"Brother, shall we go there?"

Zhao Yongjun couldn't help feeling a little distressed when he saw Zhao Yongduo who was crying bitterly.

But thinking about what happened today, he knew that this matter could not be chosen casually.Your Zhou family is already like that, now this should be regarded as self-inflicted consequences, right?

"Let's go!"

Zhao Yonghao is not in the mood to pay attention to Zhou Yongjian and Zhao Yongduo.

That's right, Zhao Yongduo is the eldest sister, but is what you, the eldest sister, really worthy of this status?No matter how you say it, Zhao Shanhe is your own nephew. Don't you feel ashamed to show yourself by acting like this to rob your own nephew's property?

Not to mention anything else, even if you heard that Zhao Shanhe died in a car accident, the most important thing you should do is to comfort Zhao Yonghao, help find Zhao Shanhe's body, come back to take care of the funeral, and let your nephew die early Is it safe to be buried?

But how do you do it?

God knows what you did.

What you do, you have to bear all the consequences.

"All right!"

Zhao Yongjun shook his head as he spoke, sighed helplessly, and left with Zhao Yonghao.


Manufactured by Jiuquan.

Jiang Haichao had just come to work that day when he saw a dozen people standing in front of the office, including Yang Dapao.After seeing him appear, a group of people roared forward.

"Director, you are here."

"We have something to talk to you about."

"If you resign now, the finance department said that you need your approval slip, so please give us your approval!"

Hearing these words suddenly, Jiang Haichao suddenly realized.

There was a sneer in his heart, and the eyes he looked at this group of people became disappointed, but he didn't want to explain anything, because he knew that a friend in adversity is a friend.The more this is the case, the more it is necessary to kick out these unstable factors.

Rustic is shameful.

"Shut up for me!"

Hearing the shouts of this group of people, Yang Dapao suddenly yelled angrily.

After all the noise disappeared, he looked at Jiang Haichao and said with embarrassment: "Director, they all came to resign."

"Resign? Good!"

Jiang Haichao nodded slightly, without any intention of persuading him to stay, he directly opened the door of the office, sat in front of the desk, and picked up the hero pen that was not there from the top pocket of his Chinese tunic suit.

"Come on, who among you wants to resign? I will give you the approval slip now, and you can go to the finance department to get the money and leave! But I want to remind you that as long as I sign the approval Tiaozi, you are no longer the workers of my Jiuquan manufacturing, you must pay your wages and leave here immediately, if anyone dares not to leave, or entangles me, I will call the police and arrest them immediately!"

"I come!"

"I want to approve the note too!"

"Zhao Shanhe is dead, what future do we have if we stay here? I don't care, I want to go, I'm going to work in Hongxing Machinery Factory, brothers, let's all go together!"

"it is good!"

The person who said this was Zhang Yuanqing, an old man made by Hetu, and he didn't know what happened recently. Since the news of Zhao Shanhe's death in a car accident came out, he was the one who jumped the hardest.

And he also gathered a group of people to follow him.

Seeing such a scene and hearing Jiang Haichao's words, Yang Dapao couldn't help feeling a little anxious, so he hurried forward, grabbed Jiang Haichao's hand holding the pen, and said in a low voice, "Director Jiang, should we reconsider this matter?" ?”

"Consider? Look at their posture, what else is there to consider!"

Jiang Haichao looked at Yang Dapao with deep meaning, and said slowly: "Deputy Director Yang, Jiuquan Manufacturing has its own rules and regulations, and we must abide by them. No one can violate them. Since they are determined to resign If you want to betray the factory at this juncture, then I won't say forcibly stop it!"

"It should be theirs, give it to them! It shouldn't be theirs, don't even think about taking away every stitch!"

"The last thing I want to say is that since you are all old people made by Jiuquan, you should know the rules made by Jiuquan, no matter what kind of background you have, no matter who introduced you, or even how good your skills are , as long as you choose to leave, then you will never come back in this life."

"Come back again?"

Zhang Yuanqing widened his eyes, as if he had heard something extremely ridiculous, then snorted coldly, raised the corner of his mouth, and said dismissively: "Director Jiang, let's be honest, we all know that Director Zhao was hit to death by a car Now, once he dies, the whole Jiuquan Manufacturing will definitely be messed up."

"Our brothers are just leaving now, and there will definitely be more people leaving later, so you don't have to say such innocuous words to threaten us, it's useless, and we can't come back of."

"Then let's get started!"

Jiang Haichao smiled gently.

"Start just start!"

A few minutes later, everyone's approval slips were all approved.They all went to the finance department to get the money with the approval slips, and then they left from Jiuquan Manufacturing with their own bedding rolls.

"Director Jiang, you shouldn't be so impulsive. You should know that they will do this. It's just because Director Zhao has an accident and is no longer here, so that's why they said it."

After everyone left, Yang Dapao said anxiously.

"Deputy Director Yang."

Seeing Yang Dapao's appearance, Jiang Haichao stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "No matter what their reasons are, leaving at this juncture is a betrayal, you have to admit it?"


Yang Dapao was taken aback, but after thinking about it, he nodded helplessly.

"It's good to admit it. We are not saying that there is no such precedent. You should know better than me that Director Zhao had encountered this kind of thing before, and he also gave clear instructions on this kind of thing. That is betrayal." will never be hired!"

"The road is chosen by them themselves, and the responsibility should naturally be borne by them themselves!"

"It's not that we can't recruit people, why should we keep a group of rebels who have two hearts and will choose to betray at any time?"


"Nothing but!"

Jiang Haichao interrupted Yang Dapao, and said with a serious expression: "Remember, this matter was ordered by Director Zhao, and no one is allowed to question or refute it, and I am going to Hetu Manufacturing to meet Director Zhao now. Yes, the factory manager asked us to go to a meeting, and the next thing will be left to you, you must keep an eye on Zhang Yuanqing and the others to make sure they leave Jiuquan Manufacturing."

"What? You said to meet Director Zhao?"

Yang Dapao was stunned.

"Yeah, what? You don't really think Director Zhao was killed, do you? Old Yang, you can take care of yourself! If the factory manager finds out, you speak for these traitors, and you know what consequences you will have. Is it? Even if you don't care about the consequences yourself, you should think about it for Section Chief Yang E, right?"

Jiang Haichao smiled, turned and left.

Only Yang Dapao was left standing there dumbfounded.

Two 10 minutes later.

When Zhang Yuanqing and a dozen of them walked out of Jiuquan Manufacturing and just wanted to find a place to wash their hands, who would want to run over panting alone.

"Director Zhao is fine. He has returned to Hetu Manufacturing and is preparing for a meeting now."


When the news was announced, more than a dozen people were stunned on the spot.

Immediately, Zhang Yuanqing let out screams like killing a pig.

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