Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 77 What Are You Going To Do?

"Who are you looking for and what are you looking for?"

Li Jianguo couldn't help asking a little nervously when he saw this group of people who obviously didn't look like a good guy rushing in.

The leader was a big bald head. He stroked his head and said with trembling face, "You are Li Qiucheng's old man, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Li Jianguo asked anxiously.

"Then, it's you we're looking for."

The big bald head took out a piece of paper from his pocket, shook it and said, "Your son borrowed 2000 yuan from me, but now I can't find anyone else."

"Hmph, the monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away. Since he is gone, I can only come to you. Come on, open your eyes and see clearly. There are black and white words, 200 yuan, and you have to get it for me. come out!"

Two thousand two hundred yuan?

Li Jianguo was a little confused, is Li Qiucheng crazy?How dare you borrow so much money?

But that's not right, didn't you just say two thousand?How come there are two hundred more at once?

"That's not the right number!"


The bald man grinned and said, "We agreed before he borrowed the money that he would borrow two thousand and pay it back within a week with an interest of 100 yuan."

"As long as it's over a week, add one hundred! I advise you to pay back the money now, or it will be two thousand and three next week!"

"Aren't you usury?" Li Jianguo finally understood.

"Loan usury? What usury, don't open your mouth and shut up and frame us, okay? We are in a formal business, so don't use us to trap usury."

"I didn't force him to borrow the money. He borrowed the money willingly and wrote down the IOU. What's the matter? Old man, do you want to default on the debt and not pay back the money?" The big bald man began to talk dirty.

"Dad, let me come!"

Zhao Shanhe grabbed the emotional Li Jianguo, then came down from the steps, stared at the big bald head, and said loudly: "As long as Li Qiucheng borrowed money, we will naturally pay it back. But you can't just open your mouth and say he borrowed it." Is it right? Who knows if you were cheated or not?"

"Tricked and kidnapped?"

The bald man laughed, looked Zhao Shanhe up and down, shook his head and said, "It seems that you are in charge? All right, if you don't believe what I say, it's very simple, just ask Li Qiucheng and you'll find out."

"He's not at home!" Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"not at home?"

The big bald man smiled, and said with gloomy eyes: "Are you a fool for me? My people saw Li Qiucheng come back with their own eyes, and you actually told me that he was not at home."

"Even if you want to renege on your debts, can you find a more plausible reason? Li Qiucheng, come out to me the fuck! Don't think that I can't find you because you are hiding."

"are you back?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little suspicious now, he turned to look at Li Jianguo.

"I do not know either."

Li Jianguo turned his head in bewilderment, no, this place is so noisy, it stands to reason that Tian Lihua and Li Qiuya should have come out a long time ago, why haven't these two people shown up until now.

Could it be that Li Qiucheng entered the house through the back door?

Zhao Shanhe also noticed this situation.

"Li Qiucheng, get out of here quickly, you bastard, if you don't come out, I'll search the house!" The bald man took a step forward and shouted sharply.

"you dare!"

Zhao Shanhe said in a cold voice: "Listen to me, as long as he really borrowed it, he will definitely pay back the money. But if you dare to spout shit and curse, I guarantee you won't get a penny."

"Okay, I won't say anything, then you pay back the money!" The bald man stretched out his hand and said confidently.


Zhao Shanhe turned his head and walked into the room while speaking.

Li Jianguo stood outside to block it.

After a while, a group of people gathered outside the courtyard.They came just now because of the TV, and they were all stimulated by the color TV.

Who would have thought that the excitement hadn't disappeared yet, another group came to Li Jianguo, and they opened their mouths and shut their mouths to pay back the money.

Why is this old Li's family so busy?

"What's the matter with them? They don't look like good people one by one."

"It seems to be that Li Qiucheng owes someone money."

"Li Qiucheng? Hey, you say that this old Li is quite unlucky enough to have such a son."

"Do you think Lao Li's son-in-law will help pay back the money?"

While the villagers outside the door were discussing, Zhao Shanhe also saw Li Qiucheng in the house.No wonder the big bald head said he was back, but it turned out that he really slipped back home.

It's just that the current Li Qiucheng doesn't have the usual arrogant and domineering appearance, he is in a trance, curled up in the corner with a pale face, no matter how Tian Lihua and Li Qiuya persuade him, he refuses to come out.

"Mom, I can't go out, I will be beaten to death by them. You don't know them, they dare to do anything."

"That big bald man is nicknamed Mad Dog. He really can do anything. If I go out, he will definitely take me away! I can't go out! By the way, you should hurry up and pay back the money, and let them hurry up after paying back the money." Walk!"

Li Qiucheng said with pale lips and panicked eyes.

"You, you, let me tell you what's good about you!" Tian Lihua began to cry anxiously.

Two thousand and two hundred yuan, you want to kill your mother!

Where does our family have so much money!

"Mountains and rivers!"

Li Qiuya turned around and looked at Zhao Shanhe who walked in, with a nervous expression on her face.

"Don't worry, it's okay!"

Zhao Shanhe said indifferently.

For him, this small scene is nothing at all.

When things happen, stay calm and take your time. Only in this way can the problem be solved.

"Shanhe, what do you think we should do now?"

Tian Lihua stood up, grabbed Zhao Shanhe's shoulder, and asked eagerly.

There was a strong expectation in her eyes, as if Zhao Shanhe had become the only life-saving straw.But before today, if you said that Tian Lihua would beg Zhao Shanhe like this, she wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death.

"It's okay, Mom, I'll take care of it!"

Zhao Shanhe stood in front of Li Qiucheng, looked down from a high position, and asked calmly: "Li Qiucheng, tell me, is what the big bald man outside said true or false? Did you really borrow this money?" ?”

"Did you really promise that if you don't pay it back for a week, you will add [-] interest?"

"it is true."

Li Qiucheng looked up at Zhao Shanhe, and nodded with a guilty conscience.

"Did you write the IOU yourself?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I wrote it." Li Qiucheng said, swallowing his saliva.

"Didn't he force you to write it?" Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No, he didn't force me!" Li Qiucheng waved his hands again and again.

"Then I know!"

Zhao Shanhe took a deep look at Li Qiucheng, then raised his arms, and swung them down suddenly in the surprised eyes of Tian Lihua and Li Qiuya.

"Shanhe, what are you going to do?"

Li Qiuya cried out in shock.

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