Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 821 Bring me a sentence by the way

As far as the information in Zhao Shanhe's hands is concerned, there is one item that he has been very concerned about from the beginning to the end.That is, He Xingbang's Xingchi Group has a cash cow, and this cash cow is called Tian Nuo Machinery.

It is said to be a machinery factory, but it is actually a small factory, and this factory is small, but it produces a kind of weeding machine specially exported to foreign countries.

This weeding machine has always been very popular, and it is it that has made Tiannuo Machinery a cash cow.It is no exaggeration to say that Tiannuo Machinery sometimes makes more money than the headquarters of Xingchi Group.

When Zhao Shanhe heard the news, he was actually thinking about it, but now that Bao Tianhua said it, he immediately strengthened his determination.

Take the lawnmower to break the game.

Besides, even if there is no such thing, Zhao Shanhe is still preparing to develop new products.In his list of options, there is the lawnmower, and now it is nothing more than an advance.

"President Bao, if I develop a weed mower, can you help me sell it?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Of course no problem, this bag is on me!"

Bao Tianhua patted his chest and said heartily.

"I will also go to the Shenzhen Canton Fair this time. Then I will introduce you to a few people. They are all in the business of weed mowers. With them here, there is no problem."

"Okay, then please Mr. Bao."

Even if this matter is settled.

After the two chatted for a while, Bao Tianhua suddenly asked: "When I came here, I heard that your Zhao Xiaobai winery seemed to be in some trouble recently. Is this the case?"

"Mr. Bao, your news is quite well-informed. Yes, my winery has encountered some troubles, but it's not a big deal. I can solve it." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"I believe you can solve it. I mean, if you don't mind, I can help you." Bao Tianhua laughed.

"you help me?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

"That's right, I dare not say anything else, I can still buy you some sorghum." Bao Tianhua smiled gently.

Zhao Shanhe's eyes suddenly brightened.


How could I have forgotten this matter, whether Du Heng or He Xingbang, what they blocked could only be the sorghum market in the Eastern Province.The one outside the province?Although he said that he had asked Chen Duo to go outside the province to collect, but that speed was obviously not enough.But the question is, there is a faster and better way before my eyes, why not use it?

This way is the partner!

After all, as of now, Zhao Shanhe has many partners outside the province, and he can entrust them to help collect and purchase sorghum.As for settlement, you can use products to offset or buy directly.

After thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe laughed happily.

"President Bao, I will leave this matter to you. You must collect sorghum for me as soon as possible. The more the better, the more the better."

"it is good!"

That's it.

On that day, Zhao Shanhe held a grand banquet to welcome Bao Tianhua's arrival. Of course, Du Jingming must be invited to this kind of banquet.After all, no matter what, this is the parent official of Zhenghe County, so he should come forward.

The two sides talked happily.

Bao Tianhua even promised Du Jingming that after returning to Hong Kong Island, he would lead an investment group to Zhenghe County for inspection.

Du Jingming was overjoyed.

A lively dinner party was going on.

During this period, Du Jingming and Zhao Shanhe came to a corner. They held wine glasses in their hands, and after touching each other slightly, Du Jingming asked in a low voice: "I heard about the Zhao Xiaobai winery, how is it? There is no difficulty? Do you need the county to help you solve it?"

"Leader Du, do you know about this?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Of course!"

Du Jingming glanced at it speechlessly, with a slightly displeased expression on his face: "Shouldn't I know this has happened like this?"

He leaned closer and said in a low voice: "Not only do I know that your winery is in trouble, but I also know that the trouble is brought about by He Xingbang of Xingchi Group. He, Du Heng of Du Jiachun, and Chen Jinjun of Yongxing Department Store are teaming up to deal with you." , just tell me, can you settle this matter?"

"If I can, I don't care."

"If it's not possible, I will never sit idly by! There is no reason to say that the three of them unite, but our county's excellent companies are tormented. If this is tossed by them, isn't our county the one that suffers the most?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help feeling moved.

He knew that Du Jingming did this sincerely, and he was willing to accept this favor, but that's all for now, there is no need to alert Du Jingming to come forward.

"Leader Du, I appreciate your kindness. I can solve this matter. Don't worry."

"Really?" Du Jingming confirmed by staring into Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

Zhao Shanhe nodded vigorously: "Really!"

"That's good. Remember that you are an excellent entrepreneur in our Zhenghe County. If you say you are being bullied, you will fight back fiercely and let them know that the entrepreneurs in our Zhenghe County are not easy to bully."

Du Jingming's fighting spirit was awe-inspiring.


A dinner party ended magnificently.

the next day.

Bao Tianhua left Zhenghe County with his team. He wanted to go back quickly to help Zhao Shanhe collect sorghum. This matter was very important to Zhao Shanhe, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment.

Almost at the same time that Bao Tianhua left, Zhao Shanhe sat in the office and made a phone call.

Every phone call is a personal relationship.

This favor, of course, can't be used endlessly, but you have to use it when you should. If you don't always use it, what do you rely on to maintain your connections?

The first person to call was Chen Jingwei from Zhili Automobile.

When he heard that Zhao Shanhe wanted to buy a batch of high-quality sorghum, Chen Jingwei agreed without saying a word, and promised to deliver a batch within a week at the latest.

"It's not a big deal, just wait for the delivery."

After that, there are several partners of Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea.

They all agreed, and they all promised to deliver the first batch of sorghum within a week.

After the last phone call, Chen Duo, the director of Zhao Xiaobai Winery, sat in front of Zhao Shanhe.

Chen Duo watched Zhao Shanhe make this kind of call with his own eyes, and when he heard the contents of the call, he was slightly stunned, with a strong admiration flashing in his eyes.

It really deserves to be Zhao Shanhe.

This is almost an unsolvable matter for him, but it was solved by Zhao Shanhe with only a few phone calls.Thinking that within a week, a large amount of sorghum would be delivered, Chen Duo's heart fell silently.

"Now our biggest problem is finally solved. I think He Xingbang and the others will be mad when they know that we have so much sorghum. They may not know how much benefit they promised this time, so that those grain companies and They cooperated." Chen Duo couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

"Hey, I really want to see Ma Siqun's face right now."

"Ma Siqun should regret it until his guts turn green." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.


Chen Duo said with cold eyes: "It deserves it, who told him to do this. He doesn't even think about it, who would want so much sorghum except our Zhao Xiaobai Winery."

"Would you want it if you were really Du Jiachun? Would you brew any sorghum wine if you were really Du Jiachun? Shit, that's all Du Heng's gimmick."

"It's nothing more than trying to reassure those grain companies by relying on such tricks, and trying to undermine the confidence of our winery. When it comes to sorghum wine, who can compete with Zhao Xiaobai?"

"If you really want to see Ma Siqun's jokes, go watch them, and give him a word for me by the way." Zhao Shanhe crossed his legs and said lightly.

Chen Duo was slightly taken aback: "What are you talking about?"

Zhao Shanhe picked up a cigarette and lit it, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke: "If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die."

"Ha ha!"

After laughing, Chen Duo slapped his forehead.

"I almost forgot the serious business, factory manager, I came here this time to say something to you. I don't know what happened. The orders of our winery suddenly increased. Some are new customers, and some are old customers. Those who chased the order, back and forth, had a total of 50 more boxes of orders."

"It's a good thing you got the sorghum. Otherwise, with this batch of orders alone, our current sorghum would not be enough."

"Although it is a good thing to say that the surge in orders is a good thing, I am a little worried. I feel that there must be something strange in it! After all, there is no reason for the surge in orders for no reason. Could this be He Xingbang and the others again? conspiracy?"

"you're right."

Zhao Shanhe stood up and paced back and forth in the office.

When he finished smoking one cigarette, he put the cigarette butt in the ashtray and said with a serious face: "This matter should be a conspiracy and trick they concocted, in order to consume our sorghum through a large number of orders."

"And they should also know our policy, that is, we will never reject any order. And if the order is not delivered on time, we will pay liquidated damages."

"What a ruthless trick. It's not easy to think of such a trick. If I'm not mistaken, it should be Chen Jinjun, and only a person like him can be so insidious and cunning."

"Yeah, it's a conspiracy, but in fact it's an overt conspiracy. They just took aim at our weakness and wanted to crush us to death. If we say that there is no sorghum, this matter will really give us a fatal blow of."

Chen Duo said with a proud smile: "But now this has become a good thing for us."

"A good thing is a good thing, but don't say it out, and continue to show weakness. Maybe they will continue to place orders. In this case, they are helping us complete the sales plan. We should thank them then." Zhao Shanhe haha smile.

"Understood, I'll arrange it now."

Chen Duo immediately understood.


After Chen Duo left, the smile on Zhao Shanhe's face became brighter and brighter.

"He Xingbang, Du Heng, Chen Jinjun, although we say we can't fight face to face, but since this war has already begun, you don't want to be cowardly, and you must go with me. Even if I waste you, I will kill you All of his cash was gone."


time flies.

Within a week, the sorghum convoys appeared in Zhenghe County one after another on time, but under Zhao Shanhe's instructions, none of these cars drove into Zhaoxiaobai Winery, or they were hidden in the blue bird glass in Nanjue County. The factory, or the Long March Manufacturing that was hidden in Linxian County, was well concealed and no one found out.

What the outside world can see is the purchasing personnel of Zhao Xiaobai Winery, who are constantly going door to door in the countryside to buy sorghum from farmers' homes.

And such numbers are few and far between.

He Xingbang, who was closely monitoring Zhao Xiaobai's winery, looked up to the sky and laughed when he found out about this, and immediately called Chen Jinjun and Du Heng over.

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