Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 740 I See Which Of You Dare?

The door of the Immortal Hall.

Hou San, who had been waiting here all this time, saw Yu Zhonggu bringing someone over, so he trotted over quickly.


Yu Zhonggu asked in a deep voice.

"It's in there."

Hou San glanced at Xia Wu intentionally or unintentionally, and said sarcastically, "Unexpectedly, Zhao Shanhe, the owner of Hetu Manufacturing, is also a pervert who likes to mess around."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xia Wu glared at Hou San angrily, and shouted in a cold voice.

"I'm talking nonsense? If you don't believe me, go in and see what Zhao Shanhe is doing right now. But let me tell you, it's better to be mentally prepared, the scene inside may be hard to see."

Hou Santoes shouted arrogantly.

"Open the door!"

Yu Zhonggu couldn't wait to catch Zhao Shanhe's current situation.


When Hou San pushed open the door, a group of people rushed in roaringly, and there were still people inside holding cameras, snapping pictures, flashes flashing together.

But soon they were all dumbfounded.

It was supposed to be a lively box, but there is no such scene at this time.

Zhao Shanhe sat quietly on a chair and smoked.

Chen Ju stood beside him with a cold face.

Three painted women curled up in a corner, like criminals waiting to be re-educated.

They were trembling at first, but the moment they saw Hou San, they all shouted desperately as if they had grasped a life-saving straw, and what they shouted immediately made Hou San angry.

But Yu Zhonggu's face was changing uncertainly.

"Brother Hou, help me."

"Brother Hou, this is different from what we said before. Didn't we say that he won't beat us? What is this?"

"We don't care, we have to pay more for this!"


Add money?

Everyone showed thoughtful expressions.

"Brother-in-law, are you alright?"

Seeing this situation, Xia Wu rushed forward, stood beside Zhao Shanhe and asked anxiously.

"I'm fine!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled casually.

"But some people are going to have something to do, Yu Zhonggu, don't you think so?"

"What are you talking about? I don't even know what nonsense you are talking about! Hou San, what's going on?" Yu Zhonggu turned his head and shouted while suppressing the anger in his heart.

"what happened?"

Hou San was also dumbfounded.

This is completely different from the plan. According to the plan, Zhao Shanhe should be hugging left and right, being served by three women, but where is there any sexy scene now, this is so innocent.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's all about framing, so let's do it.

"Mr. Yu, these three are my younger sisters. They came here to eat with me. I didn't expect that they were all caught here by Zhao Shanhe just now when they were going to the toilet."

"Looking at their appearance, they should have been bullied by Zhao Shanhe. Good Zhao Shanhe, you are so shameless! You look like a dog, but you do something like a demon in your eyes."

Hou San's eyeballs rolled around, his mouth was talking nonsense, and he came as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Zhao Shanhe, tell me, what should we do about this?"

Zhao Shanhe: "..."

Xia Wu: "..."

Yang Qianfeng: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked at Hou San very speechlessly, I said Hou San, can you be more shameless?This reason is now compiled too hastily, right?Look at their appearance, where do they look like they have been bullied?

And with your appearance like this, how dare you shamelessly say that you are their elder brother?If they had an ugly brother like you, wouldn't they go crazy?

"Yes, Zhao Shanhe, how dare you molest them? Xia Wu, have you seen it? This is your so-called brother-in-law, and he would do such a thing that angers both humans and gods. Come here quickly, I'm afraid of you If you stay by his side, you will be missed by him."

Yu Zhonggu followed Hou San's words and shouted loudly.

"Yu Zhonggu, can you be more shameless?" Xia Wu sneered and looked over mockingly.

"It's boring."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Yu Zhonggu who was pretending to be angry, raised the corners of his eyebrows, and said unhurriedly: "Yu Zhonggu, are you really Yu Zhonglou's younger brother? Why do I not even have the minimum intelligence in you?" Can't see it?"

"You said how ignorant you are to do such a thing? You think you are doing it perfectly, but anyone with a little brain can see that your conspiracy is full of loopholes."

"Just like you, you still want to play tricks like fairy dance on me?"

As he said that, Zhao Shanhe snorted coldly: "Stupid!"

"Who are you calling stupid?" Yu Zhonggu yelled with narrowed eyes.

"Tell me that!"

Zhao Shanhe squinted lazily at the past.

"You can play such a clumsy trick, who else is stupid if you are not stupid?"


Seeing Zhao Shanhe being so rampant, Yu Zhonggu suddenly burst out laughing, and then his eyes tightened, revealing a fierce look.

"You're right, I just want to punish you. Since this fairy dance didn't complete, then I won't hide it. Hou San, the people with you, give me a hand and beat them up!"

"I see which one of you dares?"

Xia Wu rushed out first, stood in front of Zhao Shanhe, and yelled at Yu Zhonggu angrily.

"Yu Zhonggu, if you dare to attack us, I will be the first to spare you."

"Mr. Yang, are you just watching like this? Stop them quickly!"


Yang Qianfeng originally wanted to stay out of the matter, but who would have thought that Xia Wu would yell at him, pushing him to the front in one fell swoop.He really didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing. What happened tonight was clearly Yu Zhonggu's attempt to bully Zhao Shanhe, but instead of being tricked, Zhao Shanhe pretended to be fighting.

Do you think I can get involved in this kind of thing?

I am the owner of a small advertising company.

One of them is a local snake in Xianhua City and the deputy general manager of Jinyang Machinery Factory.

One is the big and powerful boss in Handong City.

It does me no good to offend anyone.

I just want to sign a contract with Yu Zhonggu, how did I expect such a thing to happen?

You said that I was already uncomfortable and embarrassing enough, but you Xia Wu is still dragging me into this moment to force me to express my opinion, what kind of heart are you doing.I'm usually not mean to you, so why are you cheating me like this?

For a moment, Yang Qianfeng felt like a mouse in a bellows, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"President Yang, do you want to stop me?"

Yu Zhonggu looked over with snake-like eyes.

"no no."

Yang Qianfeng waved his hands subconsciously, stood aside, and said anxiously: "I don't care about this, I'm just here to discuss cooperation with President Yu, and you can settle the matters between you yourself."

"That's about the same, Mr. Yang, you've done a good job, don't worry, the contract between us is all right, I'll leave it to you, Peak Design!" Yu Zhonggu said with satisfaction.

"Thank you, Mr. Yu."

Yang Qianfeng quickly retreated with his people.

"Now I see who else can save you, Hou San, do it!"


Hou San led his people to rush over.

"I see which one of you dares?"

At this moment, an angry shout sounded from the door like a thunderbolt.

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