Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 731 You Are Always No. 1

"Sister, why are you here?" Zhao Shanhe looked up and stood up hastily.

Zhao Yongrui stood at the door with a smile and asked, "What? Can't I come?"

"Yes, of course you can, hurry in and sit down."

Zhao Shanhe quickly poured tea and water for Zhao Yongrui. Seeing Cai Shishi like him, he pursed his lips and smiled, then turned and left.

Zhao Yongrui subconsciously turned her head to look at Cai Shishi's back, nodded thoughtfully and said, "Well, the butt is big, so it can be fertile."

Countless black lines suddenly appeared on Zhao Shanhe's forehead.

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

"What did I say, you brat, don't think I don't know, you let her be your secretary, isn't it because she has a big butt and good looks, can she have a son?" Zhao Yongrui said confidently.

"Sister-in-law, don't talk anymore."

Zhao Shanhe was completely speechless.

Since childhood, he and his sister-in-law have been very close.Although Zhao Yongrui is his sister-in-law, when it comes to age, there is not much difference, so sometimes Zhao Yongrui is very relaxed when talking to him.

Of course, this relaxation is only recently.

Zhao Yongrui was entangled by Pei Yingzhang before, shed tears all day long, so he didn't care about anything else.

"Speaking of business, I'm here this time to tell you something."

After Zhao Yongrui took a sip of tea, she restrained her playful expression just now.

"What business?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"Not long ago, your aunt came to me. She said that Zhou Angong had taken down the factory in Huang Dashan, and that Zhou Angong wanted to sell the factory to me. What do you think?"

Zhao Yongrui said it calmly.

"sell to you?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being taken aback.

He really didn't expect this.

He knew about Huang Dashan selling the factory from Li Xiangyang, but he didn't expect Zhou Angong to have such an idea after buying it.He didn't even think about running it well, but just wanted to resell it.

"Sister-in-law, what are you thinking?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't answer directly, but threw the question back.

"I don't care, it doesn't matter if you buy it or not. It's mainly up to you. If you feel that the sullenness in your heart hasn't come out, then I won't buy it! Who told Zhou Angong to betray you by acting unethically back then."

"If you feel sorry for your aunt and are afraid that your aunt's family will not live well in the future, then I will buy it. But even so, I will lower the price, and I will let Zhou Angong know that there is a price to pay for doing something wrong!"

Zhao Yongrui said calmly, this is her attitude.

Zhao Shanhe suddenly realized.

I said that my sister-in-law didn't need to come here to ask me what I meant, because she thought so.She was afraid that I would overthink it. If buying this factory made me feel bad, it would be better not to buy it.

After thinking this through, Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently.

"Sister-in-law, if you ask me about my attitude, I suggest buying it. Why don't you buy it? With such a cheap thing, why don't you do it?"

"Anyway, you have to expand the scale of production, and this factory is the most suitable no matter in terms of geographical location or other aspects. Since it is suitable, let's take it down at this time."

"As for whether I vent my anger or not, it doesn't really matter. Business matters."

"No! Business is nothing compared to you!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yongrui shook his head resolutely, and said decisively: "Shanhe, please remember that you will always be the number one with my sister."

"No matter what, there is no way to compare with you. If you feel unhappy, even if you put gold and silver mountains in front of me, sister-in-law will not do it."

Seeing the sincerity in Zhao Yongrui's eyes, Zhao Shanhe was moved.

He knew that Zhao Yongrui was expressing his opinion to himself.

"Sister-in-law, it's not as serious as what you said. What I said is serious. Let's discuss the facts. Since the factory is the most suitable, we will naturally take it down if we can."

"And don't you think that if you take down that factory, it's equivalent to giving Huang Dashan a slap in the face, letting him know how stupid he was to work with Zheng Nanrun back then."

"Also, if you take over this factory, it will make Zhou Angong feel even more ashamed and regretful. If he had continued to do business with you, how could he have fallen into this kind of situation? This can be regarded as giving me a bad breath. I It's too late to be happy."

Zhao Shanhe said frankly.

"You really think so?" Zhao Yongrui asked suspiciously, staring into Zhao Shanhe's eyes.


Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Okay, if that's the case, sister-in-law will know what to do, but don't worry, sister-in-law will definitely lower the price." Zhao Yongrui said calmly.

"That's my sister's business."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

After the aunt and nephew chatted for a while, Zhao Yongrui received a call. After she finished answering, she pointed to the phone and sighed softly, and said to Zhao Shanhe, "Did you see? The three of them haven't met yet." Go, you're still sitting in my office."

"It seems that they are determined to eat me. If I say that I don't obey them, they will not let it go!"

"Then sister-in-law, you can go back and deal with this matter quickly." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go back now."

Zhao Yongrui stood up and walked out.


"what happened?"

Zhao Yongrui stopped at the door.

"Can I ask how much Zhou Angong invested in it? What price did he set for you?" Zhao Shanhe asked unhurriedly.

"I invested 60 yuan! The price offered was 80 yuan!" said Zhao Yongrui.

"Two million? Two million?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled mockingly, casually picked up the documents on the table, and said slowly: "I didn't expect that Zhou Angong's wishful thinking would be so loud, 60 yuan was invested, 80 yuan was sold, this is just trying to make 20 yuan. Tsk tsk, at this time, he is still thinking about making money, it seems that his marriage and divorce are not too sad."

"I see!"

Zhao Yongrui smiled lightly, turned and walked out.

Seeing the back of my sister-in-law and leaving, Zhao Shanhe didn't say anything else.His attitude is already very clear. As for how the next thing will progress, it depends on how Zhao Yongrui handles it.

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Yongrui returned to the factory and saw a family of three anxiously waiting in her office.And the three of them couldn't wait to stand up when they saw Zhao Yongrui coming back.

"Xiaorui, where have you been? You didn't answer the phone call. I'm really anxious." Zhao Yongduo said anxiously.

"Sister, didn't I tell you that I have something to deal with, so I want you to go back first? Why are you still here? It's fine if you're here, why are brother-in-law and An Gong here? There are no other people in your family of three. Do you want to do things? Do you have to spend time here?" Zhao Yongrui put down the purse in his hand and said indifferently.

"We are waiting for you here, waiting for you to come back and talk about selling the factory. Xiaorui, your brother-in-law and An Gong are here, you can tell me now, do you want to buy it?"

Zhao Yongduo looked over with hot eyes.

Zhou Yongjian is also full of expectations.

Zhou Angong's breathing became a little short.

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