Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 773 How about the taste?

"Director Zhao, is there anything else?"


Zhao Shanhe pointed to a few potatoes on the table and said, "These are definitely not enough. You guys, it's better to get someone to buy more. Remember, choose the biggest and best one."

"it is good!"

Xiao Mingyu turned around and gave orders.

After all the materials were prepared here, Zhao Shanhe began to talk about the process in an orderly manner.In fact, the production of this potato chip is not too difficult. The previous procedures are all the same, but the difficulty is the final taste.

This is also the main reason why Zhao Shanhe came here.

He wants to taste and make a decision.

"The conditions here are relatively simple now. If we really start mass production in the future, we must introduce a complete production line. Such as cleaning machines, steam peeling machines, belt conveyors, slicers, blanching machines and Fryers, etc., must be purchased and installed in a large-scale and systematic manner.”

"When you divide potato chips, you must remember that the size should be complete."

"When frying, try to control the moisture content of the potato chips from 80.00% before to 30.00%. Also, the oil content of the fried potato chips must not exceed [-]%. If it exceeds, This is because the oil content is too high. First, it will affect the taste, and second, it will also give people a greasy feeling."


Following Zhao Shanhe's continuous narration, Xiao Mingyu led the experimenters here to make constant adjustments, took out boxes of finished products, and placed them in front of Zhao Shanhe.

"This kind is not crisp enough!"

"This is too greasy!"

"Don't you guys think these chips don't taste right?"

After taking out dozens of samples in this way, Zhao Shanhe pointed to the last one and said with a smile: "This is it! You all have a taste and see how it tastes?"


"Is this really made of potatoes?"

"The taste is really good, I like to eat."

Xiao Mingyu also looked at the original potato chips with excitement.

"Director, does this count as us?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"This kind of taste is very good. You should hurry up and go through this kind of process, and put all the data in place, so that we can produce in a targeted manner."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe restrained his smile, and told Xiao Mingyu seriously: "Remember, you must grasp the quality control."

"Don't worry, we will. We will not only produce the original flavor, but we will also develop more other flavors later." Xiao Mingyu said excitedly.

As long as there is an original flavor to lay the foundation, other flavors are easy to talk about.

Zhao Shanhe laughed approvingly: "Yes, the taste must be diversified and give customers more choices, so that they will be interested in buying."

"The factory manager, please give our potato chips a name."


After pondering for a while, Zhao Shanhe said slowly, "It's called Yuanqi Potato Chips!"

"Vitality Potato Chips? Full of vitality? Okay, then it's called vitality."

Xiao Mingyu smiled happily.

It seems that Zhao Shanhe was looking for the right one this time, and another new product came out.And relying on this vitality potato chips, their laboratory will not worry about no work in a short period of time.

"Then that's it, take me a few boxes of potato chips."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he picked up a few boxes of potato chips and left.

"Stop smirking, and quickly put all the production data of the potato chips in place just now. There are also people present, one counts as one, and sign a non-disclosure agreement for me immediately. Who dares to leak the slightest rumor to the outside world, you You know the rules." Xiao Mingyu said with a serious expression after scanning the audience.


The director's office of Shanqiu Foods.

After Zhao Shanhe came here with potato chips, Li Qiuya walked in.

She knew that Zhao Shanhe was going to help Xiao Mingyu and the others with their experiments, but she didn't think about anything else.

Because in her opinion, no matter how capable Zhao Shanhe is, it is impossible for him to be able to tinker with a new product in less than half a day.

This is too exaggerated.

"What is this?" Li Qiuya saw the potato chips on the table, picked up a piece, looked around, and asked curiously.

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly: "Try it!"

Li Qiuya took a small bite with a suspicious expression, and suddenly a piece fell from her mouth.

After chewing twice, her eyes could not help but light up, she immediately stuffed the rest of her hand into her mouth, crunched and swallowed, smacked her lips unsatisfied, then reached out to pick up another piece and ate it with excitement "What is this? It's delicious!"

"This is the snack that our Shanqiu Foods has just developed. Yuanqi Potato Chips. How about it? It's delicious!" Zhao Shanhe watched as Li Qiuya kept sending potato chips to his mouth with one hand, while the other hand was The fragments that fell under the chin continued, and he did not forget to throw the caught fragments into his mouth halfway, and said with a smile.

"Yes, it's delicious."

Li Qiuya didn't want to stop eating.

"Are you really tinkering with new products? I thought it would take ten days and half a month on your side."

"Yuanqi Potato Chips are not that exaggerated, they are very neat. But even so, Teacher Xiao and the others are exhausted, and it is considered a success after a whole morning of work. Of course, I am the one who suffers the most. Look at my tongue, now It's numb from eating."

Zhao Shanhe pointed at his protruding tongue speechlessly.

"Okay, okay, I know you've worked hard, come, have a cup of milk tea."

After Li Qiuya finished eating the potato chips, she patted the crumbs on her hands, and smiled, handing over a cup of Xiang Piaopiao milk tea.

"Do you think our milk tea advertisement should be replaced with a new one? I have been using the previous one. After a long time, everyone will have aesthetic fatigue. I think it is time to replace it with a new one."

"You are right, like advertisements and products, there is a kind of aesthetic fatigue and taste fatigue. It must be constantly innovated and keep pace with the times to adapt to the development process of society. In this way, I will arrange this matter. "

Zhao Shanhe stroked the milk tea.

"Chen Xiao should be able to take a break, so let her take the time to shoot a new commercial. I even thought out the words of the commercial. I guarantee that this commercial will shock the whole country when it comes out."

"Really? What is the advertisement so powerful?" Li Qiuya looked over curiously.


Zhao Shanhe frantically wrote a line of words on the paper and handed it over. Li Qiuya was stunned at the first sight when she saw it, and then she looked over with brilliance.

"You dare to say that!"

"There's nothing to dare to say, and I'm right! That's it, you just listen to me. Now go and call Xiangyang over, and let's have a meeting to discuss the matter of Yuanqi potato chips." Zhao Shanhe said casually.

"it is good!"

Now that Yuanqi Potato Chips have been developed, it is impossible to say that they have been kept like this.Such as patent application, production line construction, site selection, etc., all of these must be put on the agenda.Zhao Shanhe would not say that he would do these trivial things by himself, he would hand them over to Li Xiangyang and Li Qiuya, because he had more important things to do.

"Maybe I should contact Chen Jingwei!"

Thinking of what he was going to do, Zhao Shanhe subconsciously picked up his mobile phone and dialed the phone number of Chen Jingwei of Zhili Automobile. At this time, Chen Jingwei was in a thunderstorm.

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