"The limestone processing plant in Huangda Mountain has changed hands."

Change of owner?

Zhao Shanhe's expression changed slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"It's like this..."

Following Li Xiangyang's explanation, Zhao Shanhe gradually understood the ins and outs of the matter.It turned out that after Zhou Angong and Zhou Yongjian approached him, Huang Dashan transferred the factory to them without any intention of playing tricks.

As a condition, the money that Zhou Angong took out before is never going to be taken back.

"So Zhou Angong is now the director of a factory, and he can finally feel proud." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"What are you elated about?"

Li Xiangyang shook his head speechlessly, and said sarcastically: "The factory is not only in arrears with the wages of the workers, but also has debts to the outside world, and even mortgaged part of the equipment to the bank. To describe it in one word, it is riddled with holes. It’s a hot potato, whoever comes next at this time will be unlucky.”

"If it weren't for this, do you think Huang Dashan would hand over the factory so willingly? After all, it was his hard work. He did it purely to throw off the burden."

"We don't know what Zhou Angong is thinking. If he insists on doing this, won't he be a burden to himself by taking down the factory at this time? He doesn't really think that he can show off his power by becoming the director of the factory, right? ? If I'm not mistaken, he must be surrounded by a group of workers right now, asking for the arrears of wages!"

"I see."

Zhao Shanhe suddenly realized.

Let's just say, how could Huang Dashan, who was able to divorce Huang Yingying and Zhou Angong at such a time, do such a stupid thing.Not only does he not have to pay back the money by doing this, but he can also throw away the hot potato by the way. It kills two birds with one stone, why not do it?

In other words, Zhou Angong is still dreaming of being the director of the factory.

"How should we do this?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"Don't do it!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Since Huang Dashan has gone bankrupt and the limestone factory has changed hands, then the original matter is over. As for how to do the rest, that is Zhou Angong's consideration, and we have nothing to do with it." It doesn't matter, let's do whatever we want, don't worry about him."

"it is good!"


The office of the director of the limestone processing plant.

Zhou Angong looked at the workers who were yelling in front of him. Distraught, he slammed the table and shouted: "Shut up! Anyone who dares to yell again, get out!"

Everyone couldn't help but have a meal.

The noise also stopped abruptly.

"You are asking me for wages here, do you think you want it? Let me tell you the truth, I will take this factory because of the money he owes me, Huang Dashan."

"Do you hear me clearly? He owes me the money, so I took this factory here as a debt repayment. It doesn't mean that I am the factory manager here, so I should pay your wages. If you want money, you can go to him yourself. .”

"Can't you say that? Aren't you his son-in-law?"

"That is, you are his son-in-law. You used to work here. Who cares if you don't care?"

"If the meat is rotten, it will be in the pot. You can settle the affairs of your family yourself, but the money owed to us must be paid off."


A dozen or so workers froze for a moment and then started shouting again.

"Huang Yingying and I divorced a long time ago. I'm still Huang Dashan's son-in-law."

Zhou Angong sneered and laughed at himself, saying, "If I'm still his son-in-law, do you think he'll trick me?"

"What? Divorced?"

Now everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

They really don't know about this matter. Now that they heard Zhou Angong say this, these people are all at a loss when they look at me and you.

"Brothers and sisters, I am Zhou Angong's father, listen to me."

At this moment, Zhou Yongjian stood up. After scanning the audience, he said in a deep voice, "Huang Dashan owed us the money, so he said he gave us the factory. As for the money owed to you, I think you should go to his house to ask for it." .If he doesn't go, he might run away. If that happens, you won't get any money."

"That's right, there is an injustice and a debtor, let's go to Huang Dashan."

A dozen people gritted their teeth, stomped their feet, turned around and walked out of the office.They were also afraid that what Zhou Yongjian said would come true. If Huang Dashan really patted his ass and left, they would not get any money.

While there is still a chance, I must eat a few pieces of meat.

The office quickly fell silent.

Zhou Angong sat down on the sofa, pouted his mouth around, and said dejectedly, "Dad, have you seen it? Although we said we took down this factory, it's a mess and we can't clean it up."

"Who said we have to clean up?"

Zhou Yongjian picked up the teacup on the table, saw that there was no sip of water in it, so he dropped it without a word, and said in a cold voice: "Let's not clean up, let's go, I'll go find your aunt."


"Yes, right now."

Seeing Zhou Angong with a surprised expression, Zhou Yongjian said angrily: "It's not too late. We must throw this hot potato out in the shortest possible time. Besides, your mother is talking about that right now. Let's strike while the iron is hot."

"Listen, after a while, you should try to appear as painful as possible. Your aunt is soft-hearted and won't cry."

"it is good!"

Zhou Angong immediately stood up and followed Zhou Yongjian out of the office.

Two 10 minutes later.

When Zhou Yongjian and his son rushed to the outside of Zhao Yongrui's factory, they happened to see Zhao Yongduo coming out of it, and the two hurried forward to meet him. Zhou Yongjian asked in a tight voice, "Why did you come out? How are things going? What about Xiaorui?" Say? Will she buy our factory? How much will she pay?"

"Let me tell you, it's absolutely not allowed to be less than 60! We just gave 60 to Huang Dashan. If we don't try to make money, at least we can't lose money, right?"

Zhao Yongduo didn't expect that Zhou Yongjian would ask questions like this the first time they met. She raised her eyebrows and said displeasedly: "Xiaorui is not in the factory, she has already left."

"Leaving? What do you mean?" Zhou Yongjian was stunned on the spot.

"She said that she was going out to do some errands. We will talk about this matter when she comes back. She has already left. I can't just stay with her. I will come out." Zhao Yongduo said.

"You are confused!"

Zhou Yongjian raised his hand to poke Zhao Yongduo's forehead, and shouted angrily: "She goes hers, you keep yours, you are leaving now, when can you stop her? Let me tell you, hurry up and give me the right answer." I'll go back. No, the three of us will go in and wait here for Xiaorui to come back. She must give us an explanation!"

"OK then!"

Zhao Yongduo is a woman who has no opinion. Seeing her husband say this, she can only listen obediently.

And when the family of three walked into the factory, Zhao Yongrui also walked into an office.

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