Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 733 This is a long chapter!

It was well said on the phone, when they came, Xia Jiangcheng would come out to greet them in person.

Even if something happened in Xiajiang City, Xia Wu should come out.

It's not that Tian Lihua has to be picky, but this is the minimum courtesy, right?

What's more, she hasn't been here for a long time, and she is not familiar with the place, and she doesn't know the family too much, so at least you need someone to come out and lead the way, right?

Fortunately, there was not even a single person in the place mentioned at the entrance of the village.

"Shanhe, do you see the house over there? The one outside is your aunt's house." After Li Jianguo noticed Tian Lihua's displeasure, he quickly said to Zhao Shanhe calmly.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe drove over.

"Let's get out of the car!"

Li Jianguo greeted.

After a few people got out of the car and picked up their things, they started walking towards the house.

At this time, Xiajiangcheng's house was bustling with activity.

Tian Lirui, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was sitting on a wheelchair, staring ahead with an angry face.

Xia Wu was taking care of it.

Xia Jiangcheng stood at the front with a gloomy expression.

In the yard of their house, there are several people standing at this moment. They are wearing black down jackets, with cigarettes dangling in their mouths. The leader is a young man wearing a hat. Looming scars.

"Old Xia, have you thought it through? Do you want to sign?"

The young man asked bluntly, and when he was asking, he looked at Xia Wu with a malicious look.

After Xia Wu touched the evil eyes of the man with the scar, a strong feeling of disgust burst into his heart instantly.

"Hou San, get out!"

Xia Jiangcheng stared over with a gloomy expression.

"This is my home. You are not welcome in my home. Hurry up and take your people and get out of here."


Hou San chuckled, and said coldly: "You think I want to come, and I don't want to. Isn't it because you have to be stubborn there? You say that everyone else can sign the contract, why can't you sign it? My advice You said, it's best to sign and seal it quickly, otherwise, your wife may really have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of her life."

"What do you mean? Did you guys do this?" Xia Jiangcheng's expression changed drastically.

"What we did, be careful what you say, don't frame it!" Hou San curled his lips, took a puff of cigarette slowly, and then breathed into Xia Jiangcheng's face for a long time.

"Hou San, it's best that you didn't do this matter. If I find out that it has something to do with you, even if it's my old life, I will die with you!" Xia Jiangcheng frowned and waved quickly. After a few hands to fan the cigarette away, he said harshly.

"Fate? Can you afford it?"

Hou San's face became angry in an instant, and he threw the cigarette butt in his mouth on the ground forcefully, crushed it several times, and said with a grim expression: "Listen to me, I will give you the last day to think about it, tomorrow I will pay you back. I will look for you. At that time, you'd better sign and seal, or else..."

"Otherwise, what can you do?"

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe and the others walked into the courtyard gate, saw the scene here, and after hearing Hou San's words, Zhao Shanhe said with a gloomy face.

"Aunt and Uncle."

After Xia Wu saw Zhao Shanhe and the others, she hurried forward to greet them.

"Sister, brother-in-law, you are here."

Xia Jiangcheng also hurried over.

"Jiangcheng, what's going on here?" When Tian Lihua went to talk to Tian Lirui, Li Jianguo asked wonderingly as he scanned the audience.

"This is a long story!"

Xia Jiangcheng sighed.

"Aren't you going yet?"

After Zhao Shanhe handed the gift to Xia Wu, he looked at Hou San and the others with a bad tone.

Hou San felt that Zhao Shanhe was not like an ordinary person, and at the same time felt a little guilty, he sternly said "I will come again", then turned around and left with his younger brothers.

"Come inside and talk."

Only then did the family enter the house.

After everyone sat down, Li Jianguo couldn't wait to ask: "Tell me, what happened just now? And Lirui's car accident, is it really related to that group of people?"

"I don't know about that. I also thought that way after hearing what Hou San said just now."

"In the beginning, I just thought that Lirui was an ordinary car accident, but now it doesn't look like that. This should be a premeditated car accident. I didn't expect that group of people would be so unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals."

"Their hearts are too dark!"

Xia Jiangcheng lowered his head, his face full of annoyance.

"What do you mean? Tell me quickly." Li Jianguo asked anxiously.

"It's like this..."

Following Xia Jiangcheng's explanation, Zhao Shanhe and the others knew the whole story.It turned out that Jinyang Machinery Factory wanted to build a shopping mall, and their hardware store in Xiajiang City happened to be in it.You said that if everything goes according to the normal procedures, Xia Jiangcheng is not the kind of unreasonable person.

But did you Jinyang Machinery Factory do this?


"They want to demolish our hardware store at a very low price. Do you think I can agree?"

"Not only did I not agree, but none of the people on our street agreed. We have to defend our rights, and we have to keep our jobs."

"That Hou San just now was a gangster who helped Jinyang Machinery Factory. He relied on his connections and acted arrogantly. He has been threatening us merchants to sign and seal the past few days."

Xia Jiangcheng complained angrily.

That's what happened.

Zhao Shanhe and the others soon understood.

"Then no one in Xianhua City cares about this matter?" Li Jianguo asked in surprise.

"Who cares?"

Xia Jiangcheng shook his head and said: "Jinyang Machinery Factory is doing this under the banner of public opinion surveys, and they didn't say that they would forcibly demolish it, so no one is in charge of it."

"Isn't this selling dog meat? Is it still possible to do this?" Li Jianguo was speechless.

"Who said it wasn't that."

Xia Jiangcheng said decadently: "We have been troubled by them for the past few days so that we can't sleep. You said that our good shop, why should we just give it up to them?"

"And if you say the price is right, you can also negotiate. The key is that the price is not right. What shopping mall do you want to build, can't you build it elsewhere? Why do you have to come and seize our place?"

"We will definitely fight this matter to the end. I still don't believe it. There is no place in this world where the law is taught. If he Jinyang Machinery Factory says that it has gone too far, we will petition! Go to the court and sue them!"

"There's also my mother's car accident, we also have to investigate carefully." Xia Wu said coldly.


Xia Jiangcheng nodded, looked at Tian Lirui who was sitting in a wheelchair, and said angrily, "It's better that this matter has nothing to do with Hou San, otherwise, I will really fight him to death!"

"Don't talk nonsense, how old are you, and you will risk your life if you don't move." Tian Lirui glared.

"How old you are, I can't let them bully you!" Xia Jiangcheng said harshly.


Tian Lirui stared helplessly, then suddenly looked at Zhao Shanhe, and said something that made everyone stunned.

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