Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 818 You Can't Do Losing Businesses

What Zhao Shanhe handed over was a proposal.

The name is Granary.

To put it simply, what Zhao Shanhe mentioned to Chen Duo just now is that he wants to have a grain base of his own.

This idea is not unique to this meeting, otherwise it would not be possible to have the current plan.He had considered this matter a long time ago, but at that time he did not expect that one day He Xingbang and the three of them would unite to deal with it.

All he thought was that with such a grain base, the quality of the sorghum produced would be guaranteed.

Unexpectedly, by mistake, this plan actually came in handy at this time.

"There are three places mentioned in this plan, all of which are the most suitable for sorghum planting, and each place has its own advantages and disadvantages, I hope you can help me find the most suitable place. " Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"So if we can have such a sorghum base, we won't have to look at the faces of those grain companies in the future." Li Xiangyang's eyes lit up, and he took the proposal excitedly.


Zhao Shanhe said without squinting: "I didn't think too much about it when I made the plan. Now it seems that the decision at that time was quite wise. As long as we finalize the place as soon as possible, this year will just be in time to sow seeds. So wait until this season If sorghum is harvested, it will be able to solve the plight of lack of wine-making materials."

"Let me see."

Li Xiangyang lowered his head and began to look carefully.

Zhao Shanhe didn't bother him either.

It took about ten minutes, Li Xiangyang raised his head and said loudly: "Although these three places are quite suitable for planting, if I had to choose, I would choose Xueyang Village in Zhongchen County."

"Reason." Zhao Shanhe looked over with bright eyes.

"The reason is that Xueyang Village is the closest to us, and Zhongchen County is not in our Eastern Province, so it can prevent some people from our province from extending their tentacles there. Also, I think the name of Zhongchen County is an omen Alright, loyal minister, how nice it sounds!" Li Xiangyang said with a slight smile and raised eyebrows.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe raised his finger to Li Xiangyang, and said with a smile: "I said that you will definitely choose this place, and it is as expected. Okay, that's it! Who do you think is better to entrust this matter to? "

"Han Chunming!"

Li Xiangyang blurted out without thinking.

"Han Chunming is now in charge of Jilu Logistics. It is not easy for him to attract attention when he goes there. And he is more thorough in his work. I believe there will be no accidents."

"That's him. Come and talk to him about this matter. Listen, this matter must be kept strictly confidential, and absolutely no news of it will be leaked to the outside world. I want those people who want to see the jokes of our Zhao Xiaobai Winery, When the time comes, you won’t even have to cry!”

Zhao Shanhe's calm discourse reveals a kind of domineering look at the world.



In the VIP room of a restaurant in Handong City.

There are two people sitting here.

On the left is He Xingbang.

The one on the right is a middle-aged man wearing a suit and black-rimmed glasses. He is Ma Siqun, the owner of Mid-Autumn Food Industry.

"Mr. Ma, thank you for this incident. It wasn't your cooperation. I really don't know what to do. Come on, I respect you for this glass of wine!" He Xingbang said with a toast and laughed.

"Mr. He, can I ask you a word? You have to tell me the truth." Ma Siqun didn't raise his glass, but looked over with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" He Xingbang asked with his hands stopped in mid-air.

"Is the sorghum you bought really for the production of feed?" Ma Siqun asked.

"Ha ha!"

After a big laugh, He Xingbang slowly put down his wine glass, and said frankly, "I knew that nothing could be hidden from President Ma. Since President Ma asked this question, I'll tell the truth."


"It's true that I didn't buy sorghum to produce fodder. I did it purely to attack Zhao Xiaobai Winery. Mr. Ma, is this the answer you want to hear?"

"It's really like this. Let me just say that you have no reason to buy my sorghum for no reason. It seems that you want to confront Chen Duo." Ma Siqun laughed.

"Then Mr. Ma, since you guessed that I did this for another reason, why did you still cooperate with me? You are not afraid of tearing up with Zhao Shanhe, isn't it good for your Mid-Autumn Festival grain business?" He Xingbang asked playfully road.

"What does it mean that Zhao Shanhe and I are torn apart? There is no such thing. I just don't continue to cooperate with Zhao Xiaobai Winery. At best, I just don't cooperate with Chen Duo."

Ma Siqun quickly denied it and waved his hands casually.

"Besides, the price you gave is high, much higher than that of Zhao Xiaobai Winery. I have no reason not to cooperate with you!"

He Xingbang slapped his thigh happily: "Well said! The price we gave is high, of course you want to cooperate with us. President Ma, don't worry, this time we are only targeting Zhao Shanhe, his Zhao Xiaobai Winery has no After leaving sorghum, let me see what else he will use to make wine and place orders with orderers.”

"But don't worry, this matter will not affect your grain company. Not only will it not affect you, but you will only earn more in the future than you do now."

He raised his glass again.

"Let's celebrate!"

"it is good!"

This glass of wine just fell down.

The two chatted happily.

It's just that Ma Siqun never dreamed that the next day when he came to work in the Mid-Autumn Festival Grain Industry, the deputy general manager Yang Shangfa hurriedly knocked on the door and came in, handing over a letter of notification.

"What is this?" Ma Siqun asked while looking at Yang Shangfa while receiving the notification letter.

"It's the official document that Zhao Xiaobai Winery sent us. They said that we must unconditionally ship the sorghum mentioned in the contract within today. If we can't do it, we will pay them liquidated damages!" Yang Shangfa said anxiously.

"Compensation for liquidated damages?"

Ma Siqun snorted and smiled, opened the notification letter and read it for a while, then threw it aside, and said nonchalantly: "It's extremely ridiculous, I've never heard of it, and we have to pay liquidated damages. Don't worry about it!"

"I'm afraid not."

Yang Shangfa shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Ma, Chen Duo made it very clear that if we don't follow the contract, they will really sue us. If that's the case, the reputation of our Mid-Autumn Festival Grain Industry will plummet And if we lose our credibility, it will be difficult for us to pick it up again.”

"Isn't this nonsense?"

After a while of anger, Ma Siqun asked impatiently: "If it is according to the contract, how much liquidated damages do we need to pay?"

"100 million!" Yang Shangfa said solemnly.

"What? One million? Did you make a mistake? How could there be so much?" Ma Siqun's eyes widened in disbelief, almost popping out.

"It is indeed so much. Of course, in fact we don't need so much, but it was agreed in the contract at that time that if anyone could not do it, he would be compensated at three times the standard. If the sorghum is shipped over, the compensation amount will be 100 million!" Yang Shangfa said calmly.

"100 million!"

Hearing this number, Ma Siqun felt restless.

He made a deal with He Xingbang and signed a contract, but he didn't want to just pay 100 million in compensation for nothing.One must know that with such a large amount of money, even if the price he sells to He Xingbang is high enough, he can only earn hundreds of thousands if he dies, which is far from reaching this figure.

So you still have to lose money?

Money-losing business cannot be done.

"Old Yang, I know that you have a good relationship with Zhao Xiaobai. See if you can negotiate a compromise. Compensation of 100 million is absolutely impossible!" Ma Siqun walked back and forth in the office for two After the circle, he stopped and said.

"Mr. Ma, I have a good relationship with Chen Duo, but I am a member of our Mid-Autumn Festival Grain Industry. I can clearly understand the importance of this relationship. Besides, my dealings with Chen Duo at that time were also for the sake of our company. It's not a business, so you can't push me out to sell me at a time like this." Yang Shangfa said hastily.

"What to sell, you think too much!"

Ma Siqun stared speechlessly.

"I just don't want to lose the money."

"Then we can only send those sorghum over there."

Yang Shangfa shrugged helplessly, and said frankly: "In fact, although we said that we have cooperated with Xianhua Feed, there is no need to offend Zhao Xiaobai Winery, right? Even if we want to offend, we have to wait until the contract is fulfilled, right?"

"After all, it involves a compensation of 100 million. If He Xingbang is looking for trouble, we will say it clearly. If they are willing to pay the 100 million for us, then we don't have to deliver it to Zhao Xiaobai Winery."

"You said that?"

"That's the only way to do it."

Ma Siqun frowned and thought for a while, then sighed and said.

"You can handle this matter. Hurry up and deliver the last batch of sorghum. As soon as it is delivered, the rest has nothing to do with us. As for the Xianhua feed, let me tell He Xingbang."


Then, under the arrangement of Yang Shangfa, this matter proceeded quickly.In just two hours, the batch of sorghum from the Mid-Autumn Festival Grain Industry was delivered to Zhao Xiaobai Winery.Seeing such a batch of sorghum entering the warehouse, Chen Duo, who had been tense all the time, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"With this batch of sorghum, at least we don't have to worry about orders within three months. Doesn't he, He Xingbang, want to choke our necks? Now I see how he can choke us?"

"Hey, if He Xingbang knew that Ma Siqun had done this, he would probably go crazy!"

"Just be crazy, he won't offer compensation."

"Don't talk about them, we have to find a way to continue hoarding sorghum."


This matter was also reported to Zhao Shanhe by Chen Duo at the first time, and when he heard about it, Zhao Shanhe was not surprised at all, as if he knew Ma Siqun well.

"Ma Siqun is a person who loves money like his life. He wants to make money but is reluctant to lose it. So in this matter, he will definitely choose to continue to supply us and send us all the sorghum in the contract. As long as he delivers , we have won one-third of this battle, and the remaining time is enough for us to do a lot of things!"

Zhao Shanhe's confidence suddenly increased.

"That's right, at least this has given us at least three months of turnaround time. With this time, we can make some arrangements and carry out a good defense." Cai Shishi nodded in agreement.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head disapprovingly after hearing this.

"Who said we were going to defend?"

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