Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 741 Can't afford to gamble!Not eligible to gamble!

A few people came in from the outside, the leader came in and saw so many people in the box, he went on a rampage, then ignored Luo Yu Zhonggu's angry expression, and stood beside Zhao Shanhe.

"Director Zhao, I'm not late, am I?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled gently, and said slowly: "Mr. Hou, you came just in time."

Mr. Hou in Zhaoshanhekou is Hou Dedong, the factory director of Liusu Foods.The acquaintance between the two can be traced back to the Eastern Province Business Exchange Conference held in Zhongzhou City. At that time, Hou Dedong and Zhao Shanhe did not know each other, but now they are Zhao Shanhe's agent in Xianhua City.

He will appear at this time, naturally arranged by Zhao Shanhe.

And when he knew that Zhao Shanhe might target Jinyang Machinery Factory tonight, Hou Dedong agreed without hesitation without even thinking about it.

During this period of time, he has been wronged enough, and he has always been targeted by Yu Zhonglou.Now that he finally had this chance to win the turnaround, how could he say he missed it?Anyway, come over and help beat the side drum.

What's more, he is Zhao Shanhe's agent, how can he watch Zhao Shanhe being bullied in his own territory?

Forget about the bell tower, what do you count for in the bell and drum?You are also worthy of arm wrestling with Zhao Shanhe here?

"Hou Dedong!"

After seeing who the person appeared, Yu Zhonggu's pupils suddenly shrank.

He is very clear about what Jinyang Machinery Factory is doing recently, and he also knows that Hou Dedong has been dealt with badly.But it cannot be said that you can underestimate Hou Dedong because of this. On the contrary, Hou Dedong is also deeply rooted in Xianhua City, and has his own network of contacts, which must be taken seriously.

But now that a person who must be taken seriously has teamed up with Zhao Shanhe, Yu Zhonggu instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Director Zhao, tell me, what do you want to do tonight?" Hou Dedong glanced at Yu Zhonggu and asked contemptuously.

"Mr. Hou, I'm actually very puzzled. Didn't you keep telling me that Xianhua City is a city with good law and order? But what did I see? I was framed and framed as soon as I arrived here. I do the trick of fairy jumping. You have also seen that if they succeed in this matter, my reputation will be ruined."

"After they didn't succeed, they said bluntly that they wanted to deal with me."

"I just arrived in your Xianhua City, and I was targeted like this. You also said that the law and order here is good, why can't I see it? As for this matter, my attitude is very clear."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Yu Zhonggu with a sneer.

"First, I want the reporters here to truthfully report what happened tonight. I want everyone in Xianhua City to see what they think is good law and order."

Yu Zhonglou couldn't help but his face darkened.

"Second, I want to sue this matter to the court. I want to fight for my reputation. I can't say that I will allow someone to frame me like this. I want to sue them for defamation! Sue them for malicious slander! Sue them for violating the law! "

"Third, I want Jinyang Machinery Factory to give me an explanation! If Jinyang Machinery Factory doesn't give it, I will give them an explanation!"

"Fourth, I came here this time to visit relatives, but what I didn't expect was that this so-called visit to relatives actually revealed a vicious incident of hurting people. My aunt was arrested because she refused to agree to the demolition of Jinyang Machinery Factory. A car was hit and injured. My little uncle's hardware store was also harassed by local gangsters repeatedly."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe raised his arm and pointed at Hou San.

"The harassing bastard is him, Hou San!"

"I will be jumped by the fairy, and he did it."

"I was puzzled. How could a gangster like Hou San dare to do this? Who is supporting him? I hope that the relevant departments of Xianhua City can give me a clear explanation of the truth of these things."

At this moment, Hou San's face flickered uncertainly, and he panicked a lot.

He wasn't Yu Zhonggu, even if something really happened, he would have Yu Zhonglou's support to solve it.I am a gangster, a dispensable chess piece. If I am really targeted, I may become an abandoned piece at any time, and the end will definitely be miserable.

What's more, the aftermath of the crackdown is still there, how can you make him not panic?

Yu Zhonggu was also worried.

"at last."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience and said proudly: "The last thing I want to say is that if Xianhua City really wants Shanqiu Foods to leave, we will leave! If we don't want the products made by our Hetu to circulate in Xianhua City , we can also withdraw! But I hope that everything can be carried out under the framework permitted by law."

"All I crave is a fair and just business environment."

"That's all!"

Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, and the lingering echo lingered.

There was silence inside and outside the entire Banished Immortal Hall.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay at Zhao Shanhe's questions, and they all knew that this matter was a serious one.They knew that if Zhao Shanhe was just an ordinary person, all the problems just now could be ignored.

But is it Zhao Shanhe?

He is the director of Shanqiu Foods!

Be the boss of River Map Manufacturing!

He is the owner of Zhao Xiaobai Winery!

Now it has successfully promoted the brand of Jade Bird Glass in Nan Province!

No one dares to ignore what he said!

If he said it was true and left Xianhua City like this, how would you report it in the newspapers?What do you think outside investors think about the investment environment in Xianhua City?What do you think the senior officials above think of the leadership team of Xianhua City?



As expected of Zhao Shanhe!

Hou Dedong looked at Zhao Shanhe's profile, his eyes shone with admiration.He knew that Zhao Shanhe would make a big fuss tonight, but he couldn't imagine what Zhao Shanhe would do.

It now appears that Zhao Shanhe has already made up his mind.

You, Yu Zhonggu, are definitely going to be unlucky this time!

What do you say you have to touch Zhao Shanhe's bad luck?This time, even if you have the support of Yu Zhonglou, it's useless, because you are betting on the investment promotion environment of the entire Xianhua City, and you can't afford it!

You are not qualified to bet!

Alright, since Zhao Shanhe has brought the atmosphere here, I will definitely help the venue.Yu Zhonglou, you've had a good time cleaning me up these days, haven't you?

Look, I'm going to fight back now.

"Director Zhao is right. I am also wondering why such an outstanding entrepreneur like Director Zhao was targeted and framed in this way just after he came to us."

"I want to know more, who gave Jinyang Machinery Factory the power to demolish and buy shops in the commercial street at will? Do you have official documents issued by the government? No!"

"It's a crime to act recklessly without you! That's a crime!"

Hou Dedong pointed to his nose and waved his arms in righteous indignation.

"Although I, Hou Dedong, am just an insignificant person, since Director Zhao, an outsider, is willing to speak out for the reputation of our Xianhua City, why should I be afraid?"

"My friends from the press, I have decided!"

What has been decided?

All the reporters looked over with glowing eyes.

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