Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 729 Remember, quality comes first!

"I want to tell you all the good news that the Jade Bird Glass Factory can already feed back the rest of the factories."

One word puts a smile on everyone's face.

Because they know better than anyone else how difficult it is to say this!

Before today, the glass factory was like a bottomless pit to them, and Zhao Shanhe invested a lot of money in it for the research and development of toughened glass.At that time, no one could see the future, and felt that what he did was purely wishful thinking and doing useless work.

But it turns out they were wrong again.

Zhao Shanhe beat all of them again.

"Factory Manager, we all know about your affairs in Nan Province through news reports. You don't know how famous your reputation is now. In our Zhenghe County, you are the only one who is discussed in the streets and alleys." Cai Qian said with a smile .

"That's right. When I drank tofu nao in the morning, I heard people talking about it. They were all admiration and admiration from the bottom of my heart." Chen Duo echoed.

"This shows that what our factory manager is doing is popular."


Zhao Shanhe quickly waved his hand, stopped this kind of behavior suspected of flattering, and said with a smile: "This matter is not as exaggerated as you think, I just did what I should do. But anyway, the effect is good , our Jade Bird Glass Factory has finally won a good start, and it will be up to Director Liu next."

"I will definitely handle this well." Liu Wei'an quickly stood up and said.

Although Liu Wei'an said that he had participated in meetings like this twice before, he knew that he joined later after all. When it comes to relationships, he is definitely not as good as the few present here.So sometimes when you speak and do things, you will inevitably appear a little cautious.

"I believe you can too."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and pressed Liu Wei'an to sit down.

"Director Liu, after the meeting is over, you can come to my office. I want to discuss with you the next development direction of Jade Bird Glass Factory."


Liu Weian sat down in response.

"Then you all start to report on your work!"

As Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, the senior executives present began to report in an orderly manner according to the order of their seats.This is also Zhao Shanhe's work style. He can't say that everything is in every detail, so he just needs to control it from the general direction.

He will delegate power without reservation.

He will let everyone in this room unload their bags and move forward lightly.

"The work summary of Shanqiu Foods will be released in these two days. Generally speaking, last year's performance is pretty good. Specifically, our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is selling better than Yile chewing gum. This is not to say that Yile chewing gum is not good, but relatively speaking..."

"Hetu Manufacturing's sales situation is like this. The sales of our Whale Swallow pumps and the mine pumps produced later are doing well, and the orders for non-ferrous metal solders have also been arranged until April..."

"For Zhao Xiaobai Winery, compared with the hot sales in the previous period, although the recent trend is a little flat, it is only flat. Our sales volume is still not low, and we have won several liquor exhibitions. The trophy..."


In Zhao Shanhe's current business structure, Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing are the first two companies, followed by Zhao Xiaobai Winery and Jade Bird Glass.When it comes to maturity, the first two are definitely the highest, but Zhao Shanhe believes that the latter two will not be too weak, as long as they practice a little, they can keep pace with the first two.

However, Zhao Shanhe, who owns four factories, did not think about expanding the scale in the next time. What he wanted was to seek a higher level of development after integration.

Before all four factories are integrated, this matter cannot be rushed.

So after listening to the report, Zhao Shanhe replied to everyone in the same way.

"Our current focus is to maintain stability. On the premise of maintaining stability, we will develop in a healthy and orderly manner. Any fraudulent behavior must be strictly prohibited, and you must implement this idea throughout every workshop and every worker. Let them Clearly know what can be done now and what can't be touched..."


An hour later, Zhao Shanhe announced the end of the meeting.

Everyone leaves in good spirits.

Liu Wei'an followed Zhao Shanhe to his office. After taking a seat in the reception area, Zhao Shanhe smiled and said, "When the factory heard the news that so many orders had been signed, wasn't it frightened? No one complained, right?" ?”

"How can they complain, it's too late to be happy!"

Liu Wei'an quickly said: "Everyone in our factory is very excited. They also said that Director Zhao is the most powerful. Once you make a move, you are really extraordinary. They also said that even if you work day and night You have to work overtime to complete all the orders. This is the first batch of orders for our Jade Bird Glass Factory, so there is absolutely no room for loss."

"You're right."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said seriously: "This is our first batch of orders. In any case, there must be no mistakes. We must speed up the progress under the premise of ensuring quality."

"You must know that each contract has a strict time limit. If it is overdue, it will be regarded as our breach of contract. Compensation for liquidated damages is a trivial matter, but affecting our reputation is a major matter."

"Yes, I know."

Liu Wei'an nodded heavily, and said with a straight face, "Don't worry, I will personally watch over this matter, and I will definitely not delay the matter!"

"Don't be so nervous. Make it clear to every worker that if you work overtime, you will be paid overtime."


"Remember, quality comes first!"

Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice: "I don't want to stage a big show of smashing glass in Nan Province, and then the glass produced by us here is smashed by others, do you understand?"


Liu Wei'an said solemnly: "I will hold my head and assure you that I will strictly control the quality and will never do anything that will damage the image of our Jade Bird Glass."

"It's serious, why are you still holding your head to promise?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled speechlessly.

"One more thing, I want to hear your opinion."

"You say."

Liu Wei'an sat solemnly, and now he admired Zhao Shanhe so much that he would listen to and treat Zhao Shanhe as an imperial decree.

"We have opened up the windshield market, and it will definitely continue to develop in the future. But we can't say that we are only in the field of windshields, right? After all, the application market for tempered glass is huge. We need to open up the pattern and take a long-term view." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

Liu Wei'an was shocked: "You mean that we will actively expand business in other fields while developing windshields?"

"Yeah, what do you think?"

"I agree!"

Liu Wei'an nodded and said, "I think so too. We can diversify our business, but this is our next step. The top priority right now is to improve the windshield."

"That's all right, let's do it."

"it is good!"

After the two talked a few more words, Liu Wei'an got up to say goodbye and left. As soon as he left, Li Xiangyang walked in and stood in front of Zhao Shanhe. What he said made Zhao Shanhe's expression change.

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