Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 735 What Are You, You Are Deserving!

As a prefecture-level city adjacent to Handong City, Xianhua City is rich in tourism resources.Although in this era, tourism has not yet become a new type of industry, but the beautiful natural environment is there, just looking at it is pleasing to the eye.

There is the most famous Xiaoqingshan in the outskirts of the city.

The busiest place in the city is the Bada Academy.

"The Eight Great Academies does not mean that there are eight academies here, but that there were eight very famous places in this academy at that time. For example, this was the largest lotus pond in Xianhua City at that time, and there was also the largest bamboo forest over there. The largest stele forest, the largest picture scroll..."

Xia Wu introduced with a smile on her face.

She knew everything about the situation here.

"Xiao Wu, don't you design advertisements? Why do you look like a tour guide?" Li Qiuya asked curiously.

"My favorite place in the past was the Bada Academy, so I often come here to play, and I get familiar with it after playing." Xia Wu raised her eyebrows and smiled like a flower.

Li Qiuya suddenly smiled and said, "Let me tell you what you said. It's more detailed than a professional tour guide."

Xia Wu laughed: "Don't tell me, I actually worked as a part-time introducer here for a while."


When the two sisters were talking and laughing here, Zhao Shanhe was looking at the forest of steles in front.The forest of stone steles here is just like what Xia Wu said, densely packed, and the end can't be seen at a glance.

Each piece is carved with an article.

Every article has suffered the baptism of years in the wind and rain, but it has not been erased.

"It is said that the forest of stone steles in the Eight Great Academies is devoted to moral writing and cultural inheritance. When I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation." Zhao Shanhe said with emotion.

"Yeah, Stone Stele Forest's articles are very famous. Anyone who comes to Xianhua City for tourism will come here to take a look around and take a few photos as souvenirs. Come on, brother-in-law, let me take two for you!"

Xia Wu said and raised the camera.

"it is good!"


In the sound of the shutter being pressed, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya left precious memories.

These commemorations will accompany them for the rest of their lives, until they are old.

"Let's go over there." Xia Wu pointed to a place not far away.

Li Qiuya said with a smile: "Okay! Listen to your arrangement, we will go wherever you say."

"Got it."

Just when Xia Wu and Zhao Shanhe were about to leave, who would have thought that a joking voice suddenly sounded beside them, and then several figures came over, blocking their way.

"Xia Wu, where are you going?"

Blocking the way was a man in a black down jacket. He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He looked refined, but he couldn't hide his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, which gave people a very vitriolic feeling.

He blocked the way with a smirk on his face.

"Yu Zhonggu!"

Xia Wu stared angrily when she saw who was blocking the way.

"Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of the way!"

"Don't tell me, do you think we are destined? I didn't think about coming out, but I came out. When I came out, I came to the Eighth Academy. When I got here, I bumped into you. How old are we? The fate." Yu Zhonggu teased with a playful smile.

"Yu Zhonggu, stop talking nonsense here, get out of the way quickly." Xia Wu was impatient.

"Yu Zhonggu?"

Hearing this name, Zhao Shanhe slowly asked, "What's your relationship with Yu Zhonglou?"

"Hehe, boy, who are you? Yu Zhonglou is my brother, dear brother!"

Yu Zhonggu glanced at Zhao Shanhe, tilted his head and said proudly.

He had seen Zhao Shanhe a long time ago, and he had been wondering who this guy was.It's fine to have a little beauty like Xia Wu by her side, but she actually follows another big beauty.

This made Yu Zhonggu very envious.

You must know that he is determined to win Xia Wu.

From the moment he saw her in Xia Wu's advertising company, he was fascinated by her.He has been pestering her for so many days, and he has long regarded Xia Wu as his own taboo, so how can he tolerate other men talking and laughing with her.

It turned out to be Yu Zhonglou's younger brother, so let me just say, if he didn't have any background, how dare he be so arrogant and domineering?That's right, although Jinyang Machinery Factory cannot be said to be a first-class enterprise in Xianhua City, it still has status.

This status is enough to make Yu Zhonggu arrogant.

"Sorry, you're blocking our way."

Zhao Shanhe looked over indifferently.

Yu Zhonggu froze for a moment, then looked at Zhao Shanhe like an idiot.

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

"I know." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Know? I don't think you know. You don't know who my brother Yu Zhonglou is. If you knew, you wouldn't say such things. Kid, I don't care who you are. Listen to me, never From now on, don't let me see you appearing next to Xia Wu again. Once I see you, I will hit you once!" Yu Zhonggu said coldly.

"Yu Zhonggu, what are you, dare to talk to my brother-in-law like this." Xia Wu shouted anxiously.


Yu Zhonggu glanced at Li Qiuya playfully.

"So this beautiful woman is your older sister? Xia Wu, why didn't I know you had such a beautiful older sister? Beautiful sister, let's get to know each other."

As he spoke, Yu Zhonggu stretched out his right hand to shake hands.


Almost at the same time when he stretched out his right hand, Zhao Shanhe directly kicked him away.

"You!" Yu Zhonggu got up and looked at Zhao Shanhe in horror.

"What are you? I originally thought that Yu Zhonglou's work was outrageous, but I didn't expect his younger brother to do more exaggerated things. Listen to me, even if your brother Yu Zhonglou is standing here, he would not dare to talk to me like this. What are you, you deserve it!" Zhao Shanhe interrupted Yu Zhonggu's words and said forcefully.

This sentence made Yu Zhonggu's eyelids tremble.

What do you mean?

Does this guy know my brother?

It doesn't make sense, as long as someone who knows my brother in Xianhua City, no one dares to talk to me like this.And I basically know everyone who knows my brother. Among those people, I have never heard of such a person.

Could it be bluffing?

Definitely a bluff!

Thinking of this, Yu Zhonggu's eyes suddenly sharpened like knives, stepped forward and said fiercely: "Boy, you can say that I can, but you can't say that about my brother. If you dare to say that about my brother, I will let you grow up." long memory."

"What do you want to do?" Xia Wu shouted anxiously.

"doing what?"

Yu Zhonggu chuckled, raised his finger and pointed at Zhao Shanhe's nose, and said coldly: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and beat him to death, I want... ouch, it hurts!"

He didn't even finish his sentence, who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe had already made the first move.

Zhao Shanhe directly grabbed Yu Zhonggu's arm, and then snapped it down suddenly. Yu Zhonggu immediately bent down like a shrimp, his face twisted, and his expression was terrified.

"What are you doing? Let go of Mr. Yu quickly."

"Mr. Yu, are you okay?"

"court death!"

Seeing this, the three men who followed Yu Zhonggu became anxious. They just looked at Yu Zhonggu who was being controlled, but none of them dared to act rashly, so they could only worry beside him.

"Mr. Yu?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help sneering when he heard this title.

"Just like you, you deserve to be called the boss?"

"Is it Mr. Yu?"

"Your Majesty!"

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