Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 769 This Is You Forcing Me

"Old Gao, have you ever thought that this senior brother of yours may have completely betrayed him?"

Complete betrayal?

Gao Shaoyuan's heart was shocked, and he thought about it quickly. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He felt a faint chill on his back, and asked hesitantly: "You mean, he is no longer a Chinese?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded slowly, and said unhurriedly: "Intuition tells me that Zheng Yelong is an egoist who only seeks profit. As long as such a person can achieve his goal, there is nothing he can't do. Let me tell you this, I want to tell you, be more careful when you get along with him again, and don't be tricked by him."

"I will." Gao Shaoyuan nodded thoughtfully.

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly: "Then you go now, I'll go back first, and say hello to Old Zhai for me."

"it is good!"

After Gao Shaoyuan left, Chen Ju suddenly said: "Director, I think you should pay more attention to safety issues when you go out now, and be careful of some people who don't follow the rules and jump over the wall. After all, you are not yourself now. How much are you related to?" The livelihood of thousands of people must not go wrong."

"It's not as exaggerated as you say!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands indifferently.

"Who said what Chen Ju said was exaggerated?"

Cai Shishi stood on the same line with Chen Ju this time. She said calmly: "You are our current leader. If someone wants to bring us down, killing you should be the most direct and fastest way. Don't underestimate it." Those people are greedy for profit, and in order to achieve their goals, they will do whatever it takes."

"If you say that..."

Zhao Shanhe spoke after pondering.

"I will exercise more with Chen Ju in the future, so that even if I encounter danger, I can protect myself."

"It is still necessary to strengthen the security force." Cai Shishi insisted.

"Okay, this matter is up to your arrangement."

Zhao Shanhe didn't want to waste his energy on such things, anyway, it was enough to have Chen Ju by his side.With this time, he was thinking about how to implement the valve lock plate technology as soon as possible.

"Perhaps it should."


Eastern State Technological University.

When Gao Shaoyuan arrived here, Zheng Yelong had just wandered back from the outside.Coming back here again, his state of mind is completely different from before.

I used to be here purely as a college student studying, but now I come back with a high sense of accomplishment.In his eyes, those so-called younger brothers and sisters were ridiculously childish.

"Gao Shaoyuan, why are you here? You are really a dog skin plaster, and you can't shake it off!" After seeing Gao Shaoyuan suddenly, Zheng Yelong was slightly taken aback, and then stopped hiding his true emotions and said contemptuously.

There's no one here anyway.

There is only one Yan Ruyu, what can she do?

"Me? Dog skin plaster?"

Gao Shaoyuan sneered and looked over mockingly.

"Zheng Yelong, I'm here to visit the teacher, to visit the younger junior sister. You say I'm a dog skin plaster, but I think you are right? Here, you are the most unwelcome person right now."

"What did you say?" Zheng Yelong's face was livid.

"What? Do you want me to tell the truth? Do you really want to lose your reputation here? If you want, no problem, I can fulfill your wish, and I can say it now."

"I can even go to the corridor and tell everyone that you, the so-called senior brother, are doing such nonsense now." Gao Shaoyuan spoke sharply.


Zheng Yelong felt a little guilty.

None of the things he did can be brought to the table one by one, and must be kept secret.If any one is exposed, what awaits him is ruin and worthless.

At that time, let alone asking Zhai Shouzheng to help, even if he wanted to see Zhai Shouzheng, it would be difficult.

"I'm not here today to quarrel with you, I'm here to visit the teacher." Zheng Yelong took a deep breath and said.

"Visiting the teacher?"

Gao Shaoyuan said mockingly: "If the teacher sees you like this, he will probably be mad."

"Gao Shaoyuan, don't go too far!"

Zheng Yelong didn't know how much Gao Shaoyuan knew about him, but he didn't dare to gamble.In this kind of thing, if you lose the bet, there is no possibility of turning around.

"If you see the teacher, you can leave now. The teacher said that after class and lectures, there is no time until evening." Yan Ruyu interrupted suddenly.

"What? Are you telling the truth?" Zheng Yelong was startled, and immediately cast a suspicious look at Yan Ruyu, trying to distinguish the credibility of this sentence, trying to find a trace of lying in her expression.

"Of course it's true. This is what the teacher asked me to tell you. He said you can go!" Yan Ruyu said casually.

"Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll visit the teacher later when I have time."

After Zheng Yelong finished speaking disgruntledly, he turned and left.

Looking at his back, Yan Ruyu said dismissively: "Hmph, how dare a person like this come to visit the teacher, don't you know how much the teacher hates him?"

"The teacher hates him?"

When Gao Shaoyuan heard this, his eyes lit up.

"So the teacher knows about Zheng Yelong?"

"I know, you just told me that I wouldn't let me chase him away. I didn't expect him to be chased away by the senior brother when he saw it." Yan Ruyu said with a smile.

"I thought the teacher didn't know, but now it's easier to talk about it. Forget about him, it will affect the mood, little junior sister, when the teacher is free, I have something to tell him." Gao Shaoyuan waved his hand and said.

Yan Ruyu looked up at the wall clock on the wall: "Then let's go there now, he should be finishing get out of class."

"it is good!"

If Zheng Yelong saw Yan Ruyu's double standard, he would probably go crazy.

At this moment, Zheng Yelong had just walked out of Dongzhou University of Technology when he received a call from Miyai Saburo, and Miyai Saburo over there asked with a gentle smile: "Zheng Sang, how did you do what you were asked to do?" How is it? I have been waiting for news of your victory here."

"Mr. Miyai, I'm still working on this matter. Don't worry, I will handle it well." Zheng Yelong said coldly.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news."

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Yelong's eyes were cold.

"Zhao Shanhe, you forced me to do this. It seems that I can only resort to ruthless tactics."


Manufactured in Jiuquan, Zhenghe County.

After Zhao Shanhe came back, he didn't say he would go back to Hetu Manufacturing for the first time, but turned a corner and came here, because he knew that today was the day when Haichao Changjiang was on duty at the factory, and he wanted to ask Jiang Haichao something.

After meeting him, Jiang Haichao hurriedly served a cup of brewed tea, and asked with a smile: "Director, why did you suddenly want to find me? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, I am looking for you for something. I can only look for you for this matter."

As Zhao Shanhe said that, he took out the transfer contract of the valve lock plate, pushed it in front of Jiang Haichao and smiled slightly.

"Look at this first."

"what is this?"

As he said that, Jiang Haichao took it over with a suspicious expression on his face. At first glance, he was like a thunderbolt.

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