Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 785 This is no accident at all

Time passed quietly.

two hours later.

Zhao Shanhe and the others had already left Zhili city and were advancing on a provincial road.Zhao Shanhe was driving the off-road vehicle. Originally Chen Ju wanted to drive it, but Zhao Shanhe got into it first.

"I want to feel the horsepower of our domestic cars."

One sentence from Zhao Shanhe blocked what Chen Ju wanted to say.

Chen Ju and Cai Shishi had no choice but to sit in that tiger-headed car and watch Zhao Shanhe gallop ahead without restraint.Not to mention, this off-road car is really exciting, and it's very cool to drive.

Feeling the breeze blowing in front of him, Zhao Shanhe was so comfortable that he couldn't help but want to shout loudly.


However, at this moment, an accident suddenly occurred.

The Hutouben, which was driving normally, was suddenly hit by a truck from behind, and it lost control on the spot.Fortunately, Chen Ju noticed something was wrong at the first time, and decisively grabbed the steering wheel to avoid it, so as to avoid the danger of being directly hit into the deep ditch.

But even so, Hutouben also bumped into the guardrail on the side of the road, rubbed and rubbed past, sparking sparks.

"Chen Ju!"

Cai Shishi screamed with a pale face.

"It's coming again!"

Cai Shishi pointed to the back and shouted.


The truck that slammed into it just now saw that Hutouben was still moving, and then it slammed into it again like crazy, but this time it failed to touch Hutouben, Chen Ju nimbly controlled it. He dodged away, and rushed forward as soon as he stepped on the accelerator.

The truck followed relentlessly.


Zhao Shanhe, who saw this scene through the rearview mirror, was furious in his heart.

It's understandable if you said the first time was an accident.But you are still following closely like this now, and you insist on putting on a posture of not giving up until you smash the tiger's head, which is very self-explanatory.

This is no surprise at all.

This is premeditated murder.

Someone wants to kill himself!

Yes, definitely so!

They should have understood their own situation and knew that they were riding in that Hutouben, so they chased after Hutouben.It's just that they never dreamed that they would personally drive the off-road vehicle Chen Jingwei sent before leaving.

If he knew, it should be this off-road vehicle that was hit by now.


Without giving Zhao Shanhe a chance to think too much, the truck galloped past him like an angry bison, and slammed into the rear of Hu Tou Ben, and this strong force directly overturned Hu Tou Ben on the ground.

Seeing that the truck backed up and wanted to speed up again, Zhao Shanhe stepped on the gas pedal suddenly.

The off-road vehicle jumped out like a runaway wild horse, and hit the truck directly with a loud bang.

The truck was bumped unexpectedly, turned in the wrong direction, and fell into a deep ditch on the side of the road.

Zhao Shanhe quickly stopped the car, and when he ran to the front of Hutouben, Chen Ju had already struggled to get out, while Cai Shishi was unconscious with blood all over his face.

"Chen Ju, how are you? Are you injured?" Zhao Shanhe asked hastily.

"I'm fine!"

Chen Ju shook his head, looked at the back seat, and hurried to pull the door.

"Secretary Cai."

"Master Cai!"

Zhao Shanhe also pulled hard.

With the joint efforts of the two, the deformed car door was finally pulled open, and the two quickly pulled Cai Shishi out from the back seat, and then Zhao Shanhe hugged Cai Shishi up.

"hurry up!"


Just when the three of them ran out, Hutouben exploded with a shocking explosion, and the strong shock wave knocked the three of them to the ground.Chen Ju, who was injured in the first place, was not able to hold back this time, and passed out on the spot.

Cai Shishi was not affected much by being blocked by Zhao Shanhe.

But Zhao Shanhe felt a sharp pain in his back. Enduring the pain, he hugged Chen Ju and Cai Shishi to the side of the off-road vehicle, and then he slumped on the ground with a plop.

"Chen Ju!"


Zhao Shanhe yelled vigorously, but the two were still in a coma.He wanted to see who was on the truck, but the intense pain stimulated him, and he might faint at any time.

He can't go.

"Is this a car accident?"

"It's so tragic!"

"Are the two people over there dead?"

At this moment, several cars stopped, and more than a dozen people gathered around, pointing fingers and whispering about the things here, but no one came forward.

"Hurry up and call the ambulance."

Zhao Shanhe shouted after seeing this.

It can only be said that there are still many good people at any time. Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, someone immediately called the emergency number. After a while of panic, Zhao Shanhe also carried the leather bag containing the comet production line documents from the off-road vehicle.

"How are you, buddy? What's going on here?"

asked the warm-hearted man.

"We were hit by someone, you go and see what happened to the people on the truck over there?" Zhao Shanhe resisted the pain in his body, picked up the mobile phone, and pointed at the truck not far away.


Just when someone was running over there, Zhao Shanhe quickly pressed Li Qiuya's phone number and dialed out. After the connection was finally connected, Zhao Shanhe said dryly, "Qiuya, listen, My current location should be not far from Zhili City, I don't know exactly where it is, you and Xiang Yang will come here soon, I will contact Chen Jingwei, and you can just find him when you arrive."

"Shanhe, what happened?" Li Qiuya asked tightly after realizing that Zhao Shanhe's voice was not right.

"We were chased and killed, and there was a car accident. Both Chen Ju and Cai Shishi were unconscious. I was also injured. I don't know how long I can last. I contacted Chen Jingwei and died."

Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone after speaking.

When Li Qiuya heard the news, her face paled instantly, her heart rose in her throat, she stood up involuntarily and rushed to the corridor, holding her brother's hand trembling uncontrollably, and shouted out loud.

"Being hunted down, getting into a car accident, Shanhe, how are you doing!"

in the conference room.

Because when Li Qiuya answered the phone, the people who were in adjournment suddenly stood up when they heard such words, and looked outside anxiously.

What do you mean?

Did we hear it right?

What Li Qiuya just said was hunting down!Car accident!Could it be that something happened to Zhao Shanhe?

How could this happen, shouldn't Zhao Shanhe be popular and drink spicy food in Zhili Automobile now?How could he be hunted down so well?Besides, in broad daylight, who dared to be so crazy?

"Shut up for me!"

Li Xiangyang, who was seated at the top, saw the crowded crowd here, and sternly reprimanded him with a cold expression. After all the noise disappeared, he scanned the audience indifferently.

"I hope you all control your mouths. If anyone dares to chew their tongues again, don't blame me for being rude!"

After shocking the audience, Li Xiangyang turned around and walked out of the meeting room, came to Li Qiuya, and asked in shock, "Qiuya, what's going on? Who is calling?"

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