Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 728 Is there a result?

Donghua Trading.

The person Zhao Shanhe wants to meet is Song Liu.

If it wasn't for Song Liu, he wouldn't have been able to sign a contract with Song Qianqiu of Shouqi, so he had to pay a visit for this.The two met soon, and after passing a cup of hot tea to Zhao Shanhe, Song Liu smiled and said, "You came here for Shouqi, right?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded frankly, and said seriously: "Brother Song, I really want to thank you for this matter. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to cooperate with Mr. Song."

"You deserve it all."

Song Liu waved his hands casually, and said indifferently: "No matter what you say, you went to Thang Long City to promote domestic products. I can't say that I just watched you being bullied by Miyai Saburo, let alone someone like Miyai Sanlang. Island man, I have long been displeased with him, this time I have the opportunity to kill him, I will definitely not miss it."

"But what I didn't expect is that you donated 1000 million without blinking an eyelid. It's really amazing!"

"It's not serious, I just want to make a contribution to those families who were hurt by the windshields imported by Sanjiang Trading." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Anyway, you are very powerful, and I admire your actions. How is it? What are your plans for the future?" Song Liu asked.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said calmly: "Next, I plan to develop my career safely and soundly for a while. After all, it's almost the Chinese New Year. Let's wait until the new year to discuss anything."

"Yeah, I forgot if you didn't tell me, it's almost the Spring Festival. Come on, then don't mess around before the Spring Festival, stay at home, organize your factories, and mix them together .” Song Liu said.

"Yes! That's what I thought!"

After the two chatted casually for a while, Zhao Shanhe got up and left.

Looking at the back of Zhao Shanhe leaving, Song Liu muttered to himself.

"Zhao Shanhe, I am looking forward to your performance this year, keep going, don't let me down!"


That night.

Zhao Shanhe went back to his home in Zhenghe County, because it was getting late when he got home, so he didn't hold another meeting, but went home with Li Qiuya.

After eating something, the two cuddled up and sat on the sofa, chatting while watching TV.

After Zhao Shanhe briefly talked about his trip to the southern province, Li Qiuya said in surprise: "I didn't expect that it was just a glass smashing activity, and this thing was done. Although it cost a lot of money , but worth it."

"It's more than worth it!"

Zhao Shan raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "In a glass smash, it's not just the brand of Sanjiang Trading that was smashed, but also our people's blind trust in foreign products. I want everyone in the country to know that our domestic products are also very strong. In the future, we must believe in our country's own products and promote our country's own products."

"Yes, if you say that, it sublimates the intention of smashing the glass."

"Actually, you don't know. When you smashed the glass, many people in the factory were not optimistic. They all said that it would be more reliable to spend money on advertising. But now, I think those people They should all be convinced!" Li Qiuya smiled beautifully.

"What my husband does is amazing!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled heartily, and asked after drinking two sips of tea: "I haven't asked you yet, how is the investigation of the Nanjue branch going? Is there any result?"

"Are you talking about the leak?" Li Qiuya asked.


"no progress."

Speaking of this, Li Qiuya couldn't help but shook her head annoyedly, "In the beginning, I locked in a few people, but in the end I found out that they weren't, and they didn't do anything to sell our formula."

"So the investigation has come to a standstill. Now I can't help but wonder whether those people who are jealous of us deliberately released the rumors. The purpose is to make us suspicious and cause internal strife."


Zhao Shanhe frowned, and said thoughtfully: "It's not that there is no such possibility, but I'm still worried that someone will be bribed. In this way, I had nothing else to do a year ago, and I didn't plan to go out again. Leave it to me to handle it."

"it is good!"

After the two exchanged a few more words, Li Qiuya suddenly said: "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that my mother came over two days ago, and she asked me to ask you, are you free in two days?"

"What? What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Li Qiuya nodded.

"It's my aunt. She was in a car accident two days ago and was hospitalized. She never told my mother. It was Xia Wu who told her later, and my mother found out."

"She was very anxious when she found out. She called my aunt the same day. After knowing that there was nothing serious, she was relieved. But she always wanted to go and have a look, so she asked if we had time to go there together .”

"Of course, if you say you're busy, keep busy, and I'll go there by myself."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Zhao Shanhe stared speechlessly.

"Auntie was in a car accident, can I not go and have a look? It's okay, I'll go there with you."

"Really?" Li Qiuya's eyes suddenly lit up.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, hugged Li Qiuya in his arms, and said gently: "Qiuya, you have to remember that even if the sky falls, you are the biggest. If one day I need to bring something back In your case, even if you asked me to take out all the current industries, I would not blink my eyes."

"Mountains and rivers!"

Li Qiuya's eyes blurred when she heard such tender words.

She lifted her long neck.

"kiss Me."

In an instant.

Thunder and fire.

Spring is infinitely good.


The next day.

The refreshed Zhao Shanhe sat at the table and had breakfast. He took a bite of the steamed buns handed over by Li Qiuya, and said with a smile, "Well, tell your parents, and we'll pick them up in a while and go to immortality." Huashi."

"Don't be so anxious!"

Li Qiuya shook her head, picked up a fried egg with her chopsticks, and said, "Let's go to Xianhua City tomorrow, and my aunt will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, so we won't have to go back and forth. You just came back yesterday, so you have a lot of things to do If you want to deal with it, take advantage of the time today to take care of it.”


Zhao Shanhe didn't take it seriously, and followed Li Qiuya to the factory after breakfast.

08: 30.

In the conference room of Shanqiu Food, a meeting was held on time.

Those who attended the meeting were all from Zhao Shanhe's original team.

They were chatting and laughing before Zhao Shanhe came in, but when they saw Zhao Shanhe coming in accompanied by Li Xiangyang, they all stood up one by one and applauded from the bottom of their hearts.

"All sit down!"

After Zhao Shanhe took the main seat, he smiled slightly and spoke slowly. The first sentence he uttered shocked the audience.

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