Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 800 I'll Show You Something

in the office.

Looking at Zhao Shanhe who was sitting in front of him, Jiang Haichao said with emotion: "Factory Manager, fortunately you came back safe and sound, otherwise I really can't imagine what would have happened."

"I will definitely come back, but this time is really suspenseful."

Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly and waved his hands.

"Let's not talk about this matter, how about talking about what you are doing? How is the progress of the Changzheng Machinery Factory?"

Changzheng Machinery Factory is a branch of Hongxing Machinery Factory.

It is also where Zhao Shanhe is aiming now.

To be honest, it would be the best if we can directly take down the factory. If we can’t do this, or if there are some troubles, Zhao Shanhe can settle for the next best thing, as long as we take down the production line.

After all, he has the comet production technology, and if he adds that production line, he can mass-produce engine parts.

As for factories, where can't they be built?


Hearing Zhao Shanhe's question, Jiang Haichao was a little embarrassed.

He coughed dryly and said awkwardly: "Director, I assured you before that I could win the Changzheng Machinery Factory. In fact, I have persuaded many workers. When they heard that you had the intention to acquire He expressed his willingness to come along.”

"But the biggest problem now is Ji Mingjian. He didn't know what to do, and he got stuck on this matter. I once talked to him, but what he said was very clear."

"He does not agree to sell the Changzheng Machinery Factory!"

Jiang Haichao said, lowered his head sadly, and sighed.

"But..." After a while, he raised his head again, looking hesitant to speak.

"But what?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"But Ji Mingjian clearly revealed the rumors before, which means he wants to sell the Changzheng Machinery Factory. I don't know why he suddenly changed his mind. Is it because he heard that we want to buy it, so he wants to sit on the ground and raise the price? ?” Jiang Haichao looked puzzled.


Zhao Shanhe tapped his fingers on his knees and nodded thoughtfully.

"Ji Mingjian is an old fox. Before he knew that we were interested in Changzheng Machinery Factory, he definitely wanted to throw it away as a burden. But now that he knows that we are interested, what do you think he will do? Of course he is up for grabs. .”

When Zhao Shanhe said this, the corners of his eyebrows slanted.

"Ji Mingjian, oh Ji Mingjian, if you think so, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you!"

"How to say?" Jiang Haichao asked.


Zhao Shanhe leaned in front of Jiang Haichao, and after whispering a few words, Jiang Haichao's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but scream.

"Haha, if this is the case, Ji Mingjian will definitely be in a hurry. If he is in a hurry, he will sell it. I understand. I will do this now, and I promise to make Ji Mingjian regret it."


After Jiang Haichao left happily, Zhao Shanhe stretched himself, walked outside slowly, and soon came to the laboratory.

Now Gao Shaoyuan has returned here, and as for the laboratory at the Jade Bird Glass Factory, it will be fine with Wang Houde in charge for the time being.After seeing Zhao Shanhe wandering in, Gao Shaoyuan directly handed over a cup of fragrant milk tea.

"You are really good at scaring people!"


Zhao Shanhe slowly sipped the milk tea, glanced at the busy people, curled his lips at Gao Shaoyuan and said, "You think I want to make a fuss? It's not impossible. Someone wants my life, I can't tell Stand there and be a living target for others, right?"

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about your trip to Zhili City this time. I haven't asked you well yet, what do you think of Chen Jingwei? Are our valve locks okay?"

Gao Shaoyuan waved his hand and didn't dwell on this topic.

"Of course!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled proudly, and said proudly: "Of course we don't have to talk about the valve lock plate. Chen Jingwei made a decision on the spot. In the future, we will make good efforts to produce the valve lock plate."

"What about Tang Jiedun? He didn't compete with you?" Gao Shaoyuan asked.


Zhao Shanhe said playfully: "Tang Jiedun not only did not compete with me, but reached a cooperation intention with me. Let me tell you, we are now a partner of the Covenant Group. Soon, we will be able to earn money from the United States." People's money."

"real or fake?"

Gao Shaoyuan's face was full of disbelief, and he asked in surprise, "You mean that Tang Jiedun is not only not angry, but has cooperated with us?"

"Of course, there's no doubt about it. Let me tell you, Tang Jiedun really wanted to get angry at me, and wanted to get angry at me, but I immediately burst into a king's air. When he saw me like this, he immediately Bow down and bow down to me."

Zhao Shanhe said to himself.

Gao Shaoprinciple stared speechlessly.

"Make it up, keep making it up!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe patted Gao Shaoyuan on the shoulder, laughed and said, "I'll show you something."

As he spoke, he handed over the technical documents of the comet production line.


Gao Shaoyuan took it suspiciously. When he saw it, his pupils constricted suddenly, then he raised his head and stared at Zhao Shanhe, and asked with a little shortness of breath, "Is this the comet production line of the Covenant Group?"


Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "I exchanged our Jade Bird Glass agency rights for this technology. I think that with this technology, the production line that Hongxing Machinery Factory spent a lot of money on last year will come in handy. Do you think so?" Bar?"

"of course!"

Gao Shaoyuan happily flipped through it, and said excitedly while looking at it: "As long as these technologies exist, I dare not say anything else. With some equipment improvements on the basis of that production line, several engine parts can be produced."

"Just a few things?" Zhao Shanhe said with a pouted mouth.

"Just how much?"

Gao Shaoyuan looked over speechlessly, emphasizing the word "just".

"I said, my factory manager Zhao, did you make a mistake? Usually let alone a few types, even if it is to develop the same component, the painstaking efforts and energy spent are unimaginable. Now there is this ready-made production line in , how many products can be produced, are you still not happy? I said, can we be a little more low-key? "

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed out loud.

"Just kidding, just kidding."

"Old Gao, I will leave this technology to you. I also know that this technology is a bit outdated for the Covenant Group and has been eliminated. But it still has a strong reference for us. You We must study hard to understand these technologies, and then rely on these technologies to figure out new technologies and produce new products.”

Zhao Shanhe looked at him seriously and said.

"I will!"

Gao Shaoyuan grasped the documents tightly and nodded vigorously.

"and also."

The two talked a few more words, and when Zhao Shanhe was about to leave, Gao Shaoyuan stopped him suddenly, and said with deep meaning in his eyes: "In the future, do things like this as much as possible, and you can come up with more like this." It can save a lot of unnecessary research and development time on our side, and avoid a lot of detours."



Hilton Hotel Zhongzhou.

"Dong dong!"

Just after dawn, there was a knock on a door.

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