Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 768 Want to do things on a curve?

"I didn't expect Gao Shaoyuan, you, who used to be proud and arrogant, have now become like this, willing to be someone else's eagle dog. You dare not introduce who that person is to me, do you think I will investigate if you don't tell me?" Can't you?"

Zheng Yelong stood on the side of the road with fierce eyes, looking at the poster of Xiang Piao Piao Milk Tea at the entrance of Dayang Department Store opposite, the corner of his mouth slanted.

"Zhao Shanhe, I didn't expect you to be that Zhao Shanhe!"

"If Saburo Miyai found out about this, it was also because of Zhao Shanhe who disrupted the situation. I think he has the intention to kill Zhao Shanhe. Zhao Shanhe, do you know? You are almost becoming Miyai Saburo's demon!"

Saburo Miyai?


Everything that Zheng Yelong did was in the service of Saburo Miyai, and the patent rights he bought in China were all transferred to Saburo Miyai in the end, and he cut a large amount of profits from it.

The two are not subordinates, but collaborators.

Miyai Saburo told Zheng Yelong about the valve lock plate. He wanted Zheng Yelong to solve this matter as soon as possible, so as to prevent the valve lock plate technology from spreading in China.

As for how Miyai Saburo used this matter to make profits in the East Island Country, that was his business. What Zheng Yelong had to do was to get rid of Li Shanfeng.

Who would have thought that what was thought to be a sure thing would be muddied by Gao Shaoyuan's cross-cutting, and even more so by Zhao Shanhe's first step.

This matter can't be left like this, I must find someone who can persuade Li Shanfeng to come out and disrupt the situation.As long as Zhao Shanhe can't mass-produce in the end, I will win.

"But who are you looking for? In Zhongzhou City, who can persuade Li Shanfeng to move?"

Zheng Yelong frowned, rubbing his chin with one hand and thinking.

"Hey! I'm so stupid, how could I forget this person!"

Suddenly Zheng Yelong slapped his hands, his face was overjoyed.

"Go to the teacher!"

Eastern State Technological University.

Zhai Shouzheng was just about to go to class, but Zheng Yelong appeared in front of him, and said with a smile on his face, "Teacher."

"Yelong, why are you here?" Zhai Shouzheng was a little surprised.

"I happened to pass by our school, so I wanted to come in and see you." Zheng Yelong said, put the gift box in his hand on the ground, and looked at the book in Zhai Shouzheng's hand with a smile.

"Teacher, are you going to class?"

"Yes, I have two classes this afternoon. I just wanted to go to class. How about this, if you have something to say, hurry up and say it. If there is nothing to do, I will go to class first." Zhai Shouzheng said with a smile.

"It's a small matter, but it doesn't matter, I can wait for you, teacher."

"Okay, then you can wander around the school casually."

"it is good."

Then Zhai Shouzheng went to class. He couldn't say that he was delayed because of Zheng Yelong's arrival, but on the way to the classroom, Yan Ruyu asked curiously who Zheng Yelong was.After all, she is not Gao Shaoyuan and Li Shanfeng, he and Zheng Yelong have been separated by several years, so it is normal that they do not know each other.

"Zheng Yelong!"

Zhai Shouzheng glanced at the direction of the office with deep meaning in his eyes, and said slowly: "He is a very smart person, but unfortunately he used his intelligence in crooked ways. He thought I didn't know about him, but he didn't know that I already knew It's clear. I didn't expose it to my face just now, I just didn't want to tear my face."

"Anyway, he is my student."

"Crazy ways? What do you mean?" Yan Ruyu was puzzled.

"He has been in contact with your senior brothers and sisters all the time, and even knows your senior brothers and sisters. What is he doing this for? It is to satisfy his selfish desire. He bought out the patents of those research results Afterwards, he sold it to Dongdaoguo, what do you think he did?" Zhai Shouzheng said contemptuously.

"What? What's more? If that's the case, then he's going too far." Yan Ruyu said angrily.

"Everyone has their own aspirations."

Zhai Shouzheng sighed helplessly, waved his hands, and said lightly: "I can't change his philosophy of life, but I can stick to my own principles of doing things."

"He came to see me because he went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Although I don't know why he came, I'm sure he has a conspiracy. If that's the case, it's better not to see me. In this way, I will go to class later and finish the class There are two more lectures at the end, just send him away for me."

"Yes!" Yan Ruyu said respectfully.

After Zhai Shouzheng explained, he raised his wrist to check the time, put the book under his arm, and strode towards the classroom.

Yan Ruyu returned to the office. She glanced at Zheng Yelong who was out for a stroll, and dialed Gao Shaoyuan's phone as soon as she rolled her eyes. After the call was connected, she said softly, "Senior brother, what are you doing now?"

"It's okay." Gao Shaoyuan said with a smile.

"It's fine if it's okay, I'll ask someone for you, do you know Zheng Yelong?" Yan Ruyu asked.

"Zheng Yelong!"

Hearing this name suddenly, Gao Shaoyuan, who was sitting in the car about to go back, was taken aback and called out the name aloud.

Zhao Shanhe and Cai Shishi also looked over in surprise.

What do you mean?

How could Yan Ruyu say this name for no reason?

"Junior Sister, why did you ask Zheng Yelong? Don't tell me that he is with you now?" Gao Shaoyuan hurriedly asked.

"He was still there just now, and now he's out for a stroll." Yan Ruyu said, looking back at the office door.

"What? He really went to Dongzhou University of Technology?" Gao Shaoyuan looked astonished.

Zheng Yelong, who originally thought that this matter would go wrong, would leave directly. Who would have thought that not only did he not leave, but he went to find Zhai Shouzheng instead, which is a bit interesting.Could it be that he wants to take a roundabout strategy?Want to work on curves?

"What is he doing at your place?" Gao Shaoyuan asked nervously.

"He came to see the teacher, but the teacher said that he had bad intentions, that he was reselling the research results of our brothers and sisters to the East Island people. The teacher didn't want to see him, so he asked me to send him away in a while. I I just wanted to ask, to see if you know this person?" Yan Ruyu said with a smile.

"I know, of course I know, I just met him just now."

After pondering for a while, Gao Shaoyuan covered the microphone and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Director, why don't I go to Dongzhou University of Technology now? Anyway, I still have to discuss with the teacher about further cooperation. done."

"And I also want to see what kind of tricks Zheng Yelong is trying to play. He doesn't want to use the teacher to do something!"

"Okay, then you go to Mr. Zhai's place, and talk to Mr. Zhai about what we said before, and listen to his opinion." Zhao Shanhe said.


Gao Shaoyuan let go of the microphone and said to Yan Ruyu, "Junior Junior Sister, I'll go over now, you are waiting for me in the office."

"it is good!"

Yan Ruyu immediately became happy when she heard this.

After the two hung up the phone, Gao Shaoyuan narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Zheng Yelong really does everything he can to do things, and he can do this kind of thing."

"Old Gao."

Zhao Shanhe tapped his knees with his fingers and said a word slowly.

This sentence made several people in the car change their expressions on the spot.

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