Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 739 She Is Just the Beginning

"Xia Wu, are you going to find your brother-in-law?" Yu Zhong asked with a smile.


Xia Wu's tone was calm.

"Actually, I feel quite sad for you. Do you know what kind of guy your brother-in-law is? A person like him deserves to be your brother-in-law? You are really blind to your sister."

Yu Zhonggu's dismissive words made Xia Wu angry instantly.

"Yu Zhonggu, please keep your mouth clean. Don't think that I have to sign a contract with you. If you dare to speak ill of my brother-in-law and try to refuse to sign this contract, I will fight you to the end .”

"Xia Wu!"

Hearing this, Yang Qianfeng became anxious. He hurried forward and said in a low voice, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Where am I talking nonsense?"

Xia Wu stared at Yang Qianfeng, and said calmly: "Mr. Yang, I know you want to win this contract, but have you seen it? Does he really want to cooperate with us? He just took He threatened me with this contract. Now he humiliates my brother-in-law in public here, do you think I can tolerate him?"

"What do you want if you don't tolerate it? Let me tell you, Mr. Yu is just talking, and he didn't say anything excessive, why are you shouting here." Yang Qianfeng said anxiously.


Unexpectedly, Yang Qianfeng, who has always been respected, would say this. After Xia Wu was stunned for a moment, she shook her head and said disappointedly: "My brother-in-law asked me before I came here, what is my impression of you? I said good things , I said that you are a person with principles and bottom lines in doing things."

"But now it seems that I was wrong. You are a villain who only cares about profit. Yang Qianfeng, you really let me down!"

"Xia Wu, what are you talking about?" Yang Qianfeng shouted in embarrassment.

"That's how I talk, whether you like it or not!"

Xia Wu said with a cold face: "Yang Qianfeng, please listen to me, I will not serve you anymore, I will officially resign now!"


Yang Qianfeng was instantly stunned.

What he just said and did was indeed a bit excessive, but his company cannot leave Xia Wu.Xia Wu's role as a pillar in his company cannot be replaced by anyone else.If she leaves like this, the sky of Zenith Design will collapse.

What's more, there is still a contract with Yu Zhonggu.

The two haven't signed a contract yet!

"Resign? Who asked you to resign? I don't agree!" Yang Qianfeng shouted.

"Xia Wu, why are you embarrassing Mr. Yang here? Let me tell you, I said the words, and I will naturally be responsible for every word I said. Don't you think your brother-in-law is a gentleman? Go, dare you?" Come and take a look with me." Yu Zhonggu said playfully, turning his body sideways.

"Look at what?" Xia Wu asked in surprise.

"Look at how Zhao Shanhe is playing the role of a wolf in sheep's clothing! Let's go and see what filthy things he is doing now!"

Saying that, Yu Zhonggu walked forward.

The rest immediately followed.

Of course Xia Wu didn't believe what Yu Zhonggu said, after all Zhao Shanhe came in with her.Seeing what Yu Zhonggu said so decisively, she couldn't help but hesitate a bit. Could it be that Zhao Shanhe was tricked by them in just such a short period of time?

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and followed.

Brother-in-law, don't let anything happen to you!

"Which song is this sung?"

Yang Qianfeng was a little dazed, he just wanted to sign a contract with Yu Zhonggu tonight, and he didn't want to take care of anything else except this matter.But now it seems that Yu Zhonggu seems to have done something, which is clearly intended to deceive Zhao Shanhe.But when he thought of Zhao Shanhe running over with a tiger's head, he couldn't help feeling a little palpitating.

"Yu Zhonggu, do you know the details of this man named Zhao Shanhe? Can you design and frame a man who can afford to run like a tiger?"


Hall of Banished Immortals.

All private rooms in Linxian Hotel are named after immortals, such as Feixian Hall and Banxian Hall.And the time went back to a few minutes ago, Hou Sangang walked in with Zhao Shanhe.

"Director Zhao, just wait here for a while, we will be here soon."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe casually looked around.

"Director Zhao, I'll go and urge Mr. Yu."

After Hou San finished speaking, he went out, and almost at the same time as he went out, a gust of fragrant wind came in.That pungent perfume smell makes you want to sneeze.

Zhao Shanhe frowned and looked towards the door of the box, and found that a coquettishly dressed woman walked in. You must know that it is winter, but she was wearing a very thin skirt with a large chest exposed. With snow-white skin, the two towering peaks outline a soul-stirring arc.

This is not counting.

She is just the beginning.

As she walked in, two women in the same dress walked in behind her.They put on paint and powder, and exuded a strong wind and dust atmosphere from their gestures.

After the three women came in, they lined up and made gestures towards Zhao Shanhe.

"Mr. Zhao, our sisters are here to serve you."

"Mr. Zhao, do you think he is for nothing?"

"Mr. Zhao, I will drink with you!"

While talking, three women came forward respectively, some were holding wine bottles, some were holding cigarettes, and some were just pretending to stagger and fall over.

Their intention is obvious, that is to take down Zhao Shanhe.

And the moment he saw the movements of these three women, Zhao Shanhe had already started to move.He stood up directly from the sofa, blocked the two chairs in front of him, and while blocking them, he quickly jumped to the door.

"Hey! Mr. Zhao, don't go!"

While the three women were talking, they rushed forward again.

At this moment, the door of the box opened from the outside, and Chen Ju walked in.After glancing over with cold eyes, he asked Zhao Shanhe, "Boss, what should we do?"

"what ever!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.


During the conversation between the two, a woman rushed over.It's just a pity that they ran into Chen Ju.

Chen Ju has only one idea now, to obey orders, as for anyone who wants to threaten Zhao Shanhe, he will be dealt with on the spot.

So the first woman was out of luck.

She was tripped by Chen Ju and fell to the ground with a bang.

The remaining two didn't benefit either. As soon as they leaned over, they were pushed by Chen Ju's left and right hands respectively. Then, under the impact of strong force, they slammed into the corner of the table, and then fell to the ground in unbearable pain.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Ju quickly cleaned up the three spoiled women.

"Boss, shall we leave now?" Chen Ju asked.

"Why are you going? Don't worry, have you done everything you need to do?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


"Then let's wait here and watch the show!"

As Zhao Shanhe said, he pulled over a chair, sat down slowly, and looked at the door calmly.

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