Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 770 Can't tell the priority!

Jiang Haichao, who is a mechanical professional, of course knows what kind of technology the valve lock plate is. This technology has been monopolized by foreign manufacturers until now, and it is still blank in China.

But now that this technology has just appeared in front of him, how can you not surprise him?

"Director, Gao Gong and the others developed this valve lock technology?" Jiang Haichao swallowed and asked in a tight voice.


Zhao Shanhe took a sip from his teacup, shook his head and said calmly: "Although it was not developed by Gaogong, it is indeed our factory's patent now, so you don't have to worry, we can produce legally and compliantly."

"that would be great."

Jiang Haichao said excitedly: "As long as we can produce the valve lock plate, those car manufacturers will definitely contact us at that time. Yes, didn't you sign a lot of orders for tempered glass in Nan Province? Go to those car manufacturers, they will definitely be interested."

"I also know this. I just want to ask you, do we have the equipment to produce valve locks? If yes, we can launch this project at any time, but if we don't, I have to prepare I bought it." Zhao Shanhe said.


Jiang Haichao gradually calmed down from his excitement, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said slowly: "Director, since you are looking for me, you must be asking if the Changzheng Machinery Factory has these equipments?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled and nodded: "Yes, I just want to ask, did the former Changzheng Machinery Factory have such equipment? Or do you know that the Red Star Machinery Factory has it?"


On this issue, Jiang Haichao said decisively without even thinking about it: "Director, not only our Changzheng Machinery Factory has them, but even the Red Star Machinery Factory has them."

“Because our two factories had produced valve locks before, but the technology of valve locks at that time was not hard enough, and the produced locks ended up as waste products, so that now the equipment is piled up in the warehouse. "

"If we really want to produce valve locks, I suggest that we just take down these equipments. Just now that Hongxing Machinery Factory is overwhelmed, they shouldn't say how sensitive they are to these equipments. As long as we buy them, It’s definitely available.”

"Are you sure?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked.


Jiang Haichao nodded heavily, and said solemnly: "Actually, I have always been in touch with my former friends. Some of them said that Liu Yunze had long wanted to sell the equipment and use it to pay the workers. Said it was going to be sold as scrap iron.”

"I didn't think much about it at the time. Now it seems that this matter has to be done quickly, lest those people really do it."

"Scrap iron?"

Zhao Shanhe gasped, and silently covered his forehead.

"It seems that they really can't go on anymore, otherwise they wouldn't say that they want to do this. Okay, you can do this, and do it quickly. Of course, don't go in a crooked way. We're just going to buy equipment. Yes, just buy it openly."

"I understand, I'll go right away."

"it is good!"


Not to mention, Jiang Haichao's work efficiency is still very high.

The next day, there was news about this incident. The old equipment piled up in the warehouse was packaged and sold by the Hongxing Machinery Factory.

They also knew that it was manufactured and bought by Jiuquan, but it didn't matter. For Liu Yunze and Ji Mingjian, it was a good deal to sell a bunch of discarded equipment in exchange for some funds to appease the workers.

As for what Zhao Shanhe bought the equipment for, they didn't care.I can't even take care of myself, so I don't have time to take care of so much.

Just like now.

A meeting at the Red Star Machinery Factory had just ended, but no one at the meeting had any opinion on selling the equipment.Even if Liu Yunze was dissatisfied, he was only dissatisfied with selling this batch of equipment to Zhao Shanhe, and he agreed in his heart whether to sell the equipment or not.

"Director, what do you think Zhao Shanhe wants to do?" Liu Yunze stretched himself after the meeting and asked.

The rest of the people also looked over.

"What Zhao Shanhe wants to do is his business, and it has nothing to do with me. What I am concerned about now is what should we do next? I think you should also know how difficult our factory is now. The way to break the situation, the situation will become more and more serious." Ji Mingjian waved his hands and said with a straight face.

He's been having a hard time lately.

The workers at the bottom are making trouble, the leaders at the top are making trouble, and the colleagues in the middle are sitting idly by.It was as if he was the only one from Hongxing Machinery Factory, and he was the only one who should pay for all this.

He asked himself more than once: "Who am I for? What am I planning?"

"Factory Manager, I think we should still be on guard against Zhao Shanhe. He is not a person who plays cards according to common sense. Since he said he bought our equipment, he must have a conspiracy. He..."

Before Liu Yunze finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Mingjian on the spot. He looked over with a gloomy face and said angrily, "Deputy Factory Director Liu, don't you think what you said is a bit off topic?"

"Off topic?"

Liu Yunze couldn't help being stunned.

It wasn't until this time that he realized that all the people sitting there looked at him with strange eyes, as if they were saying, are you okay?Why do you keep staring at Zhao Shanhena?

What kind of blood feud do you have with him?

What we are discussing here is the life and death of the factory. Why do you have to drag Zhao Shanhe into it here?Not to mention that it is difficult for us now that the mud bodhisattva crosses the river, even in the past, do you think you can give pointers to others here?

Can't tell the priority!

"Isn't it off topic? Does what we're talking about have something to do with Zhao Shanhe? Why do you have to worry about that batch of equipment?"

"That batch of equipment was decided at our meeting. It is a bunch of things that are of no value to our factory. Fortunately, Zhao Shanhe wanted it. Otherwise, do you think those equipment can be sold? They can only be sold as Dispose of the waste."

"So I hope you can still focus on your work and stop staring at Zhao Shanhe all the time!"

When Ji Mingjian said this, he frowned and said pointedly: "I know that there is a conflict between you and Zhao Shanhe. Your son Liu Huarong was imprisoned because of him, but the problem is that it is yours. For private matters, you can’t say that public affairs are abolished for private reasons!”

At the end, Ji Mingjian knocked on the table a few times with his fingers, his face already very dissatisfied.

"I do not have!"

Hearing this, Liu Yunze became impatient. He stood up suddenly, stared at Ji Mingjian and said anxiously: "The matter between me and Zhao Shanhe is indeed our private matter, and I don't want to hold it. Let's talk about our business."

"The business I just said is very serious. I think Zhao Shanhe definitely has other plans in purchasing this batch of equipment."

"So that?"

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