled once or twice, but if it happens again and again, it's not an accident, but a fact. But even if they understand, it's too late, they We've been held back."

"It's their fault!" Li Qiuya snorted, stuck out her tongue, and made a grimace.

"Qiu Ya."

Looking at the aggrieved Li Qiuya, Zhao Shanhe slowly put down the fruit plate in his hand, and walked forward with a smile.

"We need to get down to business."

"Look at you like that."

Li Qiuya smiled shyly, got up and walked towards the bedroom.

Zhao Shanhe trotted behind.


Zhao Xiaobai Winery.

This winery, formerly known as the Gushun Winery, is now on the cusp.Public opinion outside is talking about things around it, making it seem like it will go bankrupt anytime, anywhere.

Rendered by such an atmosphere, the emotions of the workers in the winery are also very complicated.

There is faith that the winery is all right.

There are also those who feel that the words spoken outside are true, so they feel anxious all day long.In their eyes, the winery seems to be closing tomorrow, and they will soon lose their jobs.

Lin Daoqiang is one of them.

Lin Daoqiang is not just a brewery worker, he is a petty official who is responsible for the propaganda work in the factory.It is precisely because of this reason that what he said still has a certain degree of credibility.

Just like now.

He was talking to a group of workers, who were standing under the locust tree in the west corner of the factory, chatting in one go.

"Brother Qiang, is what you said true?"

"That's right, why do I feel that our winery doesn't seem to be as good as you said?"

"These days, our winery has so many orders, I think you are thinking too much."


Lin Daoqiang, who was questioned like this, waved his big hand, pointed at the few people who were talking, and said with disdain: "What do you know? Let me tell you, this is called backlight, this is called the last madness before death. Our winery Others don’t know the amount of sorghum reserves, can I not? I saw with my own eyes that the warehouses were all empty.”

"That is to say, none of the orders from our factory can be completed."

Lin Daoqiang paused, glanced at everyone's face, cleared his throat and continued: "Do you know how much liquidated damages are paid? Tell you, it scares people to death. Our liquidated damages are the order amount That is to say, if there are 5000 boxes, you have to pay them [-] million liquidated damages!"

"Don't tell me that you think our factory can produce 5000 million yuan!"

Speaking of this, Lin Daoqiang shook his head, sighed and said, "So what if we can get 5000 million? Do you know how many orders we have? I will tell you secretly that there have been more than 20 boxes of orders in the past two days. "

"More than 20 boxes are more than 1 million!"

"What? More than 1 million?"

"My God, then our winery will definitely not be able to get it out."

"This is only what we know so far. If we count the things we didn't know before, how much money we have to pay!"

Hearing these words, Lin Daoqiang rolled his eyes quickly for a while, and then pressed his hands at the noisy crowd: "So, let's think about our own future."

"Brother Qiang, what do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is, since we are all winemakers, there are still other wineries who will want us if we leave here. If you say you are willing, I can help you get in touch with Du Jiachun Winery now, and you leave here , you can join Du Jiachun when you turn around. Besides, as long as you join Du Jiachun, you are guaranteed to earn more than you do now."

Facing the dozen or so people in front of him, Lin Daoqiang finally took off his mask to reveal his true face.

Betrayed Zhao Xiaobai.

Join Du Jiachun.

The workers who were still filled with righteous indignation just now fell silent the moment they heard this, and they looked at Lin Daoqiang as if they were looking at an idiot.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Don't look at me like that, tell me, what do you all think?"

At this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd: "I don't know what they think, but what I think, do you want to hear it?"

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