Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 732 What a Spring and Autumn Dream!

"Sister, you should know that I don't have that much spare money right now, so don't say I don't want to buy it for the time being, even if I do, I won't be able to spend much money."

Zhao Yongrui sat on the chair, put on a embarrassed look, as if he was doing business.

"Then how much can you take out now?" Zhao Yongduo asked anxiously.

"30 million!"

Zhao Yongrui slowly raised three fingers, and said calmly: "I can only spend 30 yuan to buy a limestone factory now, and there is no extra penny."

"What? 30 million?"

The moment Zhou Angong heard the price, he was furious on the spot. He stared into Zhao Yongrui's eyes and shouted anxiously: "Impossible, the money is too little!"

"You have to know that our family alone invested 60 yuan in the beginning, and now I am asked to sell the factory for 30 yuan. It is absolutely impossible for me to sell it. Auntie, even if I don't make money, you can't let me lose money!"

"You said you invested 60 yuan? Do you think the current limestone factory is worth 60 yuan?" Zhao Yongrui asked.


Zhou Angong was at a loss for words.

"Can't you tell? Let me tell you, let alone 60 for that factory, even 30 is not worth it. If I say that I have 30, I can find it in any piece of land, right?"

"Why do I have to buy this limestone plant?"

"It's not because of you, I also sincerely want to help you through this difficulty. You can't say, let me buy it with the money you invested at the beginning? I really don't have that much money, and I don't want to buy it because of this. This sum of money has implicated the normal operation of my factory."

Zhao Yongrui said calmly: "So it's 30. If you want it, we can go through the formalities at any time. If you don't want it, I can only say, you can go to someone else!"


Zhou Angong hesitated.

"Xiao Rui, you went out just now, did you go to find Zhao Shanhe?"

At this moment, Zhou Yongjian, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, two cold lights shot out from his eyes.

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean by that?"

Zhao Yongrui looked over with displeasure.

"What I mean is very simple. You should be able to give some more money. It must be because Zhao Shanhe is fanning the flames here, so you only give 30 yuan! Tell us, is that the case?" Zhou Yongjian shouted harshly.

"Zhou Yongjian, stop talking nonsense!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yongrui stood up furiously, pointed at his nose and shouted loudly: "Are you really ashamed to say that? That's right, I was indeed looking for Shanhe just now!"

"But listen to me, I am not looking for Shanhe to lower your price, but to ask Shanhe, can I buy your factory? If he says no, I will never buy it. No matter what I won’t buy it for how much money you pay! I’ll only buy it if Shanhe nodded. Otherwise, do you think I’ll buy your messy factory?”

"I didn't expect Shanhe to be treated like a donkey with good intentions. I agreed to buy the factory because he spoke for you well. But you openly slandered him here! Okay, don't you say that about Shanhe? Then you give Listen, it's not 30 now! 29! I can only offer 29! Can you sell it?"


Zhou Yongjian was dumbfounded for a moment.

Can this thing still be done?

I didn't mean that just now, I didn't expect that it was just a question, and it was reduced by [-].How can I dare to say more if you are doing it like this, say one more sentence, and drop another [-]?

"Xiaorui, don't listen to your brother-in-law's nonsense, 30 is 30, let's sign the contract now!" Zhao Yongduo said quickly.

"No, 29 million!"

Zhao Yongrui said calmly: "Sell it if you sell it, or pull it off if you don't sell it!"

The family of three froze for a moment.

"Xiao Rui, you don't have to be so heartless in doing things, do you?" Zhao Yongduo said with a livid face.

"I'm heartless?"

Zhao Yongrui smiled mockingly, and said indifferently: "Sister, you are ashamed to say the word unfeeling. What did you do when the eldest brother came to you? He didn't borrow money at that time, but asked Zhou Angong why he betrayed Shanhe. But how did you do it? How did Zhou Yongjian do it? How did your whole family do it?"

"Now you tell me that you are unfeeling, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Sister, you have to remember one thing. No matter who you are in this world, as long as you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price. Betrayers, you have to pay the price of betrayal! Speculators, you have to pay the price of speculation! Failure Those who fail will pay the price of failure!"

"Stop talking, we'll sign."

Zhou Yongjian waved his hands listlessly when he heard this, and said dejectedly.

It's over, what else can you do?

He has no way out.

It is still against the law to commit evil.

Do not live by committing sins.

At the beginning, the whole family, if they could stick to their original aspirations, and if they still had some family affection in their hearts, how could they have fallen to where they are today.

What Zhao Yongrui said was right, it was my family who was sorry for Zhao Yonghao and Zhao Shanhe.They didn't let Zhao Yongrui reject the factory is enough to save face, do you dare to expect them to pay a high price to buy it?

What a spring and autumn dream!

You can't talk about feelings with others when they talk about business with you.

When people talk to you about feelings, you talk about business with them.

There is no reason in this world to say that all the advantages are taken by you, right?

What's more, Zhou Yongjian knows better than anyone else that this is Zhao Yongrui. If it were anyone else, it would be impossible to give the price of 29, and 10,000+ would be regarded as the sky.

After all, a factory on the verge of bankruptcy, who cares?

All the formalities were done quickly.

That night, Zhao Shanhe knew about it, and when he heard that the price Zhao Yongrui offered was 29 yuan, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said gently: "Sister, you also lost 29 yuan."

"It's a loss. I hope that this time, the eldest sister and the family can remember and learn some lessons. If they don't change and still do things like before, no one can help them!" Zhao Yongrui He exhaled and said.

"Okay, that's it, if there is anything I need to do, just say it."

"You can just do your own business. If I have business matters, I will communicate with Jiang Haichao, the director of Jiuquan Manufacturing." Zhao Yongrui smiled warmly.

"it is good!"


the next day.

Zhao Shanhe drove the tiger head and took Li Qiuya, Li Jianguo, and Tian Lihua to Xianhua City.Speaking of which, although he said that he had been to Xianhua City twice, he hadn't really visited it well.

"Mom, have you been here before?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Your aunt came here when she got married, but she didn't come after that. If your aunt hadn't had a car accident this time, I probably wouldn't have come." Tian Lihua had a worried expression on her face.

"Mom, it's okay. My aunt said she was discharged from the hospital." Li Qiuya held Tian Lihua's hand with one hand, and gently patted the back of Tian Lihua's hand with the other to comfort her.

"hope so!"

Two hours later, Hutouben appeared in front of an urban village in Xianhua City.

Then Tian Lihua frowned suddenly.

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