"Lin Chaotai, you can't rely on Zheng Yelong to do what we're talking about, so we have to do it ourselves."

Miyai Saburo's expression was grim.

"Go do it!"


Lin Chaotai said respectfully, lowering his head to block the viciousness that flashed in his eyes.


Time flies by like this.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the end of March.

During this period of time, Zhao Shanhe has already installed and debugged the equipment purchased from Hongxing Machinery Factory, and the first batch of valve lock plates has also been produced.In the words of Gao Shaoyuan, the quality of these valve lock plates is impeccable and can compete with similar foreign products.

This is a great thing.

"Continue to produce!"

After issuing such an order, Zhao Shanhe returned to the office.

Although it was raining continuously outside the window, it did not affect Zhao Shanhe's happy mood at all.He stood by the window and opened the window, closed his eyes and sniffed the fresh breath brought by the breeze.

Suddenly the phone rang, and when Zhao Shanhe answered it, it was Chen Xiao calling, talking about the TV series that was being filmed.

"You said you're a little fond of Li Wei now?"

Zhao Shanhe was slightly surprised when he heard what Chen Xiao said.

"Yes, I just think the character Li Wei is very interesting. If you don't believe me, you will find out when the TV series is finished and broadcast." Chen Xiaojiao said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll wait to watch your TV series."

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone.

"Chen Xiao is in good condition now, which is a good thing!"

Thinking of Chen Xiao's posture when he spoke just now, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help but smile lightly.He wouldn't say that he had too many harsh demands on Chen Xiao, he just hoped that Chen Xiao could realize his dream in the near future.

"Dong dong!"

As soon as Zhao Shanhe sat down, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in!"

Xiao Mingyu walked in from the outside.

Seeing that the person who came in was Xiao Mingyu, Zhao Shanhe quickly stood up.

"Mr. Xiao, why are you here?"

"Why did I come? What do you think I came here? I came here to ask the teacher!" After sitting on the sofa, Xiao Mingyu looked at Zhao Shanhe with a look of complaint.

"Xingshi asked the crime? Where did you start with this?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Xiao Mingyu with innocent eyes, and asked in surprise.

"You say that!"

Xiao Mingyu stared blankly and began to complain about her suffering.

"Have you paid too much attention to the hardware factory recently? Look at the tempered glass that you just made, and it didn't stop, so you bought out the production technology of the valve lock plate."

"Let's not talk about how much money you invested in it, but the energy alone has a lot of energy? Do you think you are a little bit heavy on hardware and light on food?"

It was because of this.

Zhao Shanhe smiled awkwardly, I thought you came because of something.

But what Xiao Mingyu said is right, except for the Yile chewing gum at the beginning and the Xiangpiaopiao milk tea later, Shanqiu Foods really didn't make any big moves.

Such words are not good.

Those who make food must ensure product diversification in order to maintain market competitiveness.

"Mr. Xiao, if you want to say this, you have misunderstood me. Who said that I value hardware and despise food? In fact, I already have an idea, but I haven't had time to tell you that." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Really?" Xiao Mingyu looked over in surprise.

I just came to complain a few words casually, but I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains!

Zhao Shanhe actually had an idea.

In fact, as a researcher, Xiao Mingyu didn't want to come to Zhao Shanhe like this, after all, doing so would be tantamount to admitting his dereliction of duty.But the problem is that she has also figured out a few snacks during this time, but none of them are as competitive as milk tea and chewing gum, not even her own.

She also had nothing to do, so she wanted to find Zhao Shanhe.

Because she knew that as long as Zhao Shanhe came up with the idea of ​​the whole Shanqiu food, there would be no failure.Each of the products he designated can be popular and become a phenomenal sales.

Besides, Zhao Shanhe is his own boss, isn't it natural for him to come to him?

"of course it's true."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Well, let's go to your laboratory now. I just want to tell you my idea. If you say there are enough materials, we can make it on the spot."


Xiao Mingyu stood up impatiently.


The laboratory of Shanqiu Food.

Like the laboratory in Gao Shaoyuan, there are also various instruments and equipment here, but these equipment are all used for food research and development.When Zhao Shanhe walked in, all the busy staff stopped and looked over.

"Director Zhao!"


After Zhao Shanhe greeted everyone, he smiled and said: "I was kidnapped by your teacher Xiao. She said that I value hardware and despise food. I think her thinking is dangerous, so I will help her correct it. You say I did it right?"

"Ms. Xiao is right, you are heavy on hardware and light on food."

"Director Zhao, it's time for you to come and help us."

"Director Zhao, are you here to guide our work? I heard that you have a deep research on food. What surprise are you planning to give us this time?"


Zhao Shanhe, surrounded by such compliments, was not dazzled, but swept across the audience with a smile.

"Do you have any potatoes here?"

"Potatoes? Yes! Where are the many?"

"It's good if you have potatoes. Today I will lead you to develop a new product called potato chips!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"potato chips?"

Xiao Mingyu's eyes lit up, and he said anxiously: "I seem to have seen this kind of food, yes, I have not only seen it, but also eaten it. This kind of food should be imported from abroad, but our country doesn't seem to say that it is produced in large quantities. Production."


The corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips curled up slightly.

"It is true that potato chips have long been available in foreign countries, but there is still no circulation in our country. Not only is there no circulation, even some key cities do not have many. This is a golden opportunity for us. As long as we can If you grasp it, potato chips will definitely become popular all over the country and become a best-selling snack just like milk tea.”

Zhao Shanhe's words were like a booster, injected into the hearts of everyone present, mobilizing their interest in an instant.They all craned their necks to look over excitedly, and asked eagerly, "Director Zhao, are these potato chips really that delicious?"

"Of course!"

Zhao Shanhe recalled the taste, and said slowly: "You won't believe the taste of potato chips just from what I said, so let's make them, and you will know after tasting them."

"And potato chips can also be made into different flavors like chewing gum, such as original flavor, tomato flavor, barbecue beef flavor, etc."

A voice immediately came from the crowd: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's do it quickly!"


Zhao Shanhe suddenly raised his arms.

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