Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 78 Is This Attitude Wrong?

"Get up for me!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to hit Li Qiucheng, but directly grabbed his collar and picked him up.

"What are you going to do?" Li Qiucheng asked with horror on his face.

"What to do? Of course, do something that a man should do. Li Qiucheng, I know you must be very scared now, but this is the end, fear is useless."

"You follow me out, let's clarify the matter face to face, and solve this problem once and for all. Otherwise, this matter will never end for the rest of your life! You still want to be entangled for the rest of your life!"

Zhao Shanhe said coldly.


Li Qiucheng looked at Zhao Shanhe as if looking at a stranger.

He could feel that Zhao Shanhe was completely different from before, but he still didn't dare to go out.

"What are you? With me here, what are you afraid of!"

Zhao Shanhe directly grabbed Li Qiucheng's shoulders, pulled them away, and said as he walked, "Don't worry, with me here, the sky won't fall! Just remember, anything that can be solved with money is nothing! "

Anything that can be solved with money is nothing!

Hearing this, Li Qiucheng's expression was dull.

This is too arrogant to say.

I also know that what you said is right, but the problem is that I have no money?

"Follow quickly."

Tian Lihua and Li Qiuya hurriedly chased them out.

In the courtyard.

The big bald head frowned and muttered: "What's the origin of this kid, he looks pretty awesome, why does he look familiar to me?"

"Should be Li Qiucheng's brother-in-law?"

"I know him, his name is Zhao Shanhe, he's not capable, he's just a loser."

While the bald-headed group was discussing, the villagers next to them couldn't help muttering: "He is the director of the Tangtang Mountain Autumn Cold Drink Factory. Didn't you see the big color TV you just bought over there?"

"Shanqiu Cold Drink Factory?"

The big bald man muttered something, then suddenly turned his head and said, "Is it the one that produces popsicles in our county?"

"That's right, that's it!"

"Fuck, he is that Zhao Shanhe?"

The big bald man had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Brother, do you know him?"

"Let's get acquainted."

The big bald head nodded, showing a somewhat cloudy and uncertain look on his face.

Although he had never met Zhao Shanhe before, he heard his uncle Huang Zhizhong mention it several times.

To be able to make his uncle praise him, this Zhao Shanhe definitely has two brushes, and he even made Huang Hu obediently admit his cowardice and run away.

No wonder you didn't give up at all just now, you have confidence!

Just thinking about it, he saw the door opened and Zhao Shanhe carried Li Qiucheng out.

"Hehe, I'm finally willing to show up!"

"Look where your kid is going!"

"Let our brothers find it so hard, beat him up!"

Seeing the brothers next to him gearing up to go up and make a move, the bald head stretched out his hand: "Okay, stop shouting, I have something to say."

The boys were stunned for a moment, brother Gou, is his attitude wrong?

"Bring me an IOU!"

Walking in front of the bald head, Zhao Shanhe stretched out his hand: "Bring me the IOU!"

"Yo, the tone is not small, why give it to you!"

"You can take it as you say, who are you!"

A group of younger brothers were obviously not convinced, and immediately shouted again, while the bald head's expression darkened: "What are you talking about, be more polite to Boss Zhao!"

"Boss Zhao, please take a look."

With that said, he handed over the IOU.

"Qiu Cheng, take a look, is this the IOU you wrote?"

Zhao Shanhe took the IOU and handed it over.

Li Qiucheng took a quick look at the IOU and said, "That's right, it's the one I wrote, and here's my fingerprint."

"It's good!"

Zhao Shanhe took the IOU, and tore it to pieces on the spot without even thinking about it.

"what are you doing?"

A group of people shouted suddenly, and the bald head showed a bit of anger.

Is this a debt?

"Repay the money!"

As he said that, Zhao Shanhe took out a stack of banknotes from his bag, handed it to the bald man, and said in a deep voice, "Then, this is two thousand and two, and now we are settled."

"Boss Zhao, you really are a straightforward person. I don't want the two hundred interest, I just charge the principal."

The bald head quickly took out two more cards and returned them.

What?What did Brother Gou say, borrowing money without interest?

A group of younger brothers were immediately taken aback.

Even Li Qiucheng was stunned.

"you know me?"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hey, Huang Zhizhong is my uncle. Speaking of which, we can be regarded as our own people. If I take your interest, my uncle will scold me to death if he finds out!"

"Boss Zhao, I won't bother you any more. Let me leave."

After speaking, the bald head waved his hand and hurried away with his men.

"Mom and Dad, let's go into the house and talk!"

Looking at the back of the other party, Zhao Shanhe nodded, and then said to the father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"it is good!"

The group of villagers at the door watched the big bald head and the others come aggressively and leave obediently, and their eyes lit up.

Tsk tsk, this son-in-law of Li Jianguo can do it. Not only has he made money, but even gangsters are in awe of him.

"Did you see that the stack is at least several thousand in size?"

"Yeah, it really is the boss, rich!"

"Those people don't charge interest, which shows that Zhao Shanhe is even more awesome!"

Outside were villagers whispering.

Inside the house was a family with gloomy faces.

Seeing Li Qiucheng standing in the middle of the room with an embarrassed expression on his face, Li Jianguo became furious. He picked up the feather duster on the table and swung it at Liu Qiucheng.


Li Qiuya had sharp eyes and quick hands, so she quickly stopped her.

"Old Li, what are you going to do?" Tian Lihua shouted in shock.

"What? What do you think I'll do? See if you're so used to him? He dares to do anything, even loan usury. What else is he afraid to do?"

Li Jianguo was so angry that he coughed on the spot, his face flushed.


Tian Lihua was a little flustered when she heard this, she raised her head and subconsciously looked at Zhao Shanhe, hesitated to speak.

"Shanhe, don't worry, I will pay back the money. Even if it's a waste of money, I will pay you back!" Seeing Tian Lihua like that, Li Jianguo said decisively without any hesitation.

Tian Lihua glanced at her husband, but said nothing.

"Dad, don't worry about money, let's talk about it later." Li Qiuya comforted in a low voice.

"Can't talk about it later!"

Li Jianguo's stubborn temper came up, he shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Xiaoya, remember, one yard is one yard. Even if I borrowed this money from you, I will definitely pay it back. And the money There is no reason to say, let you take it out for me!"

"Dad, my sister has already said that. Why are you being serious? It's not that she doesn't have money. Their family has money now, which is not bad." Li Qiucheng muttered suddenly.

Hearing this, Li Qiuya's face became a little tense.

She subconsciously looked at Zhao Shanhe, and found that Zhao Shanhe was watching the scene calmly.

"Dog, what nonsense are you talking about! Are you supposed to say this? No matter how rich your brother-in-law's family is, it's still their money. Why should you waste their hard-earned money like this? "

"He paid off the debt for you, and it's fine if you don't thank him, but you still think about not paying back the money, and you still say such things, do you still have a conscience?"

Li Jianguo was really out of anger.

He raised the feather duster only to swing it down again.

"Dad, calm down!"

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe stepped forward, took off the feather duster and smiled slightly: "Let me say a few words!"

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