"The comet production line is indeed old, but who said that the old is not good? You have to know that even the new production line owned by the Covenant Group is based on the old system."

"Do you dare to say that we have no way to replace it? Do you dare to say that the parts we developed with the comet production line are useless?"

"Don't worry, even this old production line will help us. Those parts that are not worth mentioning in Tang Jie's eyes will eventually become weapons to compete with the Covenant Group."

The corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth outlined a stern arc.

"Tangerton will regret it sooner or later!"

"The Covenant Group will regret it sooner or later!"


Cai Shishi listened to what Zhao Shanhe said, feeling the strong confidence released from his words, his eyes were bright.

She will wait for this day to come.

She also believes that under the leadership of Zhao Shanhe, this day will definitely come soon.

"That's it. Go back and tell Lao Gao. He will be happy."

"That is, Gao Gong is interested in this kind of thing."

Cai Shishi couldn't help but covered his mouth and smiled softly.

"Director, according to the previous itinerary, we are going back today, but Mr. Chen doesn't know if he's sober? Shall we say goodbye?"

"He should be fine, let me get in touch with him."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he was about to call Chen Jingwei, but at this moment, the door suddenly knocked from the outside. After Chen Ju opened it, he saw Chen Jingwei who had woken up standing outside.

"Mr. Chen."

"Have you, Director Zhao, woke up?" Chen Jingwei asked while rubbing his aching head, and walked inside after getting an affirmative answer.

Seeing Chen Jingwei walking in, Zhao Shanhe curled his lips and said, "I said Brother Chen, you can't handle alcohol well. You've become so drunk after drinking so much. It seems that you have to continue practicing!"

"Go to hell."

Chen Jingwei stared speechlessly.

"You are so young, can I compare with you? And how can you drink so much? Forget it, I will find time to have a good drink with you another day. Are you leaving today?"

"Yes!" Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"That's nothing else. I'm here for two things. First, I'll see you off. Second, I'll tell you about Tangerton's side. Don't worry, I won't cooperate with him again," Chen Jingwei said humbly. Said indifferently.

"By the way, he didn't trouble you, did he?"

"I didn't find any trouble, but we have a cooperation." Zhao Shanhe raised the comet production line document in his hand as he spoke.


Chen Jingwei glanced at the file name, and the moment he saw it, his expression couldn't help but startled.As someone who has worked with the Covenant Group for many years, he certainly knows what the Comet production line is. This is a very important document for the Covenant Group, but it will fall into the hands of Zhao Shanhe at this moment. What is going on?What is the cooperation that Zhao Shanhe mentioned?

Chen Jingwei felt that his brain was not working enough, so he rubbed his temples involuntarily.

"what is the problem?"

"It's like this..."

After Zhao Shanhe briefly told the story, Chen Jingwei was stunned on the spot. He stared at Zhao Shanhe in a daze, and it took him a long time to recover. He couldn't help but shook his head and said with emotion: "My brother, you This brain is really not easy to use, you can do this kind of thing."

"Although this comet production line is a bit outdated, it is aimed at the American market, and it still has a place to play in our country. You only need to use this production line for three years, no, even for two years, you can Pay back steadily."

"Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you let the Covenant Group be your agent to help you sell Jade Bird Glass in the United States. This is equivalent to opening a hole in the American market. Even if there is no Covenant Group is here, and the American market will recognize your Jade Bird Glass, and it will be easy for you to re-enter.”

"I admire it!"

Chen Jingwei said that he sincerely extended his thumb to Zhao Shanhe, he was really convinced.

In his opinion, a business that was full of swords and swords was played by Zhao Shanhe.

You can't fault it yet.

Put yourself in the shoes of Tang Jiedun, if you were Tang Jiedun, you might agree to Zhao Shanhe's request in the end. Whoever makes this kind of thing is mutually beneficial, let alone Tang Jiedun himself is already in danger, and there is no way to agree. There is a silver lining, if you don't agree, you will be fired without any suspense.

Who is stupid?

Who would risk being dismissed and insist on fighting Zhao Shanhe to the end, after all, after all, the Covenant Group is not owned by Tang Jiedun himself, he is just a senior worker.

"So Brother Chen, after I set up this production line, I will need your help to purchase the parts produced." Zhao Shanhe said with a slight smile.

"No problem, as long as your parts are of good quality, I can't use anyone else's." Chen Jingwei waved his hand.


Zhao Shanhe raised the water glass in his hand.

"I'll toast you with water instead of wine."

"Don't mention drinking to me, I want to throw up!"

When Chen Jingwei heard this, he hurriedly shook his hands.

"Ha ha!"

Amidst a burst of cheerful laughter, Chen Jingwei pulled Zhao Shanhe to the window with one hand, pointed to the parking lot outside the window and said, "Did you see that off-road vehicle?"


"gave it to you!"

Chen Jingwei directly took out the key and stuffed it into Zhao Shanhe's hand with a smile.

"You come all the way to Zhili car, as a brother, you can't say that you don't show any signs. This car will be given to you to drive. I won't give you the license plate or something. You go back. Get on it yourself, but the gas tank is full, so you can drive with confidence."

"Brother Chen."

A kind of excitement appeared on Zhao Shanhe's face.

"Okay, okay, stop me quickly, and don't play such sensational tricks on me." Seeing Zhao Shanhe's hand holding the car key stretched towards him, Chen Jingwei quickly grabbed Zhao Shanhe's arm with both hands and pushed back hard .

"Thank you Brother Chen!"

Zhao Shanhe felt the sincerity revealed in Chen Jingwei's words, so he didn't refuse any more.Isn't it just an off-road vehicle?I have to buy an office car after I go back, so I just place an order from Zhili Automobile.

He understands the reason why everyone carries a sedan chair.

After the two chatted casually for a while, Chen Jingwei sent Zhao Shanhe away. Seeing the two cars disappearing from sight, Secretary Qin Yuanshan said with emotion: "Mr. Capable, if anyone else is doing this, he would not say that he can continue to squeeze the remaining value after giving Tang Jie a slap in the face like this. Tsk tsk, I admire it!"

"That's right. It would be too late for others to avoid Tang Jiedun, and they would be afraid of being retaliated by this guy, but who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would do the opposite. What does this mean? It means that Zhao Shanhe is real I hate Tang Jiedun so much, if I catch him, I will die." Chen Jingwei said with deep eyes.

"But won't he be afraid that Tang Jiedun will trick him in turn?" Qin Yuanshan asked.

"Hit him?"

Chen Jingwei shook his head, and said slowly: "Impossible, Tang Jiedun is Tang Jiedun, Covenant Group is Covenant Group, Zhao Shanhe signed a contract with Covenant Group, Covenant Group has not been so low .”


"Let's go, let's wait and see the covenant group regret it."

Chen Jingwei smiled gloatingly, and left in the car with Qin Yuanshan.

At this time, Chen Jingwei would never have dreamed that a huge accident would happen two hours later.

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