kneel down?

Yu Zhonggu instinctively wanted to resist, but his wrist was snapped, and there was a sharp pain in an instant, which made his forehead dripping with sweat, and he raised his head and shouted anxiously: "It hurts, it hurts, let go! "


Zhao Shanhe kicked the bell and drum away.

"Only you dare to jump in front of me, Zhao Shanhe!"

"Mr. Yu, are you okay?"

"If you dare to beat Yu Zong, you will die!"

"beat him!"

The three attendants were about to strike while they were talking, but what Zhao Shanhe said just now made Yu Zhonggu's face change on the spot, he hurriedly called out to the younger brother, stared into Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "You said you are Who?"

"Didn't you hear clearly? Then I'll say it again."

Zhao Shanhe looked over expressionlessly.

"I said I am Zhao Shanhe, you are not qualified to dance in front of me, if I know you dare to pester Xia Wu again, I will talk to Yu Zhonglou."

Zhao Shanhe!

He turned out to be Zhao Shanhe!

Yu Zhonggu's heart beat rapidly.

"Are you the Zhao Shanhe made by Hetu?"

"It's me!" Zhao Shanhe looked directly at Yu Zhonggu calmly.

"Zhao Shanhe, I remember you, let's go!"

Yu Zhonggu glared at Zhao Shanhe fiercely, turned around and led the people away.

"Brother-in-law, are you okay?" Xia Wu hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"What can I do? He should be the one who has something to do. Xiao Wu, don't worry, if Yu Zhonggu is a smart person, he won't pester you in the future!" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Then he is not a smart person?" Xia Wu asked with her head tilted.

Zhao Shanhe smiled mysteriously: "If you are not a smart person, this matter will be easier to handle."

"Let's go, let's continue to visit these eight academies."

"it is good!"

Outside the Eighth Academy.

Yu Zhonggu's face was gloomy, he twisted his neck vigorously, stroked his arms, trying to relieve the pain, but the pain hit him one after another, making him frown in pain.

"Mr. Yu, shall we leave it like this?"

Forget it?

Yu Zhonggu's eyes were dark.

Who said it's okay?Let me tell you, this matter absolutely cannot be counted.

If it was someone else, I would find my way back now, but since the other party is Zhao Shanhe, then I have to think about it carefully.

Who told Zhao Shanhe to take away the order from our Jinyang Machinery Factory, which made my brother frown all day long in those days.I have to get out of this bad breath!

"Get me Hou San."


"Oh, it hurts me to death!"

Yu Zhonggu touched his shoulder and said irritably, "Hurry up, go to the hospital."

After half an hour.

In the ward of the hospital, Yu Zhonggu saw Hou San who ran in.For Hou San, a person like Yu Zhonggu is his boss, he is the object of his life, and of course he has to take good care of him.

"Mr. Yu, what's wrong with you? Why are you still in the hospital? Who plotted against you? If you make a sound, I'll go and kill him." Hou San said with fierce eyes after being surprised.

"Okay, stop bragging, I'll ask you something." Yu Zhonggu said angrily.

"You ask." Hou San said respectfully.

"Did you go to those nail houses today?"


Yu Zhonggu raised his eyebrows: "That means you have been to Xiajiangcheng's house?"

"I've been there."

"Then you should have met a strange man at his house, right?"

After asking this question, Hou San was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise: "Mr. Yu, how do you know?"

"Don't worry about how I know, I'll just ask you, can you think of a way to ruin that man's reputation?" Yu Zhonggu asked in a sinister tone.


Hou San's heart trembled, did that man offend Yu Zhonggu?Otherwise, why would Yu Zhonggu want to deal with him like this.But it doesn't matter, anyway, I am a person who takes money to do things, as long as Yu Zhonggu gives orders, I will do it directly.


Hou San smiled, and said badly: "Mr. Yu, this is not the first time we have done this. You should know my methods. It is very simple to ruin a person. Immortal jumping, planting and framing, this is the best way." It’s a good way. Or rather, don’t dance like an immortal, just to be on the safe side, just find someone to sleep with him.”

"As long as we take pictures, are we still afraid that he won't submit obediently?"

"But Mr. Yu, don't tell me, the woman who is following him is really beautiful and has a lot of temperament. So if this is an ordinary thing, I'm afraid it may not be able to catch that man's eyes."

"Whether you can make him like it or not is something for you to think about. I only see the final result." Yu Zhonggu thought of Li Qiuya's delicate face, and a flame burst out in his heart involuntarily.

"That's fine, I'll handle it. But when will it be done?" Hou San nodded and continued to ask for instructions.

"The sooner the better, it's best to do it today, I'm afraid he will leave tomorrow." Yu Zhonggu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists unconsciously.

"Do it today?"

Hou San was a little dazed, and said anxiously: "This time is a bit too hasty, I don't have time to arrange it. Besides, that man is beyond my control. It doesn't mean that he will come if I let him come."

"Just give me someone who is ready to do this. As for how to make an appointment and where, leave it to me." Yu Zhonggu said harshly.

"Then it's done!" Hou San breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Zhong waved his drummer: "Hurry up and do it!"


After Hou San walked out, Yu Zhonggu thought for a while and dialed a number. When the connection was connected, he smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, I'm Yu Zhonggu."

"Hello Mr. Yu!"

"It's like this, didn't you say you wanted to cooperate with our Jinyang Machinery Factory last time? I have considered this matter and we can cooperate. So, let's meet tonight and discuss this matter." Yu Zhonggu said lightly .

An excited voice came from the phone: "That's great, I'll make arrangements tonight."

Yu Zhonggu said slowly, "Don't bother, I'll make the arrangements. Tonight at eight o'clock, we will be in the Feixian Hall of Linxian Hotel."

"it is good!"

"One more thing, remember to call Xia Wu. Whether this cooperation can be successful or not depends on Xia Wu." Yu Zhonggu's tone sounded obviously intriguing.

"Xia Wu? Okay, I understand!"

"See you tonight."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Zhonggu closed his eyes and talked to himself.

"As long as Xia Wu comes, I'm not afraid that you, Zhao Shanhe, won't show up. It's best if you come with me. If you don't, I'll take Xia Wu to catch you. Zhao Shanhe, you're the main character in this big show tonight." .”


Xia Wu, who had just finished visiting the Eight Great Academies and wanted to buy something to go home, suddenly heard the pager ringing. Seeing that it was her boss's phone call, she borrowed the phone from Zhao Shanhe and went back.

When her boss Yang Qianfeng said that she would accompany her to meet Yu Zhonggu at night, her face darkened on the spot.

"Mr. Yang, I can't promise you this matter, you'd better hire someone else!"

"Xia Wu, what do you mean?"

A cold light flashed in Yang Qianfeng's eyes, and he said displeasedly: "You are the one named by Mr. Yu to go, as long as you go, this project can be negotiated, how dare you challenge me at this juncture!"

"Let me tell you, since you are the person who designed our summit, you should listen to me, and this matter is decided like this!"


"What are you? See you at Feixian Hall of Linxian Hotel at 07:30 in the evening."

After Yang Qianfeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

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