Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 76 Hey, It's Not What You Think

To be honest, Tian Lihua has always looked down on Zhao Shanhe.

In her opinion, her daughter Li Qiuya needs to have a good figure and good looks, and there are many young talents waiting for her to choose, but who would have thought that she would marry a mere Zhao Shanhe in the end.

If you, Zhao Shanhe, talk about striving for success, forget it, but you are a useless master who dreams of getting rich all day long.

If you want money but don't have money, and if you want status but no status, how can I look up to you?

But who would have thought that today's Zhao Shanhe has changed, and Tian Lihua no longer knows him.

You must know that she originally wanted to go to Shanqiu Beverage Factory with Li Jianguo today, but she didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to come back with Li Qiuya.

That's not to mention, he also brought so many cigarettes and alcohol gifts, the most important thing is that Panda brand color TV.

This is something Tian Lihua never dreamed of!

Because of this color TV, the villagers looked at it with admiration, admiration and jealousy.

Seeing them like this, Tian Lihua felt more face-saving, and her vanity was immediately bursting.

It seems that this kid is really promising now, and he is no longer a wimp.

Li Jianguo didn't say anything, but he was very excited in his heart.

He is Zhao Shanhe's father-in-law, don't he want his daughter to marry a capable man?

The former Zhao Shanhe really disappointed him.Even when Tian Lihua offered to divorce Li Qiuya, he didn't object.

But the current Zhao Shanhe made him look at him with admiration.

If what Cui Huan said was true, Zhao Shanhe would have no problem buying a car, let alone a color TV.

Hehe, let me see who dares to underestimate me, Old Li!

Li Jianguo pondered secretly.

In this noisy atmosphere, Tian Lihua brought Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya into the house.

The rest of the people also left sensibly.

When only her family was left here, Tian Lihua suppressed the excitement in her heart and asked, looking at the big Panda TV set on the table, "You really bought this for us?"

"Yes, Mom, Shanhe bought it. I originally said to show you our black and white TV, but who would have thought that he would just buy a color TV and buy it together with our TV. "

Li Qiuya said with a smile.

"Raising you is not as good as raising mountains and rivers."

Tian Lihua gave Li Qiuya a hard look, and said to Zhao Shanhe, "Shanhe, thank you for this TV, but you should move it back, we don't need it."

"Mom!" Li Qiuya suddenly became anxious.

"Mom, are you still angry with me? I know I didn't do well before, which made you unhappy. But I've changed now, you have to give me a chance to change!"

Zhao Shanhe quickly stood up and said.

"Hey, it's not what you think!"

Tian Lihua shook her head, looked at the color TV and said, "Shanhe, your father and I treated you the way you did before, and you asked for it. You didn't live up to it and made Xiaoya suffer from it."

"You are a man, you are a husband, if you can't even take care of your own woman, what else can you do?"

"But now you have changed, you have become motivated, and you know you have worked hard. Your father and I are very happy to see that you can do this."

"Now is the time for you to spend money, so don't spend any more money on us. We have accepted your wishes, but you should move this TV back and return it."

That's what it meant.

Almost misunderstood my old mother-in-law!

Zhao Shanhe relaxed his tense heart, and said with a smile: "Mom, if you're talking about this, it's fine. We're not short of money now, we have plenty of money."

"We earn money to spend, so what are we saving for? You and my dad can watch TV in peace, or we can start it now, and see if it works."

After speaking, Zhao Shanhe went to turn on the TV.

"This is the fragrance of osmanthus in August, played by Liu Songren. I like Liu Songren so much! Oh my god, this colorful one is so beautiful, it's better than the black and white one!"

Tian Lihua said just now that she didn't want it, but now she fell into it the moment she saw the TV series.

"Xiaoya, have you watched this TV series?"

"No, I just heard about it." Li Qiuya said.

"Come on, sit down, let's watch for a while, and bring that melon seed over!"

"it is good!"

Tian Lihua sat on the stool with Li Qiuya like this, eating melon seeds and watching intently.

Although Li Jianguo also wanted to watch TV, he couldn't just let Zhao Shanhe hang out like this, right?

He then greeted: "Jiang Shan, let's go outside for a cigarette, I have something to tell you."

"it is good!"

The father and father came outside, sat on the pony tie, and after lighting a cigarette each, Li Jianguo took a puff happily, and said slowly amidst the rising of the blue smoke: "Shanhe, what your mother just said is quite right, If you say you are short of money, move the color TV back and return it!"

"Dad, it's okay if you don't need money." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"That beverage factory of yours really makes that much money?" Li Jianguo asked curiously.

"It's okay. At present, I can earn a six-figure income every month." Zhao Shanhe said with some reservations.

"Six figures, ten million and one hundred thousand?"

When Li Jianguo heard this number, his fingers trembled slightly. It was already over [-]. Is this okay?

This amount is much more than that of our Gushun winery. You must know that our winery has not paid wages for a long time.

"Dad, what do you want to tell me?" Zhao Shanhe asked proactively.

"It's like this, Wu Hengdu, the director of our Gushun winery, do you know him?"

"Wu Hengdu?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said, "I've heard of it, what's the matter? What is he going to do?"

"He wants to meet you and talk to you about something. He came to me and asked me to tell you, can you see him?" Li Jianguo asked quickly.

Wu Hengdu wants to see me?

Or through your own father-in-law?

To be honest, Zhao Shanhe was a little unexpected. You must know that in this era, the directors of state-owned enterprises like Gu Shun all have their eyes above the top.

Usually when I see ordinary people, I always speak arrogantly, so why do I need someone to speak for me?Du County also mentioned this last time.

Could it be that Gushun Distillery is not well managed?Wu Hengdu lost the capital of the big factory manager?

But these are not important. The important thing is that since Li Jianguo, the old Taishan, said this, Zhao Shanhe couldn't refuse even if he had a big reason.

He smiled and said: "Dad, what a big deal, it's okay, I agree, I can go to see Director Wu whenever it is convenient for you! Or today."

"Really? That would be great. I'll call the factory back later and ask about it."


Li Jianguo, whose vanity was satisfied when he saw Zhao Shanhe's willingness to agree, looked at Zhao Shanhe with satisfaction.

The two of them began to puff and smoke here, chatting casually.

After smoking, just as the two of them were about to enter the house, several figures suddenly rushed in menacingly at the gate of the courtyard.

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