Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 799 Betrayal Is Betrayal, The Reasons Are Nonsense

"Zhang Yuanqing, dog day, didn't you say that Director Zhao died? What do you say now?"

"That's right, who doesn't know that Jiuquan Manufacturing has the highest salary, and now we are all deceived by you to resign and throw away the golden rice bowl that was well served."

"What shall we do in the future!"


Zhang Yuanqing, who was flaunting his might one minute ago, turned out to be like a bereaved dog a minute later, with his nose bruised and his face swollen from the beating.No matter how desperately he begged for mercy, none of this group of people stopped.

The workers standing not far away also watched with cold eyes.

It is still a violation of heaven to commit evil, and one cannot live by committing evil.

"Director Yang, we were deceived by lard and resigned after hearing Zhang Yuanqing's nonsense. Give us a chance."

"Really, we want to go back!"

"Even if you give us a salary cut!"

When this group of people saw Yang Dapao coming out, they all rushed forward in a swarm. They surrounded Yang Dapao and started chattering, some even shed tears on the spot.

But looking at their appearance and recalling their previous actions, Yang Dapao's face was indifferent, he didn't even bother to lift his eyes, and his tone was indifferent.

"You are the ones who want to leave. No one is forcing you, so it is impossible for you to come back now. You should know the rules made by Jiuquan. Once you betray, you will never be hired!"

More than a dozen people burst into tears, as if mourning a concubine.


Hetu Manufacturing Conference Room.

When seeing Zhao Shanhe alive in front of his eyes, all the people present showed relieved smiles in unison.

Although they knew that Zhao Shanhe had made the plan when they carried out the ghost exorcism plan, but after all, rumors were flying everywhere.To say that there is no reason for Zhao Shanhe not to die, and their confidence is still not so good.

Now it's all gone.

Zhao Shanhe sat unharmed.

As long as he is there, everyone's spiritual beliefs will not collapse.

And what about Zhao Shanhe?

He sat on the main seat and scanned the audience, his heart was also full of emotion and pride.This is the team that he created by himself, a team that is completely loyal to himself and responsible for himself.

Even though his life and death were uncertain in Shicheng City, these people withstood the pressure and stabilized the overall situation. Under such circumstances, they received their orders and carried them out without hesitation.

This is a team that has withstood the test.

Deputy director Li Xiangyang.

Li Qiuya, general manager of Hetu Manufacturing.

Needless to say about these two people, one of them is his best friend and the other is his wife. Among the people present, Zhao Shanhe trusts the most.It was also after the accident that he would immediately think of the person he was looking for.

Facts have proved that they are indeed worthy of Zhao Shanhe's trust.

Apart from these two people, those sitting in order were Yang E who was in charge of sales, Guo Kaiduan who was in charge of publicity, Cai Qian who was in charge of public relations, Cui Huan who was in charge of finance, Chen Jianfei who was in charge of security, Gao Shaoyuan and Xiao Mingyu who were in charge of research and development, and Jin Nan is in charge of production.

Speaking of Jin Nan, it was an old man who was promoted by Zhao Shanhe himself, replacing Kong Jie's previous position.And Kong Jie, the so-called old employee, has been fired because of various problems.

This is the team at the management level.

The success of this exorcism plan is due to them.

Of course, apart from these managements, what Zhao Shanhe admired the most were the factory directors.Each of these factory directors was personally appointed by Zhao Shanhe, and he had absolute trust in them.

Liu Wei'an, director of Jade Bird Glass Factory.

Changjiang Haichao, a factory manufactured by Jiuquan.

Chen Duo, the director of Zhao Xiaobai Winery.

Of course, there are also Han Chunming and Zhao Shankai, the directors of Jilu Logistics, which have just been established for a long time.

This is Zhao Shanhe's strongest team.

His career will definitely grow bigger and bigger in the future, but he also believes that no matter how big his career is, these team members will grow up with him step by step.Because only in this way can his career gradually grow bigger and stronger.

It is never possible to succeed alone.

"You have worked hard during this time." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"What's the hard work? We don't have to work hard. As long as the factory manager is okay, it's better than anything else." Cai Qian put his hands on the table and smiled modestly.

"Yes, Section Chief Cai is right, as long as you are fine, it is better than anything else."

Guo Chuan rubbed his head and said with lingering fear: "Director, you don't know. When we first heard the news that you had a car accident and encountered an accident, we were all dumbfounded! No one can believe that this is true. We At that time, everyone was in a panic, no one knew what to do, and a group of people were running around like headless chickens."

"Speaking of this, I get angry. This damn Miyai Saburo dared to attack the factory manager. If you want me to say that our exorcism plan is not over, we must continue to implement it. This time, no matter what, we must use the power of the Sakura Club." Uproot and drive them all out."

Chen Duo was murderous.


Hearing this, the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth raised a playful arc.

"You are all right, the exorcism plan cannot be stopped."

"I can tell you that the police have now found evidence, and it is confirmed that this was done by Lin Chaotai of the Sakura Club. Think about it, can a mere Lin Chaotai have such courage? Miyai Saburo must have ordered it. "

"Since Miyai Saburo wants me to die, then I have no choice but to have fun with him!"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were cold.

"According to the previous plan, our sole purpose this time is to severely damage all the companies controlled by Sakura Club, so as long as we can achieve this goal, we can give up part of the expected benefits, and let other businessmen who cooperate with us share the cup soup."


Everyone responded in unison.

They are all smart people and business elites, and they all know that Zhao Shanhe is right.If it was possible, of course they would like to eat this piece of fat by themselves, but the problem is that this is not realistic.

After all, the Sakura Club has been entrenched in the Eastern Province for many years, and it is impossible to completely swallow it in the shortest possible time.But if adding other people creates a situation where wolves feed tigers, this matter can definitely be done.

No matter how powerful your Sakura Club is, can it still be an enemy of the entire Eastern Province business community?

Let alone you, no company can do it.

"Factory manager, there is one more thing. During this rumor turmoil, some people in every factory were more or less bewitched. They were not only bewitched themselves, but also instigated others to follow them to leave. So far, The data I have calculated here is that 100 people submitted their resignation reports and chose to leave."

Li Xiangyang picked up a stack of papers, shook them in his hands, and looked at Zhao Shanhe.

"For these people, is it according to the old rules?"


Zhao Shanhe said calmly without even thinking about it: "As I said before, no matter who it is, as long as they choose to betray, they will never be hired. All those who participated in this betrayal have no room for bargaining. They will all be fired and never allowed to enter. Any of our factories."

"You factory managers are watching this matter personally!"


Liu Wei'an and the others respectfully took orders.

No one has any opinion on this matter, because if it were them, they would also do like Zhao Shanhe.As for the reasons given by those of you, does it matter?

Betrayal is betrayal, and the reasons are bullshit.

"If there is nothing else, the meeting will end." Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience, stood up and said, then looked at Jiang Haichao, "Director Jiang, come with me!"


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