"Aren't you defensive?" Cai Shishi blinked and looked at Zhao Shanhe.

"Yes, just not defensive."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips, and said with a sharp look in his eyes: "He Xingbang has already done something to us, we can't just say nothing and do nothing."

"If we blindly defend passively, we will be the ones who will suffer in the end. So this time we have to turn passive into active and take the initiative to attack. Because the best defense is offense, and we must let them take care of themselves."

"At the very least, it is necessary to win us a period of time. In this way, we can do the rest of the work step by step, and we won't say that we will be controlled by others."

"So what are you going to do?"

Cai Shishi's eyes are bright.

"The mastermind of this matter is He Xingbang. As long as he is hurt, this matter will be resolved soon, so I am going to start from He Xingbang. In this way, you immediately go to collect all the information of Xingchi Group, listen, no It’s just Xingchi’s, and Xingchi’s subsidiaries. Especially the most profitable ones, you must find them for me.”

Zhao Shanhe ordered calmly with his back against the window.

"Yes, I'll do it now."

"You can go to Chen Duo and Guo Kaiduan about this matter. After all, they have been in Zhongzhou City for many years, so they should know a lot."

"Okay!" Cai Shishi turned and walked out after finishing speaking.

After arranging this matter, Zhao Shanhe didn't say he was idle. Since he had decided to take the initiative to attack, he naturally had to make some arrangements.He directly called Zhang Longdong, and after hearing about this, Zhang Longdong was also furious on the spot.I had already warned He Xingbang at that time, but I didn't expect him to dare to do this.

Isn't this not giving yourself face?

"It seems that He Xingbang really can't swallow this breath."

"Perhaps I thought so at the beginning, but it doesn't necessarily seem to be the case now. It's just that even if he wants to get away now, Du Heng and Chen Jinjun will definitely not agree. So there is no possibility of escaping this matter, either it is my Zhao Xiaobai Winery was defeated, or the alliance of the three of them was disintegrated." Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.

"And what I want is not just to disintegrate their alliance."

"Oh? Then what do you want?" Zhang Longdong raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I want Du Jiachun's market!"

There was a cold light rolling in Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and he said slowly: "Since Du Heng jumped out impatiently and wanted to help He Xingbang so much, well, I just aimed at his market. This time I can be regarded as a master , no one can say anything about me."

"I support you!"

Zhang Longdong laughed out loud.

"I have long thought that old fox Du Heng didn't like it. Since you are going to do this, there is nothing to say. I will definitely support it. Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

"I already have a preliminary plan for Du Heng's affairs. Before I deal with him, I will think about perfecting this plan. Brother Dong, what I want you to do are two things."

"Which two?"

"First, I want all the internal information of Xingchi Group. The more important and detailed the better, the better it can be given to me within two days."

"no problem!"

Zhang Longdong agreed without hesitation.

"Secondly, I will deal with He Xingbang, and I will take care of Du Heng, so I will leave Chen Jinjun to you. I think your Dayang Department Store is recuperating during this period, and it is time to come out for activities. As for how to let Yongxing The department store is nervous, I think you know better than me." Zhao Shanhe said slowly, stroking the green radish in front of him.

"Understood, I'll take care of this matter, let the two of us brothers have fun with the three of them this time!" Zhang Longdong felt a surge of pride and ambition.

He knew that although he seemed to be helping Zhao Shanhe this time, he was actually helping himself.

If he could take this opportunity to severely damage Yongxing Department Store, then no one in the Eastern Province Department Store would be able to compete with him.Ocean Department Store will become a unique existence.

It's worth doing.

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe just waited for news from Zhang Longdong.While waiting, he didn't say he was idle, he flipped through the documents on the desk, and gave a reply while looking at them.


Hong Kong Island Baojia.

As a Hong Kong businessman, Bao Tianhua has lived a very good life in the past two years, which all depends on the cooperation with Zhao Shanhe.Just the agent rights of Yile chewing gum and Xiangpiaopiao milk tea made him a lot of money.

So he is very concerned about Zhao Shanhe.

Just like now.

He was having dinner, and as soon as he picked up the newspaper, the youngest daughter pointed at the TV and suddenly shouted, "Daddy, isn't this an advertisement for the milk tea our family sells?"

Milk tea ad!

Bao Tianhua quickly put down the newspaper and read it, sure enough, what was broadcast on TV was the latest advertisement of Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea.The spokesperson of the advertisement was still Chen Xiao, but the words of the advertisement surprised him instantly.

"Sell [-] million cups a year, and the cups can circle the earth when connected."

The moment this advertisement was uttered, Bao Tianhua stood up abruptly.

"Tianhua, what are you doing?" the daughter-in-law asked in surprise.

"It's okay, eat slowly, I'll do something."

After saying that, Bao Tianhua walked into the study, dialed the phone number of secretary Miao Wei and said directly: "You can make arrangements. Let's go to the mainland tomorrow, and go to Shanqiu Food!"


Not only Bao Tianhua, a Hong Kong businessman, saw this advertisement, but the whole country saw it.And the first time they saw it, everyone was conquered by this maxed-out ad.

Zhao Shanhe asked Zhang Jing to shoot this commercial. Although it was screened on a small scale after the filming, it was not publicized with much fanfare, and it was not even considered to be broadcast on various David TV.

For now.

When the sales of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea entered a stable period, it suddenly sold and became a blockbuster.

Facts have proved that the influence of this advertisement is huge. Almost all the streets and alleys are broadcasting it in turns. Everyone will talk about it subconsciously after meeting and chatting.

"Three hundred million cups are sold every year, is it true or not?"

"Shouldn't this matter be fake?"

"Wouldn't it be clear if you look at the donated funds of Xiangpiao Piao Milk Tea?"


Obviously, amidst this heated discussion, the sales of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea ushered in another blowout.

When seeing this situation, of course Zhang Longdong is the happiest, which means that the sales of Dayang Department Store can increase a lot by taking this opportunity.

And now Dayang is targeting Yongxing, which is simply a natural opportunity.He will not miss it.

While it was good news for him, it was undoubtedly extremely bad news for Chen Jinjun.

Chen Jinjun never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe's advertisement would dare to do this and publicize it unscrupulously, which suddenly put Yongxing Department Store in a passive situation.


Because when all the people who came to the shopping mall asked if they had Xiang Piao Piao milk tea, the answer given by Yong Xing was no.

Under such circumstances, some people turned around and left on the spot, and went to the Dayang Department Store opposite, and those who did not leave immediately, most of them would not choose Winstar Department Store as their first choice when they went shopping next time.If things go on like this, won't Winstar Department Store say that there will be no customer traffic.

How long can a shopping mall that no one patronizes last?

So he immediately found He Xingbang and Du Heng, and the three of them got together to discuss countermeasures.

"Have you all seen that advertisement?" Chen Jinjun picked up the coffee cup in front of him and asked, stirring it gently.

"The one that circles the earth?" He Xingbang asked disdainfully, crossing his legs.


Chen Jinjun played with the coffee cup and said calmly: "Since we are an alliance and want to unite to deal a heavy blow to Zhao Shanhe, then I will not hide this matter. I will tell the truth, because this so-called detour Advertisement around the world, my Yongxing Department Store is likely to be targeted by Ocean Department Store."

"So I hope our actions can be accelerated, so fast that Zhao Shanhe is caught off guard, so that we can spend all our energy on Zhao Xiaobai's winery and have no time for him."

"What do you mean?"

"I have no objection." He Xingbang spread his hands, then looked to the side, "Mr. Du, what do you say?"

Du Heng, who had been silent all this time, said slowly after hearing the inquiry: "This Zhao Shanhe is indeed a master who doesn't play cards according to common sense. He wants to disintegrate our alliance, the more he does this, the more we must hold our breath, and we must not lose our temper."

"I agree to speed up the attack on Zhao Shanhe."

"But the problem is Mr. He. I am a little suspicious of your efficiency. I can assure you that those grain companies have signed contracts with me. They will not say that they will sell sorghum to Zhao Shanhe. .”

"But yours?"

"You are in charge of the Mid-Autumn Festival grain industry in Handong City. You also boasted about being able to deal with Ma Siqun at the time. But now it is Ma Siqun who sold a batch of sorghum to Zhao Xiaobai Winery, giving them a breather." chance."

"Otherwise, do you think Zhao Shanhe has a chance to pull off such a trick? Even if he is given a chance, he won't take care of it!"

Speaking of this matter, He Xingbang felt very helpless.

"I told Ma Siqun about this. The reason he gave was this time and the last time. Because if he didn't do this, he would have to pay Zhao Shanhe liquidated damages. This amount is not small. According to the agreement they signed According to the contract, Ma Siqun wants to pay 100 million yuan in compensation. You say, let him take out 100 million yuan at once, is it possible?"

"What's impossible! He's still a coward! He's just timid and afraid of getting into trouble. If he told us about it earlier, the three of us would make up for him, and a family of 30 yuan would be a problem?"

Du Heng sneered sneeringly.

"It's too late to say anything now, he has already delivered the sorghum." He Xingbang shook his head and sighed, he also thought so in his heart.Even if you, Ma Siqun, said it earlier, would you think we can't get the money?

You are a coward!

"If it's not that Ma Siqun is a coward, he ruined the good situation we managed so hard to manage. Now if we want to deal with Zhao Shanhe, we can't stop it from raw materials." Du Heng thumped the table angrily, resentful said.

"Then what should we do?" He Xingbang asked.

"I do have a way."

Chen Jinjun smiled slightly.

"What method? Hurry up and study it. If it's feasible, let's do it now, and we must make Zhao Shanhe burn out." He Xingbang immediately leaned forward and asked hastily.

"This method is..."

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