Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 761 Are you threatening me?

Zhao Shanhe was not surprised by Chen Peiwu's choice, because he knew that Chen Peiwu was a smart man, a really smart businessman, and such a person knew best how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

If he had to choose between himself and Liu Huarong, Chen Peiwu would definitely choose himself.

Let alone Liu Huarong, even if Liu Yunze stood here, Chen Peiwu would still choose himself.The reason is simple, Liu Yunze has no future.But anyone who is a little bit smarter will do it.

And indeed it is.

But Liu Huarong was stunned.

He thought that when Chen Peiwu came, he had finally found a backer and could compete with Zhao Shanhe.But now it seems that this is not the case at all, Chen Peiwu actually stood by Zhao Shanhe without saying a word.

At least Chen Lifeng didn't help each other, but Chen Peiwu was lucky, he became an enemy directly.

What kind of magical power does this Zhao Shanhe have that can make you so afraid?

What should I do if you want to do this?

"Uncle Chen." Liu Huarong looked at Chen Peiwu dumbfounded.

"To shut up!"

Chen Peiwu turned his head and yelled at Liu Huarong in a cold voice: "Liu Huarong, I know your character very well. You must have spoken rudely to Director Zhao's wife just now, right?"

"Me!" Liu Huarong's expression changed instantly.

"You can tell it's true just by looking at you. Since you have done something wrong, you should take responsibility. If you are not convinced in any way, just call your father to come over and argue." Chen Peiwu said coldly.

Liu Huarong's eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes indeed!How did I forget this!I'm already like this now, I must find my father to solve it!

Relying on anyone is worse than relying on my own father.

Thinking this way, Liu Huarong walked to the corner with his mobile phone and dialed the phone in front of everyone.After the connection over there, he covered the receiver and said urgently, "Dad, help me!"

Seeing Liu Huarong's actions, Zhao Shanhe didn't intend to stop him at all.No matter who comes here today, he will punish Liu Huarong, and it will be difficult for the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu to come.What kind of man would he be if he was able to remain indifferent even when his wife was molested.

"Director Zhao, do you know who he is?" Chen Peiwu asked in a low voice.


Zhao Shanhe nodded calmly.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to say that standing behind Liu Huarong is his old man Liu Yunze, and this Liu Yunze is said to have some energy in the city. If you say that you must kill him, you have to be a little psychological Prepare." Chen Peiwu reminded.

"Thank you, President Chen, for reminding me, I understand!" Zhao Shanhe thanked with a slight nod.

"it is good!"

As soon as Chen Peiwu finished speaking, Liu Huarong walked over with his mobile phone and said to Chen Peiwu, "Uncle Chen, can you answer my dad's call?"

"Bring it."

Chen Peiwu glanced at Zhao Shanhe who was expressionless, then calmly stretched out his hand to take the eldest brother, and said in front of Zhao Shanhe, "Hi, I'm Chen Peiwu!"

"Old Chen, what's going on?" Liu Yunze asked anxiously as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I don't know exactly what happened, and I came here later." Chen Peiwu told the truth.

"Then what does he mean by Zhao Shanhe? Do you have to do something? Can you help me talk to him and ask him to let Hua Rong come back first?" Liu Yunze asked.

"This one……"

Chen Peiwu hesitated and said: "Old Liu, it's not that I don't help you, but this matter is related to Director Zhao's lover, so you'd better communicate with him in person about this matter, I am not among you Be a megaphone."

"Okay, then you give it to him."

"Director Zhao, would you answer Liu Yunze's call?" Chen Peiwu handed it over.

"give it to me."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he took over the big brother and said calmly, "It's me."

"Zhao Shanhe, what do you mean? Do you insist on embarrassing my son? Let me tell you, you'd better accept what happened today, otherwise, it will be of no benefit to anyone if things get serious." Liu Yunze suppressed Anger said.

"Are you threatening me?"

Hearing this tone, Zhao Shanhe looked mocking.

"I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling the truth, I..."


Who would have thought that when Zhao Shanhe heard this, he had no intention of continuing to listen at all, hung up the phone without hesitation, handed the eldest brother to Chen Peiwu, and said indifferently: "I don't accept any threats from anyone .”


Chen Peiwu was speechless for a while, Liu Yunze, how can you threaten Zhao Shanhe?Regarding today's incident, it is clear that your son did something wrong, even if you don't want to beg him in a low voice, you should at least have a good talk with him! "

"It's good now, not only do you not talk well, but you also threaten others, do you have to make things so big and make it difficult to end before you are willing?

Forget it, I'm too lazy to take care of your affairs.

I want to stay out of it.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hotel, and soon a group of policemen rushed in. The leader was Feng Jiashang, the director of the Nanjue County Public Security Bureau. He saw Zhao Shanhe immediately after he came in, and walked over immediately .

"Director Zhao, are you okay?"

"Director Feng, I'm fine. I called the police, so you can follow the normal procedure to arrest people!" Zhao Shanhe said.

"it is good!"

Feng Jiashang waved his arm and said in a deep voice, "Bring me back."

"Hey! What are you doing? What are you doing? I haven't committed a crime, so why do you arrest me? Let me tell you, I am the boss of Ronghua Commercial. If you dare to arrest me, I will never end with you, and I will sue you!"

Liu Huarong shouted frantically in shock.

But it was useless, he was quickly taken away by Feng Jiashang.

Zhao Shanhe, who was recording the statement next to him, said to Feng Jiashang: "Director Feng, if you need me, please contact me at any time, and I promise to be there on call."

"Don't worry, this matter is not difficult to investigate, I will deal with it according to law." Feng Jiashang said.

Zhao Shanhe smiled and stretched out his right hand: "Then thank you."

After a brief handshake, Feng Jiashang turned around and closed the team.

The people who watched the excitement saw that there was no excitement here, so they dispersed one after another.

Hotel entrance.

"Director Zhao, don't take what happened tonight to your heart. It won't cause any trouble. If you need my help, please let me know at any time." Chen Peiwu said with a smile.

"it is good!"

"Then say goodbye."

After Chen Peiwu left, Zhao Yonghao and Zhao Shankai came up.Seeing that the two of them didn't leave, Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised: "Dad, Shan Kai, why are you still here?"

"Is everything okay inside? I think that person was taken away." Zhao Yonghao asked quickly.

"never mind."

A warm current welled up in Zhao Shanhe's heart.

Although my father said that he had no skills, he would always be the first to stand up and help him when encountering things. This feeling of being protected by others is really good.

"It's fine. People like him deserve to be dealt with. If it's okay, let's go home. Your mother and the others are still waiting for us to pick them up."

"it is good!"

When the three of them returned to Yangpo Town, Liu Yunze was very upset.

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