Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 759 Why Are You Deliberately Blowing Fire!

"Mr. Liu, are you okay? Who hurt you?"

Chen Lifeng rushed over in a hurry and asked nervously.

Chen Lifeng?

Yes, the man who appeared here is Chen Lifeng, the deputy director of the cable factory, the same person who broke Zhao Shanhe's acquisition of the transportation team.

As soon as he showed up, he looked anxious.

"Director Chen, you came at the right time. Did you see that? They beat me up. You have to deal with them quickly. It is best to call the police and let the police arrest them and interrogate them severely." Liu Huarong pointed at Zhao Shanhe and shouted viciously. road.

Chen Lifeng looked along Liu Huarong's finger, and the moment he saw Zhao Shanhe, his face couldn't help but change, and he secretly groaned in his heart.

My dear, isn't this Zhao Shanhe?How could it be this master!

Liu Huarong, Liu Huarong, it's not good for you to provoke someone, you must provoke him.Do you know that in today's Nanjue County, the name Zhao Shanhe is a golden signboard, and no one dares to provoke it casually.

If this was in the past, I would still dare to break arms with Zhao Shanhe.

But now I absolutely dare not.

Zheng Nanrun of the cement factory is a lesson from the past, not to mention, his Jade Bird Glass Factory is now developing like a heyday. If you touch Zhao Shanhe's bad luck at this time, isn't that digging your own grave?

Thinking of the purpose of having dinner and drinking with Liu Huarong tonight, it was nothing more than to see if he could get online with Liu Yunze through his relationship and seek cooperation opportunities.

And now, if you offend Zhao Shanhe because you are Liu Huarong, don't say there is no chance, even if you really have the opportunity to cooperate with Liu Yunze, can I succeed?

Damn, this kind of little white-faced businessman is really unreliable.

"Severe interrogation?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at Chen Lifeng and said casually: "Chen Lifeng, do you want to call the police and arrest me?"

"No, no, how is it possible! Who said that?"

Chen Lifeng hastily shook his hand and repeatedly denied it, and at the same time explained: "Director Zhao, I just passed by. !"

After speaking, Chen Lifeng turned his head and left.

He walked cleanly, without any sloppiness, and disappeared at the gate in the blink of an eye.

Liu Huarong: "..."

Pei Yingzhang: "..."

Zhao Yongrui: "..."

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

no?You, Chen Lifeng, are the deputy director of the cable factory, so why are you so timid?Just because Zhao Shanhe asked you a word, you left in despair, isn't that too exaggerated?

"Did you see that? This is the real Zhao Shanhe. One sentence can make people go out in fear!" Zhou Yongjian, who came out of the box, said to his son in a low voice after seeing this scene.

"Yeah, it's really amazing!" Zhou Angong also said with emotion.

"Don't provoke him in the future." Zhou Yongjian warned.

"I know."

Zhou Angong looked at Liu Huarong, and said mockingly: "I'm not as stupid as him. I dare to do anything and dare to offend anyone. This is the experience and lesson I bought back with real money. It's bloody."

"Run? Chen Lifeng just ran away?"

Liu Huarong looked at the door like an idiot, until Chen Lifeng's back was no longer visible, he still couldn't believe what he saw, isn't this too unbelievable?

Didn't you, Chen Lifeng, beg me to do something?

Shouldn't you be groveling to me?

You kept flattering me in the box just now, toasted me with a smile on your face, why did you become so cowardly when you met Zhao Shanhe now, you just ran away with your tail between your legs after he said a word.

Are you still a man?

What can we do now?

Liu Huarong was sitting on pins and needles, looking at Zhao Shanhe for the first time showed a kind of panic, he was really a little scared.Although he is arrogant and arrogant in his actions, he is not stupid.A person who can make Chen Lifeng so scrupulous is still in his territory, can he settle it casually?

Are you really going to be arrested by the police?

Liu Huarong looked up at Zhao Shanhe, his eyes dodged.

After catching Liu Huarong's eyes, Zhao Shanhe snorted and smiled, then turned to Li Qiuya and said, "Qiuya, leave this to me. I just have nothing to do and have some fun. You, just talk to your parents and the others." Go back first!"

"Can it be handled well?" Li Qiuya asked.

"Yes!" Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya turned around and followed Zhao Yongrui to leave.

After the two came to Zhao Xiuwu and the others, they explained what Zhao Shanhe meant. Zhao Xiuwu and the others didn't say anything else, and followed them out of the hotel gate.But when Zhao Yonghao walked over, he said to Zhao Shanhe: "Shanhe, be careful, don't suffer!"

"Don't worry, you won't suffer." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"The people of our old Zhao family don't like to cause trouble, but they are not afraid of trouble. If anyone dares to provoke us, even if they are trying to hurt their muscles and bones, they will tear off a piece of their flesh. You did the right thing today, let go Go ahead and do it, I support you."

Zhao Yonghao patted Zhao Shanhe on the shoulder with relief in his eyes.

"Understood, Dad, you go back first!"

"it is good!"

A group of people just walked out of the hotel.

After getting into the car outside, Lin Chunyan grabbed Zhao Yonghao's arm and complained: "I said, what did you say to Shanhe just now? You don't want to calm things down, so why are you deliberately fighting!"

"Calm down?"

Zhao Yonghao stared at Lin Chunyan, glanced at the others, and said calmly, "What do you mean by deliberately fighting?"

"Didn't you see? It was that bastard who molested our family, Qiuya. If he, Zhao Shanhe, said that he could tolerate his own wife being molested, then he would not be a son of my old Zhao family, not my son of Zhao Yonghao. !"

"But..." Lin Chunyan was at a loss for words.

"Nothing but!"

Zhao Yonghao waved his hand, looked at the hotel behind him and said, "Qiuya, take your mother and the others back first, I want to stay."


"That's the decision!"

Zhao Yonghao said firmly: "My son is confronting people inside, and he might even fight. Do you think I can leave as a father? I can't. You must leave, so as not to stay and cause trouble. Qiu Ya, hurry up Take grandparents with you!"

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya took Zhao Xiuwu and the others away.

After the car drove away, Zhao Yonghao looked towards the hotel, but before he could step out, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, standing with him.

Zhao Yonghao was a little surprised: "Shan Kai, why didn't you leave?"


Zhao Shankai rubbed his head and smiled.

"Master, you haven't left yet, can I go? It's my brother inside. If my brother wants to fight, he has to be helped, right? That boy Shanchuan also wants to come, but I pushed him back. He A brat, how could he do such a fight, let me do it!"


Zhao Yong took a good look at Zhao Shankai, who was smiling heartlessly, and thought of Zhou Angong who had just left without saying a word, and let him go, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Yes, then our father and I will stand here to support your brother."


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