Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 786 Hurry up, drive faster!

"Xiangyang, it's Shanhe, something happened to him."

Li Qiuya turned around and grabbed Li Xiangyang's arm, her body tensed.

"Don't worry, speak slowly, what's going on?" Li Xiangyang asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know the specifics. He just called me and said that someone was chasing them and asked us to contact Chen Jingwei. Do you think he will be okay? Who is chasing them?" Li Qiuya was nervous Said, with obvious vibrato in his speech.


Li Xiangyang was keenly aware of the seriousness of the matter. He tried his best to control the panic in his heart, and said calmly: "He asked us to contact Chen Jingwei, right? Okay, then let's contact Chen Jingwei."

Having said that, he glanced at the conference room behind him.

"Qiuya, you must stay steady now, and you must not lose your footing, or there may be rumors spreading."

"But I'm just afraid that something will happen to the mountains and rivers. Xiangyang, let someone take care of things in the factory. Let's go to Zhili immediately." Li Qiuya said eagerly.

She can't care what other people think now, she just wants to keep Zhao Shanhe safe and sound.

As long as Zhao Shanhe is fine, what happens to the factory is not important to her at all.

"Okay, I'll arrange it, don't be nervous."

Li Xiangyang exhaled deeply, turned around and walked into the meeting room, scanned the audience and said: "Manager Li and I are going out for a while. During our departure, Yang E will be in charge of everything about Shanqiu Foods temporarily. Do you have any questions?" Anything can be reported to Yang E, and now I announce that the meeting will be adjourned!"

After the meeting broke up, Li Xiangyang brought Li Qiuya to the office and called Chen Jingwei.

"Mr. Chen, I'm Li Xiangyang."

"Director Li, I know what you want to ask, but I don't know the specific situation right now. I'm rushing there right now. If you come over, go directly to Shicheng. We'll contact you when you arrive. " Chen Jingwei said cleanly.

"Then trouble Mr. Chen, we'll go there right away."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiangyang immediately arranged for someone to buy a plane ticket. After everything was arranged, he said to Li Qiuya: "Don't panic, let's leave right away."

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya said in a daze, "Should I call Shanhe again and ask?"

"it is good!"

It's just that no matter how much they dialed this time, the phone was always shut down, which made the two of them even more nervous. Don't let anything happen to Shanhe.

The line of sight shifted to Chen Jingwei's side.

"Hurry up and drive faster!"

Chen Jingwei shouted anxiously.


The driver drove the car as fast as possible, but even so, Chen Jingwei still felt a little slow.To be honest, he is very anxious and tense now. He never dreamed that such an accident would happen not long after Zhao Shanhe left.You must know that when he received the call just now, he thought it was a prank.

"Brother Chen, listen to me. I'm being hunted down now. The other party doesn't know who it is. Just now, a truck hit my Hutou Ben. Fortunately, I wasn't in the car. I was driving the off-road vehicle you sent me." , so I escaped a catastrophe. But Chen Ju and Cai Shishi are both unconscious, and I was also injured, can you come here quickly?"

If this is the case, Chen Jingwei will jump up immediately.

"What? Really? Brother Zhao, are you kidding me?"

"No, would I make a joke about this kind of thing? I've already had someone call the ambulance and call the police, but I'm worried that something else will change, so come quickly." Zhao Shanhe said in a trembling tone.

"Okay, I'll go there now! Where are you now?"

"We drove along the provincial road you mentioned. I don't know the exact location now. Just drive straight ahead!"

"Okay, brother Zhao, listen to me, don't be nervous, don't be afraid, I'll take people there right away. Brother Zhao, hello, can you hear me?"

Hearing the sudden busy tone from the phone, Chen Jingwei slammed his elder brother on the table and arranged for someone to rush over immediately.

"Hurry up."

Feeling Chen Jingwei's anxiety, Qin Yuanshan said in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen, we can't go any faster, otherwise something will happen. Since Director Zhao has already called the police, I believe the police will definitely rush over there soon, and the ambulance will also pass by. .”

"Who do you think would want to kill Zhao Shanhe?" Chen Jingwei frowned and asked thoughtfully.

"I do not know."

Qin Yuanshan shook his head, and said with a suspicious expression: "I don't know who wants to kill Director Zhao, but this person is really daring. He must be crazy to dare to do this in broad daylight!"

"And I dare to say that this person must have been followed all the way from the Eastern Province, otherwise he would have no reason to say that he knows the whereabouts of Director Zhao so well."

"It should be like this. This person is definitely not from our Zhili."

Chen Jingwei narrowed his eyes.

"It seems that it is Zhao Shanhe's enemy in the Eastern Province, and he still has a lot of hatred. Otherwise, he would not have done such a reckless thing. But no matter who did it, we have to go there quickly."


"Hurry up, drive faster!"

The two-hour journey was shortened to more than one hour by Chen Jingwei, but even so, when they arrived at the scene of the incident, there was no sign of Zhao Shanhe and the others.

Only the burnt-black Hutouben was left in place.

And the truck that fell into the deep ditch not far away.

There are also police officers at the scene who are setting up a cordon to collect evidence at the scene.

"Are you looking for someone here?"

Just as Chen Jingwei looked around anxiously, a responsible policeman came over.

Chen Jingwei hurriedly said, "Yes, comrade policemen, where did they go?"

The policeman looked Chen Jingwei up and down, and asked, "So you are that Mr. Chen?"

"Yes, I am Chen Jingwei."

"It's like this. The person here has been sent to the No. 1 Civilian Hospital in Shicheng Province. He told us that if you come over, he will let you go there to find him." The policeman said indifferently.

"Provincial No.1 People's Hospital, right? Okay, I see, I'll go there now, thank you." When Chen Jingwei turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked over.

"Comrade, can I ask the driver of that van? Was he caught?"

Hearing Chen Jingwei's questioning, the policeman frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chen, this is a case that our police should investigate. You have no right to intervene. Please don't embarrass us."

"I don't mean to embarrass you, I just want to say that the Zhao Shanhe who called me is my partner and my brother. He came to Zhili Automobile this time to sign a contract with me."

"Now he is being hunted down and seriously injured. I have the right to know the truth of the matter, so please tell me as much as you can." Chen Jingwei looked over calmly, without any fear.


The policeman frowned and did not answer.

"May I know who you are?"

Chen Jingwei didn't mean to continue to persecute, but changed the topic.

The policeman said frankly: "Of course, my name is Gu Yangchuan, and I am the captain of the criminal police team of our Shicheng Public Security Bureau."

"Captain Gu, right? Okay, I know you, so do you know who I am?"

Chen Jingwei pointed to his nose.

"who are you?"

Gu Yangchuan was a little dazed.

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