Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 760 Why should I be this villain!

The atmosphere in the hotel is still tense.

None of the people standing around watching the fun wanted to leave, and they all wanted to see how the play would develop.

Among them, some knew Chen Lifeng, and some knew Zhao Shanhe, and after seeing Chen Lifeng leaving in despair, Zhao Shanhe put on a posture of fighting to the end, their interest was completely mobilized.

"Does any of you know who this guy is? How dare you do such a bastard thing in our county. Don't you keep your dog's eyes open to see who is trying to tease you?"

"who is it?"

"Don't you know him? That's Zhao Shanhe from Blue Bird Glass."

"What? He is Zhao Shanhe? My dear, then this man is courageous enough to even dare to flirt with Zhao Shanhe's women, I admire him!"

"Don't be in a hurry to admire it. I think this guy will probably walk away today. Zhao Shanhe is not easy to mess with."

"Who said it wasn't? Didn't you see Chen Lifeng turning his head and leaving? If it wasn't for Zhao Shanhe, he would be so cowardly?"


When these whispers sounded, Liu Huarong was very anxious.

He knew that he couldn't waste it like this anymore, it would definitely be of no benefit to him if he continued to waste it, so he had to leave quickly.Otherwise, when the police really came, he would definitely be the one who took him away.

"Zhao Shanhe, today's incident is considered a confession, and we will settle the score later."

After saying these words, Liu Huarong turned around and was about to leave.

Pei Yingzhang hurriedly followed behind.

But unfortunately, Zhao Shanhe didn't give them a chance to just slip away. Instead, he stood in front of the two of them and said mockingly: "Liu Huarong, do you think there is such a good thing in this world? You made a mistake here. If you make a mistake, you just want to leave after patting your ass, you don’t want to take any responsibility, you don’t want to take any lessons, is it possible?”

"Zhao Shanhe, you can't kill without nodding your head. Don't go too far." Liu Huarong shouted sternly.

"Hey, you're right, I really went too far!"

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back and dismissed it.

"What can you do?"


Liu Huarong looked anxious.

"Pei Yingzhang, you should hurry up and find a way. Didn't you say that you are Zhao Shanhe's uncle? You should solve this problem for me quickly." Liu Huarong said eagerly to Pei Yingzhang in a low voice.


Pei Yingzhang wanted to cry but had no tears.

What kind of uncle am I!Do you really think that Zhao Shanhe still cares about my uncle?Believe it or not, it's fine if I don't speak, as long as I dare to speak, it will add fuel to the fire.

Just when the atmosphere fell into a stalemate, suddenly a few people came out talking and laughing, and then a voice came from the crowd.

"Hua Rong, is that you?"

"Uncle Chen! It's me, Uncle Chen, I'm Liu Huarong!"

Seeing who it was, Liu Huarong stepped forward excitedly as if he had seen a life-saving straw, and said excitedly, "Uncle Chen, why are you here? I also said that I would find time to visit you at home today. "

Uncle Chen?

It turned out that the Uncle Chen that Liu Huarong was talking about was Chen Peiwu, the director of the Nanjue Iron and Steel Plant.

He was entertaining guests here at noon today, but he didn't expect to find Liu Huarong here when he was leaving after eating.That's why he subconsciously shouted, after all, he and Liu Yunze knew each other.

In terms of relationship, Liu Huarong should indeed call him Uncle Chen.


It's just that while seeing Liu Huarong, Chen Peiwu also saw Zhao Shanhe standing in front of him, without thinking, he threw Liu Huarong aside, and walked towards Zhao Shanhe with a smile on his face.

"Director Zhao, you are here too!"

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"You are this?"

After all, Chen Peiwu was an old man, so he could tell at a glance that something was wrong with the atmosphere here, but he didn't intend to say much, instead he looked at Liu Huarong, then at Zhao Shanhe, and asked tentatively.

"It's okay, someone insists on making trouble for me, so naturally I can only fight. But Mr. Chen, don't worry, I've already called the police, counting the time, the police should be here soon." Zhao Shanhe raised his wrist and looked at it Watch, said flatly.

Make trouble!challenge!Call the police!

When these words appeared in his mind, Chen Peiwu turned his head to look at Liu Huarong, he knew that this guy must be causing trouble.Otherwise, with Zhao Shanhe's steady personality, he wouldn't be making trouble for no reason.

What a worry-free thing!

How did Liu Yunze give birth to a bastard like you?

"Uncle Chen, you have to make the decision for me."

And Liu Huarong, who heard Zhao Shanhe's words, jumped up immediately.All the fear and fear just now disappeared without a trace after seeing Chen Peiwu appear.

At this moment, he has been resurrected with full blood.

That's not enough, he raised his arm and pointed at Zhao Shanhe, and said angrily: "Uncle Chen, this is Zhao Shanhe, who beat me with his wife just now, what are they doing? Openly committing murder and hurting people in broad daylight! "

"As long as he still has the nerve to call the police, I still want to call the police! Uncle Chen, wait for the police to arrive in a while, you can help me as a witness!"

daughter in law?

Isn't that Li Qiuya, Mr. Li?

Thinking of Li Qiuya's identity and Liu Huarong's usual madness, Chen Peiwu could think of what happened just now without any further explanation.

You idiot with more than enough success!

Just get me into trouble!

He really wanted to help Liu Huarong say something nice, but after meeting Zhao Shanhe's playful eyes, his thoughts disappeared instantly.Liu Yunze and I are just friends in the mall, there is no reason to offend Zhao Shanhe just because of him.

Besides, if anyone encounters this kind of thing, he will die to the end.

Why should I be this villain!

If I help Liu Huarong out of this, and today's incident spreads out, saying that I made a move against Zhao Shanhe for this kind of thing, then where will I put my old face in the future?

Chen Peiwu, who had made up his mind in an instant, was ready to stay out of the matter.

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter? You want to take care of this matter? Take a trip into this muddy water?" Zhao Shanhe looked over playfully.


Without thinking about it, Chen Peiwu shook his head decisively. Amid Liu Huarong's expression change, he looked at Zhao Shanhe and said in a deep voice, "I don't know him well. I don't intend to take this muddy water."

"I just came here to ask Director Zhao if there is anything you need to help with. If you have anything to say, just say it. No matter who it is, don't try to bully our family on our site."

The whole place was silent.

Everyone looked over in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this person who was called Liu Huarong's uncle and nephew just now would say such words in the blink of an eye.And how do you do it, say it without changing your face or heartbeat?

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

Earlier Chen Lifeng said that just passing by was enough to make people's eyes drop, but now this one is even more powerful, and he directly pointed out that he was here to help Zhao Shanhe maintain his position.Everyone has said that, you, Zhao Shanhe, can't still be hostile, can you?


Zhao Shanhe smiled.

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