Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 762 Can You Compare With Others?

"How did this bastard provoke Zhao Shanhe?"

"I asked you to go to Nanjue County to discuss cooperation with Chen Lifeng. What nonsense are you doing?"

"That's right, just ask Chen Lifeng and you'll know what's going on."

Anxious Liu Yunze immediately dialed Chen Lifeng, and when he was connected there, he quickly asked about it, and Chen Lifeng didn't say anything, but said very frankly: "Director Liu, in fact, is Liu Huarong, President Liu. Molested someone who shouldn't be molested, that's why Zhao Shanhe called the police and took him away."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Li Qiuya!"

it is as expected.

Liu Yunze, who didn't believe it before, completely believed it now.

You son of a bitch, you really only know how to make trouble for me.You said it's not good for you to molest anyone, and you dare to molest Li Qiuya.That's Zhao Shanhe's Nilin. Think back when he was in Zhenghe County, Zhao Shanhe was able to fight with Liu Wenqiang from the textile factory because of Li Qiuya. Do you think you are better than Liu Wenqiang?

What did you say you provoked him so gracefully?

When will you get rid of your promiscuous behavior?

"Director Chen, you are an old man in Nanjue County. I believe you have a solution to this matter. Can you think of a way, find someone, and get Liu Huarong out of here first." Liu Yunze took a deep breath. asked.

"Director Liu, I might be able to agree to other things, but I really have nothing to do with this matter. To tell you the truth, I heard that even Chen Peiwu and Director Chen are on Zhao Shanhe's side, helping him Talk, so for this matter, I think you should hire someone else wise!"

Chen Lifeng hung up the phone after speaking.

I'm not stupid, let me jump into the fire pit at this time, dream about it!

Listening to the busy tone coming from his ear, Liu Yunze walked back and forth in the room restlessly, the anger burning in his heart.

Damn Chen Lifeng, you know how to avoid it now, why didn't you want to stay away from me when you flattered me before?You are a person who is always on the go!

And Chen Peiwu!

No matter how he stood on Zhao Shanhe's side!

Thinking of Chen Peiwu saying that there was nothing he could do about it, Liu Yunze became even more annoyed.

"No, I have to go to Nanjue County quickly!"

Thinking of this, Liu Yunze hurried out the door.


Yangpo Town.

After Zhao Xiuwu and the others returned home, they didn't say they could sit in peace. They were all thinking about the things at the hotel and how Zhao Shanhe was doing.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Li Qiuya said with a smile.

She trusted Zhao Shanhe.

At this moment, Zhao Xiuwu suddenly stood up and walked out, stopped when he reached the door, and said without looking back: "Xiaoduo, Zhou Yongjian, you two come out with me."

"Dad, I'll follow you."

Zhao Yongxin hurriedly stood up.

"It's none of your business, stay in the room." Zhao Xiuwu glanced back.

Zhao Yongxin sat back obediently.

Zhao Yongduo and Zhou Yongjian followed Zhao Xiuwu out of the house and went outside.Standing under the poplar tree in front of the house, looking at the white snow on the ground, Zhao Yongduo asked in a low voice: "Dad, what's wrong with you? This will suddenly let us out."

"You say that?"

Zhao Xiuwu turned around and looked over with slightly cloudy eyes, but there were two shrewd rays of light.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Xiuwu said bitterly: "You guys, let me tell you what's good about you. As for today's matter, you just messed up a good thing. How did you two get here all these years? Where has all the experience of being a human being gone? Have you fed the dog?"

"Dad, what did you say, what happened to us?" Zhao Yongduo was puzzled.

Zhou Yongjian groaned for a moment, then trembled all over, and then lowered his head in embarrassment.

"What's wrong? You don't know what's wrong until now? I've convinced you."

Zhao Xiuwu shook his head with some disappointment, sighed and said: "I called you over for today's dinner, did I tell you in advance? This is to make up the relationship between you and the boss's family."

"But how do you do it?"

"Let's not talk about how unpleasant what you said at the dinner table, let's just talk about what happened just now? I just want to know why even Shan Kai knows to wait for Shanhe outside the hotel, but none of your family do so?"

"It's fine if you don't do it, why don't you even know how to say a word of concern? Don't you know how disappointed Shanhe will be if you do this?"

Zhao Yongduo's expression changed.

"Dad, are you talking about what happened just now? Shanhe told us to leave just now. Besides, it's not our family who left. Didn't the second and third children all leave?"

"You are confused!"

Zhao Xiuwu stomped his feet vigorously, looked at Zhao Yongduo and shook his head in great disappointment: "Aren't you a very smart person? Why are you so stupid now?"

"What are you talking about? Who told you that you can come back when the second and third child come back? The relationship between them and Shanhe is as tense as the two of you? His son also betrayed Shanhe? Can you compare with others? "


Zhao Yongduo was dumbfounded.

"Don't say a few words."

Zhou Yongjian tugged at Zhao Yongduo's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Dad, we know we were wrong, don't worry, I'll go to the hotel now, and I will wait until Shanhe comes back."

"Go now, it's too late!"

Zhao Xiuwu snorted coldly, took a deep look at Zhou Yongjian, and walked straight to the house.

"Your family, you are only thinking about immediate benefits, no one thinks about long-term benefits. If you continue like this, even if I mediate for you, pave the way and build a bridge, you won't be able to go far Far."


"Stop shouting!"

Zhou Yongjian grabbed Zhao Yongduo who wanted to catch up, shook his head and sighed at her, and said, "Dad is right, we, we just came back just now, we really made a wrong move. If we say that we can make An Gong and Like Zhao Shankai, it would be great if we stayed outside the hotel and waited for Zhao Shanhe!"

"Then what do you think we should do now? Tell An Gong to hurry over?" Zhao Yongduo asked anxiously.


Zhou Yongjian looked up at the road in front of the door, pointed at the Hutouben that was coming and said, "See? Zhao Shanhe has already returned, we are late!"

Under the gaze of the two of them, Zhao Shanhe quickly drove the car to the door and stopped. After getting off with Zhao Yonghao and the others, he saw Zhao Yongduo and Zhou Yongjian coming up, and he shouted formulaically: "Auntie, Uncle."

"Shanhe, how is the hotel going?" Zhao Yongduo asked hastily.


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and walked towards the house.

Zhao Yongduo and the two quickly followed.

After entering the room, Zhao Shanhe was asked again, he still said the same thing, it's all right.After the family said a few more casual words, Zhao Yonghao and the others got up and prepared to go home.

During this period, Zhao Yongxin tried to persuade them to stay several times, but seeing that Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi were a little tired, Zhao Yonghao said to let the two elders rest well, and they should go back early if they have nothing to do, so as not to make it difficult to travel in the dark.

Then they all get in the car and get ready to go home.

Just when Zhao Shanhe was about to leave, Zhao Yongxin suddenly stepped forward.

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