hot money

"Qiuya, are you home? Open the door for me."

Zhao Shanhe pushed the tricycle and shouted at the door, while shouting, he lifted the box of ice cubes from the car.

This thing is a money-making guy, so it can't be broken by bumps.

Li Qiuya, who heard the commotion, came out of the room and frowned slightly when she saw Zhao Shanhe who was sweating profusely.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'll tell you later, is there anything to eat at home? Give me a whole bite."

After Zhao Shanhe pushed the tricycle and put it away, he randomly pulled a towel over to wipe the sweat off his head.

"What's the order? You haven't eaten yet? Are your cronies not even eating?" Li Qiuya stood at the door of the room and asked with a frown.

"What kind of fox friends, Qiuya, let me tell you, I won't look for them in the future, and I am also a person with work now."

Zhao Shanhe walked to the front of the water tank in the kitchen, scooped up a scoop with a scoop, and gulped it down.

"Have you a job? What can you do?"

Li Qiuya said so, but she still went to the kitchen, brought out a bowl of noodles and said, "Only noodles, do you want to eat?"


Zhao Shanhe, who was so hungry, started to eat the noodles after receiving them. The posture of gobbling it up seemed like he hadn't eaten for many meals.

Seeing his appearance, Li Qiuya frowned slightly and said, "Shanhe, what do you think of what I told you two days ago?"

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked while eating.

"I followed my cousin to work on a construction site. Although the salary was low, the job was stable."

"Shanhe, you can't just do nothing like this and live in the waves, can you? You have to think about our family, right?"

Li Qiuya said a little nervously, because in the past, when he said this, he would always be scolded by him, and if he was drunk, he would even do it.

"Don't worry, I have a job."

Zhao Shanhe raised his head and smiled, and untied a canvas bag from his waist as he spoke.

"What job can you do? You eat and drink with those cronies all day long, and you have squandered all our family's money. Now you tell me that you have a job? Zhao Shanhe, why are you so shameless? ,you……"

Li Qiuya was so angry that she couldn't help shouting, but before she finished speaking, she suddenly stopped.

She looked in disbelief at the table of money poured out of the canvas bag, a colorful pile.

"What's going on? Where did you get so much money? You shouldn't have done something illegal, right?" Li Qiuya asked nervously.

"How come, I earned this by selling shaved ice, don't worry, every penny is clean, it's all my hard-earned money."

As Zhao Shanhe spoke, he pulled the pile of money over and said, "Qiu Ya, how much money do you have in total? See how much I earned this night."

Li Qiuya's expression was a little dull.

She looked up at Zhao Shanhe, her eyes widened.

Is this person really Zhao Shanhe?

He actually took money from home?

What did he just say?It is said that this is selling shaved ice, but what is shaved ice?Is it really that much money?And when will he make that shaved ice?

Li Qiuya felt that her head was not working enough.

"Zhao Shanhe, tell me the truth, what is going on with the money? Did you win it by gambling? Let me tell you, if I won it by gambling, I wouldn't use a cent of it!"

Li Qiuya bit her lips and said.

"Don't worry, I didn't win by gambling. Didn't you see it just now? I went out to sell shaved ice on our tricycle."

"As for what this shaved ice is? You can treat it as a thirst-quenching drink. In this way, I don't have any ingredients today, and I'll leave you a cup to try tomorrow."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe also finished eating the noodles. He picked up the bowl and went to the kitchen to clean it, and then sat down at the table again.

Seeing Li Qiuya who was still indifferent and somewhat skeptical, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help but smiled helplessly. It seemed that his former self was really an asshole, otherwise Li Qiuya would still be skeptical if he said things like this.

But doubts are doubts, but the money in front of him is real.

In front of Li Qiuya, Zhao Jianghe began to count one by one.

The big ticket and the small ticket add up to a total of 50 yuan.

Don't underestimate the 50 yuan. You must know that in this era, the wages of ordinary workers are only about [-] yuan a month.

Zhao Shanhe earned half a month's salary in one night, isn't that shocking enough?And you must know that the cost price of today's shaved ice is very low, and he has almost earned the money.

That's why Li Qiuya was surprised.

"Qiuya, you keep the 30 yuan, and I will use the 20 yuan as capital, and I will go to buy goods tomorrow. Buy more tomorrow, and I should be able to sell more tomorrow night."

Looking at the handful of money Zhao Shanhe handed over, Li Qiuya still couldn't believe it was true.

Could it be that Zhao Shanhe has changed for the better?

No, he must have some other conspiracy, I can't be deceived by him like this.Thinking of what Zhao Shanhe had done to her before, Li Qiuya said vigilantly: "Zhao Shanhe, let me tell you, our family really can't stand it anymore, can you calm down?"

It seemed that I had hurt Qiuya deeply enough that she had such a deep prejudice in her heart.

"Qiuya, I said I didn't bother, I was doing things seriously. Forget it, don't talk about it, you can just watch my performance in the future. You have been busy all day, hurry up and go to sleep."

Zhao Shanhe's explanation came to his lips, and he swallowed it back.As far as this matter is concerned, no matter how much it is said, it is better to prove it with actions.

After a simple wash, Zhao Shanhe started to sleep soundly as soon as he lay down on the bed.

No way, he was really tired.

Let's not talk about preparing the materials for this day, just say that the tiger-like operation at night is enough for him.Almost a hundred cups were sold in one night, but he kept grinding and grinding, grinding it out!

Can you be tired?

Looking at Zhao Shanhe who was sleeping soundly on the bed, a dazed expression appeared on Li Qiuya's face.

Zhao Shanhe's performance tonight is too surprising. He is completely different from his previous self. Could it be that he has really changed?

It would be great if this is true, it means that God has finally opened his eyes.

It's scary, I'm afraid, when I wake up tomorrow morning, everything will be the same as before.

"Zhao Shanhe, have you really changed?"

Li Qiuya was thinking about this in her heart, her eyes could not help falling on the pile of money.

A lot of money!

It would be great if the money was really the hard-earned money earned by Zhao Shanhe!

Li Qiuya was thinking wildly like this, she didn't sleep well all night, tossing and turning.

The night passed quietly.

Waking up the next morning, Zhao Shanhe opened his eyes, yawned and sat up from the bed. What he saw was breakfast on the dining table. Li Qiuya had already gone to work in the textile factory. She was never late. model.

After simply washing up, Zhao Shanhe sat at the table and began to eat.

A bowl of millet porridge, a boiled egg, a plate of pickles, and two steamed buns.

After he finished his meal, he walked out of the house with high spirits. He was going to the market to buy goods, and today he wanted to buy more goods.

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