Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 820 Found a Breakthrough

"This way is to place an order!"

Chen Jinjun finished speaking slowly, glanced at Du He and Du He meaningfully, and smiled mysteriously.

"place an order?"

Du Heng and He Xingbang looked at each other, and suddenly realized.

"That's right, since we have lost control over the raw material sorghum, we can make a fuss about the wine. Didn't he, Zhao Shanhe, preach that as long as there is an order, he will not refuse it? Then let's place an order for him directly and let his The winery is bursting."

"In this way, the consumption of sorghum can be accelerated." He Xingbang slapped his thigh suddenly, his eyes were shining brightly.


Du Heng smiled seasonedly.

"Not only that, the Zhao Xiaobai we bought can also be sold. At that time, we can sell them at a high price. First, we can earn back the cost of our order, and second, it can affect Zhao Xiaobai's market pricing and damage their image. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.”

"That's right, let's do it."

He Xingbang rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's not suitable for us to show up in person. I think it can be divided into two steps. The first step is to find our own factory to place an order and tell them that we must deliver the goods within one month. The second is to find those The people who cooperated with Zhao Xiaobai Winery before threatened and lured them to make additional orders."

"Since none of you have any objections, then this matter is settled, and I will make a statement first."

Chen Jinjun smiled proudly.

"Wing Xing Department Store will be responsible for orders of at least [-] cases! Starting from [-] is enough to disrupt the situation of Zhao Xiaobai Winery."

"Then I, Xingchi Group, will also pay [-] yuan." He Xingbang patted his chest and said.

"We, Du Jiachun, come to 20 yuan!"

Du Heng smiled slightly, and said calmly: "20 boxes of Zhao Xiaobai, we, Du Jiachun, can digest it. With the order of 40 boxes, it is enough for Zhao Shanhe to drink a pot."

"Then let's move!"


Zhao Shanhe didn't know how He Xingbang, a small alliance, was going to deal with him, but he was not afraid, it was nothing more than soldiers coming to cover them up.

He is currently chatting with Chen Xiao in the office.

What the two of them were talking about was a play.

Zhao Shanhe thought of this play, and it became very popular after it was broadcast in later generations.According to the normal timeline, the filming of this movie will take a few years, but now that he is here, it is natural to film it in advance to make Chen Xiao famous.

"Do you know a cartoonist named Zhu Deyong?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Zhu Deyong? I don't know." Chen Xiao shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know each other. Let me tell you a story. This story is about four girls living in an apartment building. Marry, a man can't figure out what it is..."

Following Zhao Shanhe's narration, Chen Xiao's expression became more and more interested.

"So you mean I'm going to make this TV series?" Chen Xiao stared at Zhao Shanhe with glowing eyes and asked expectantly.


Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"This time, we will not cooperate with their other film and television companies for this TV series. We will shoot it ourselves. Zhang Jing is the director. You will play the heartthrob in it. This is a role I specially reserved for you. I also believe that As long as you succeed in the challenge, it will be very beneficial to your future acting, how about it? Are you interested?"


Chen Ling nodded decisively, then quickly frowned.


"Just what?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's just that you don't have a script here, and you haven't even met the cartoonist. Are you so confident that you can make this TV series? And even if we can shoot it, do you dare to say that it will be popular?"

"You have to know that TV dramas like this style don't seem to be mainstream in our domestic film and television industry." Chen Xiao asked worriedly.

"What are you afraid of! As long as you dare to shoot, I can guarantee that it will be popular. When did you see that I did a loss-making business? As for whether you can get the copyright of film and television shooting, don't worry about it, I will Someone should go and talk to Zhu Deyong about it." Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

He just has that confidence.

Because the current Zhu Deyong is not doing very well. As a cartoonist, he can't even solve the basic food and clothing.He also turned around slowly after he painted "Sweet Girl". At this time, if he said that he was willing to pay a lot of money to buy his film and television copyright, what reason would he have to refuse?Surely you will readily agree.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I also think this role is very interesting." Chen Xiao couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart, and said happily.

"You, just wait until the filming of this movie becomes popular all over the country."

"Well, then I'll wait."

After the two chatted casually for a few more words, Cai Shishi knocked on the door and came in, and Chen Xiao also left.

"Factory Manager, I just confirmed that Mr. Bao's motorcade will come over in half an hour," Cai Shishi said.

Zhao Shanhe raised his wrist and glanced at the time: "Half an hour? Okay, then let's go to the factory gate to meet him."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Just as Cai Shishi turned to leave, Zhao Shanhe called to stop her.

"By the way, call Li Qiucheng over from the lab."

"it is good!"

A few minutes later, Li Qiucheng came to the office, and without saying a word, Zhao Shanhe went straight to the point.

"I want you to go out soon, find me a cartoonist named Zhu Deyong, and try to win the film and television adaptation rights of his comic called "Squeamish Girl"..."

After saying everything that should be said, Zhao Shanhe said: "The price I give you is not the final price. If Zhu Deyong wants to ask for more, you can give more appropriately. Remember, your purpose is to give me Get the film and television adaptation rights. As long as you can complete this task, you can handle the rest yourself."

"Okay, brother-in-law, I promise to complete the task." Li Qiucheng straightened his body and said respectfully.

"You have been studying and developing with Gao Gong during this period of time. I heard from Gao Gong that he attaches great importance to you and appreciates you. He thinks you are a good seedling."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he stepped forward and patted Li Qiucheng on the shoulder: "However, you have to remember that research and development is research and development, and you can't just focus on research and development. You are my brother-in-law of Zhao Shanhe, and you will eventually want to Stand up and take charge of your own. So if you say something like this, I will give you more in the future, just take it as training."

Zhao Shanhe didn't beat around the bush, but spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Li Qiucheng was moved in his heart.

"Brother-in-law, I know, I will do a good job."

"Then go!" Zhao Shanhe nodded in satisfaction, patted Li Qiucheng's arm hard, and said with a smile.


Li Qiucheng stood up and walked outside.

"I'm packing my things now and I'm going to go there today."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe was relieved to leave this matter to Li Qiucheng, and after the arrangement was made, and the time was about the same, Zhao Shanhe took Li Xiangyang and Li Qiuya to the gate of Shanqiu Food.

When Bao Tianhua got out of the car and saw the reception lineup in front of him, he was very moved. He hurried forward, held Zhao Shanhe's hand, and said excitedly: "Director Zhao, what are you doing? This is too grand!"

"What's so grand about it? Besides, no matter how grand it is, you, Mr. Bao, can afford it!" Zhao Shanhe patted the back of Bao Tianhua's hand, and laughed, "Let's go, let's talk about it after entering the factory."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe welcomed Bao Tianhua's arrival from the bottom of his heart.

Because he knew that at the Canton Fair in Shencheng, if Bao Tianhua hadn't signed the order for Yile chewing gum with him, his Shanqiu Food would have no chance to grow, at least not so fast. .

It is no exaggeration to say that it was Bao Tianhua's order that accelerated Zhao Shanhe's rise.

After that, the cooperation between himself and Bao Tianhua has always been smooth.

Yile chewing gum!Fragrant Piaopiao Milk Tea!Non-ferrous solder!Swallow the pump!Blue Bird tempered glass!

But for all the products produced by Zhao Shanhe, as long as Bao Tianhua can sell them, he will not hesitate to place an order directly.The two have always had a close relationship.

in the conference room.

After taking their seats, Bao Tianhua smiled and said, "Director Zhao, I have two things to discuss with you this time."

"You said."

"The first is that the latest ad for your Xiang Piao Piao Milk Tea is so good that you sell [-] million cups a year, and go around the world. Because of this ad, the whole Hong Kong Island is boiling. They all said, I only drink milk tea from your house, so the first thing I do this time is to place an order for you, and I will continue to add more orders."

Bao Tianhua smiled gently.

"no problem."

Zhao Shanhe smiled heartily.

"What do I think it is? If you talk about it, it's easy to say. Even if you don't give it to others, I have to give you an urgent order."

Bao Tianhua happily raised his head and laughed, waved his hands and said: "There is no need to rush, just deliver the goods to me step by step."

"What about the second thing?"

"The second thing..."

Bao Tianhua pondered for a while, scanned the surrounding area and said: "Director Zhao, can I talk to you alone?"

"no problem!"

After Zhao Shanhe was slightly stunned, he raised his hand, and everyone around him immediately left with interest. Although they said they didn't know what Bao Tianhua was going to say, it seemed that it was very important, otherwise they wouldn't clear the scene.

Soon there were only two people left in the conference room.

"President Bao, can we talk now?"


Bao Tianhua looked at Zhao Shanhe, leaned over and said slowly in a low voice: "Director Zhao, I know that your Hetu Manufacturing R&D capability is very strong, I wonder if you are interested in weeding machines?"


Zhao Shanhe was slightly stunned, then narrowed his eyes and looked over thoughtfully.

"Mr. Bao, continue talking."

"Actually, it's like this. As you know, isn't the summer Canton Fair in Shencheng going to open again in two days? My overseas partner told me that they hope to come to the Canton Fair to choose a good weeding machine. "

"Because in the United States, machines like lawn mowers are common tools that are necessary for almost every household. So I thought, if you can say yes, you might as well spend some time and effort to develop and produce a few Take the lawnmower to test the waters."

"Maybe it will be an instant hit."

Bao Tianhua talked about it unhurriedly.

And the moment this matter was said, Zhao Shanhe's eyes suddenly lit up.


I have found a breakthrough to tear up He Xingbang's three-person alliance!

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