Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 771 Do you dare to do it?

Seeing Liu Yunze's obsession, Ji Mingjian's expression darkened instantly.


Liu Yunze was slightly stunned and hurriedly said: "So we should take precautions against Zhao Shanhe. I think Zhao Shanhe might want to plot against our Red Star Machinery, or even want to annex us. He has always been so crazy in his work. , the sword goes slanted, we have to guard against it, don't you think?"

After Liu Yunze finished speaking, he scanned the audience full of anticipation, trying to find some resonance among the crowd, but he didn't want everyone to cast a look like a fool.

"Deputy Director Liu, are you okay? You said Zhao Shanhe is thinking about our Hongxing Machinery Factory? Do you want to buy us?"

"How is it possible? We didn't buy it when it was the hottest in the past, but now that it's like this, he wants to buy it instead. Isn't this sick?"

"If it were you, would you want a factory on the verge of bankruptcy at this time?"


Soon, everyone laughed.

"What do you know? This is the best time to take orders. Don't you think that if you buy now, the price is the lowest? Do you have the nerve to ask others? Put conditions? Sorry, you don't do that either Qualifications to do it. That's why Zhao Shanhe wants to make a move at this time."

Liu Yunze scanned the audience emotionally.

"So I think Zhao Shanhe's purchase of our equipment is just a test. If we say that we have no intention of fighting and negotiating, he will continue to attack us."

"And then what?"

Ji Mingjian looked over.

Liu Yunze said as a matter of course: "Then Zhao Shanhe will package and buy our Red Star Machinery Factory!"

"Director Ji, do you want to see this? Do you want Zhao Shanhe to swallow our factory? Do you want to watch the signboard of Hongxing Machinery Factory become history?"

"If you think like this, then you are the sinner of our Red Star Machinery!"


Ji Mingjian was furious, slammed the table, pointed at Liu Yunze and said angrily: "Liu Yunze, don't give me a label here, I don't need you to tell me what to do! Let me tell you, the brand of our Red Star Machinery Factory It will never be taken off!"

"It's you, just take care of yourself."

"Also, since you've reached this point, there's something I just want to announce."

Ji Mingjian paused for a moment, and then slowly announced an order while everyone was watching. The moment the order was announced, Liu Yunze's expression changed on the spot, and his calves trembled.

"Liu Yunze, according to the report letter, someone said that you and your son Liu Huarong's Ronghua Commercial Company had improper business dealings, which involved the loss of state-owned assets of our Hongxing Machinery Factory, so from now on, you will be arrested. Temporarily suspended, ready to accept the investigation of the discipline inspection department!"

"Impossible! I have never done anything illegal. This is purely framing! Someone wants to discredit me! I want to know who wrote the report letter!"

After Liu Yunze was shocked, he shouted out of control.

"Is it framed? It will be investigated soon. Before that, you will be suspended!"

"The meeting is over!" Ji Mingjian stood up calmly, left his seat, and walked straight out.


Liu Yunze slumped down on the chair, his face ashen.

Everyone who saw him walked away from him, as if avoiding the plague god.

"How did this happen? Didn't I just want to trouble Zhao Shanhe? How did it end up like this?"


In a cafe in Zhongzhou City.

Zheng Yelong looked at Miyai Saburo in front of him restlessly, hesitant to speak.

"Zheng Sang, don't you have anything to say to me?" Saburo Miyai asked indifferently after a glance.

"Mr. Miyai, I messed up the matter of the valve lock plate. I have to admit my mistake to you. There is no way I can recover from this matter. My junior brother Li Shanfeng has already transferred the entire technology patent to Zhao Shanhe. " Zheng Yelong said hastily.


A pencil in Miyai Saburo's hand was broken by him on the spot, and he looked over with cold eyes.

"Zheng Sang, you should know about the matter between me and Zhao Shanhe. Do you think I will be happy if you lose to him?"

"Mr. Miyai, I have nothing to do with this matter. I have explained it clearly to you just now. I also want to win this patent right, but the problem is that Li Shanfeng refuses to sell it to me no matter what he chooses. It happened to be Zhao Shanhe."

"My other junior brother, Gao Shaoyuan, is also involved in this matter, and it's because of him that he's a matchmaker."

Zheng Yelong cried and said sadly: "I also know that there are conflicts between you and Zhao Shanhe, because of him, you have suffered heavy losses, but I really have nothing to do."

More than a heavy loss!

The order of Jinyang Machinery Factory was robbed!

The matter of Nanjue Cement Factory has been messed up!

The car windshield market is captured!

In a short period of time, Zhao Shanhe has already launched several campaigns against the Sakura Club, and every time they succeeded, this left Saburo Miyai with nowhere to vent his anger.

He knew that if he didn't want to solve Zhao Shanhe any longer, all the properties of the Sakura Club in the Eastern Province might be captured and occupied.

So something has to be done!

"Zheng Sang, I'm entrusting you with one thing, do you dare to do it?" Saburo Miyai asked in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?" Zheng Yelong asked.

"I want you to kill Zhao Shanhe!" Saburo Miyai said word by word. The moment he said this, Zheng Yelong petrified on the spot and looked over with astonishment.

"Get rid of Zhao Shanhe?"

Zheng Yelong's lips turned pale, and he swallowed hard.

"Mr. Miyai, are you serious?"

"Just say you dare to do it?" Miyai Saburo asked, staring at Zheng Yelong's eyes with a dark look.


Zheng Yelong shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I dare not! Killing people is against the law. I am a businessman, and I would not do such outrageous things."


Miyai Saburo sat back slowly, and said calmly, "I'm just joking with you, don't take it seriously."

"In fact, what I really want to say is, you, find a way to poach Gao Shaoyuan to me as soon as possible! As long as he leaves, Zhao Shanhe will be in a difficult position! This is not too difficult for you, is it?"

"It's simple, okay, leave it to me, and I'll take care of it."

Zheng Yelong breathed a sigh of relief on the spot, as long as he is not allowed to kill anyone.He also believes that Saburo Miyai should just talk, otherwise, if he really kills someone, do you think it is a simple matter?

To kill is to pay with life.

"Here's some information for you. There's a woman named Fu Juan, who is Gao Shaoyuan's ex-girlfriend. Maybe you can use it."

Saburo Miyai pushed over a portfolio.

"Thank you, then I'm more confident!"

After Zheng Yelong picked up the file bag, he said a few more words before getting up and leaving. After he left, Saburo Miyai returned to his car, and looked at Lin Chaotai with a gloomy expression.

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