Xia Wu installed her pager, handed Zhao Shanhe's eldest brother back, and said speechlessly, "Brother-in-law, have you seen it? This Yu Zhonggu is just a piece of dog skin plaster, and you still say he is a smart man, so smart?" not smart?"

"It's stupid enough."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Then what are you going to do? Go or not?"


Xia Wu shrugged helplessly.

"Actually, I have always been in charge of this project. Although I also know that Yu Zhonggu wants to use this matter to entangle me and make a fuss, I can't just sit back and watch these days of hard work go to waste."

"Besides, there are other colleagues in this project team. If I don't go, what will they do? I don't want to be hated by them when I go to work."

"In this case……"

Zhao Shanhe pondered for a while and said slowly: "Then let's go home first. In the evening, I will accompany you to have a look."

"Really?" Xia Wu was surprised.

"of course it's true!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said: "I just wanted to see what this Yu Zhonggu wanted to do, and if possible, I would like to ask about the commercial street. After all, this matter will be resolved sooner or later. After leaving, that Hou San still went to find trouble with my aunt and uncle. Just while I'm here, let's solve it once and for all."

"Brother-in-law is the best!"

Xia Wu cheered happily.

"As long as your brother-in-law is good, isn't your sister good?" Li Qiuya pouted.

"Sister is the best too."

Xia Wu quickly put her arms around Li Qiuya's shoulders, blinking her big eyes to please her.

"Let's go, go home now!"

After returning home, not long after, Zhao Shanhe received a call and walked out, and then saw Chen Ju standing in front of Hutouben.

"Chen Ju!"

"Factory Manager!"

Chen Ju hurried forward.

"How is the investigation going?" Zhao Shanhe asked in a deep voice.

"Check it out."

Chen Ju immediately told the news he had investigated. In fact, the whole thing was just like what Xia Jiangcheng said, and it was indeed the Jinyang Machinery Factory who was behind it.It is impossible for them to squeeze the products made by Hetu out of Xianhua City nakedly, so they want to do it in this way.

"Most of the targets were our product agents and distributors, such as Hou Dedong of Liusu Food, who was most obviously targeted. Yu Zhonglou used various tricks to embarrass Liusu Food, and they did not clearly say that they were targeting Xiangyu. Piaopiao milk tea and Yile chewing gum, but no one is stupid, they can see what their purpose is."

"Then there are those hardware stores on the commercial street, like Boss Xia, because they sell products made by our Hetu, such as whale water pumps and non-ferrous metal solder, which are targeted by Yu Zhonglou."

"As for building a commercial city, it's purely an excuse. They didn't want to build it at all. They just used it as a means to force these hardware stores to close."

When Chen Ju said this, a cold light flashed between his brows.

"There are many hardware stores on this commercial street, and almost two-thirds of the stores in Xianhua City are gathered together. They want to use this trick to make these stores sell the products of their Jinyang Machinery Factory. And as long as it is changed If it becomes a store that sells their products, no one will target them."

"So this thing was done by Yu Zhonglou?" Zhao Shanhe asked coldly.


Chen Ju nodded, and said affirmatively: "This matter was decided by Yu Zhonglou. If he didn't nod, the people below would not dare to do it. And I heard that Yu Zhonglou wants to have a relationship with several other people recently. Merchants have teamed up against us."

"So Yu Zhonglou is after us?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and said slowly.

"Yes." Chen Ju said.

"In this case, the matter is quite simple. As long as Yu Bell Tower can be knocked down, the whole matter will be self-defeating. At that time, the commercial street can be preserved, and my little uncle's hardware store will be fine."

Zhao Shanhe murmured to himself thoughtfully.

"Yeah, we have to keep the commercial street." Chen Ju said.

"Keep it?"

After Zhao Shanhe heard this word, the corners of his lips suddenly raised.

"You don't necessarily need to keep it, maybe you can break the game if you don't."

"No guarantee?" Chen Ju was a little dazed.

"Yes, it's not guaranteed."

Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up, and he said firmly: "This commercial street is not ours, but Xianhua City's. If those people in Xianhua City don't want to keep it, why should we bother to protect it? So Ah, let’s just run around without guaranteeing this matter, maybe if we fail to guarantee it, breaking the pot and smashing it will break the situation instead.”


Zhao Shanhe gave Chen Ju some instructions.

"I'll do it right now!"

Chen Ju turned his head and left.

Zhao Shanhe walked home slowly, looked at Xia Jiangcheng who was preparing dinner, and said with a smile: "Uncle, did Xia Wu tell you? I will go out with her to do some errands, so I won't eat at home tonight." .”

"Yes, Xiao Wu said, I will leave the Shanhe matter to you. Look at how hard it is for you to come to the house, and I want you to accompany her to run business. I am really sorry." Xia Jiangcheng said awkwardly. laughed.

"Little uncle, what's the matter, it's all right."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand to indicate that it was all right, then smiled at Li Qiuya and said, "You can stay at home with your parents."

"Okay, I won't follow along to make trouble, and you should come back quickly after you have done something good." Li Qiuya said, grabbing Zhao Shanhe's hands.

"it is good!"

Then Zhao Shanhe and Xia Wu went out, the two sat in the tiger's head and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Qiuya, you said that my eyelids keep twitching, so nothing will happen to them, right?" Tian Lirui raised her head suddenly and asked while she was eating.

"What can happen? Nothing will happen."

Li Qiuya smiled gently.

"With Shanhe here, Xiao Wu is sure to be fine. You must know that Shanhe is not what it used to be. Let alone in Xianhua City, even in our entire Eastern Province, he is a well-known figure. No one dares to fight with him. Hard to come."

"That's good!"


The tiger's head ran away.

Xia Wu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, fiddled with this and glanced at that curiously.

"Tell me about your peak project? How are you doing there? And what's the name of your boss?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"Yang Qianfeng."

"Yes, this is Yang Qianfeng. What kind of person is he? Will he be the same as Yu Zhonggu?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"That's not the case!"

Xia Wu shook her head, looked at the night outside the window and said, "I think, our boss is not bad, he is a very upright person. Although he said that sometimes he does things a little tactfully, but he still has his own bottom line."

"Really? If he really had his own bottom line, he wouldn't say that he forced you to meet Yu Zhonggu. I don't believe he wouldn't know about Yu Zhonggu's dirty thoughts. If he knew, he would dare to do this. He obviously had ulterior motives." .”

"You, in the future when dealing with people in society, you need to be careful, and don't be fooled by people." Zhao Shanhe reminded.


Xia Wu pursed her lips, agreeing with her mouth, but she didn't think so in her heart.

At this time, Linxian Hotel has already opened a big net, waiting for Zhao Shanhe to jump in.

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