After Zhao Shanhe came to the market on a tricycle, he quickly picked out mung beans and red beans. Unlike yesterday's reservation, he bought two big bags today, so he didn't have to go to the market every day.

As for watermelons, the same is true, and I bought more than ten at once.

Because there are a lot of watermelons, those who sell watermelons will deliver them directly to their homes.

On the way back, Zhao Shanhe cut two catties of meat at the butcher shop.

Meat in this era is really cheap, only three yuan per catty.

Thinking of Li Qiuya's thin body, Zhao Shanhe decided to improve the food first, so as to make up for her body.

As for tonight, I will cook his specialty dish, braised pork, so that Li Qiuya can have a good meal when she comes back from get off work in the afternoon.

After returning home, Zhao Shanhe began to wash the mung beans and red beans, and put them in the pot to cook after washing.

His shaved ice tastes first-class, largely because it is cooked on the same day, which is the freshest, and the mung beans that have been cooked overnight will taste dull.

After such a busy period of work, it was afternoon. After the mung beans and red beans were all boiled, he set off for the ice factory.

Once a stranger and second acquaintance, after knowing the relationship between Zhao Shanhe and Li Xiangyang, the guard did not make things difficult any longer. He soon met Li Xiangyang and talked about continuing to ask for ice.

"Did you really use up that piece of ice?" Li Xiangyang asked in surprise.

He thought that Zhao Shanhe was just messing around, so he didn't pay much attention to the piece of ice, it was nothing more than wasting a piece of ice, so that he could stop Zhao Shanhe from asking for ice again.

But who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe was serious!

"Of course!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile of course: "I told you, I want to make shaved ice with ice cubes, why don't you believe that?"

"In this way, you don't have to give it to me for free anymore, so as not to make a fool of yourself, I will pay for it, and I will buy it according to the price of your ice cubes."

"Are you sure you don't have a fever?"

Li Xiangyang frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Fuck you, quickly negotiate the price with me." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Are you serious?"


"Well, the ice here is ten cents a piece. If you want to take it, I will give you five cents. Anyway, there are ice cubes in the icehouse, and they can't be sold if they are piled up like a mountain." Li Xiangyang said this deliberately. He wanted to block Zhao Shanhe with money.

But he miscalculated this time.

"It's five cents a piece, right? In this way, you can approve more for me, and let me approve five yuan first!"

Zhao Shanhe was rich and powerful, and directly put the money on the table.

Now Li Xiangyang was shocked.

Can you still doubt it?How can you doubt it?The money is right in front of you, why do you doubt it?

Real money can never be fake, right?

"Shanhe, tell me carefully, where did the money come from? You couldn't force it from Qiuya again, did you?"

"Let me tell you, if you really do this, you will drive your wife away in anger, let alone sell you ice, I will break up with you!" Li Xiangyang shouted angrily.

"I said you looked down on me too much, would I do that kind of thing? I earned the five dollars myself, so please give me a note as soon as possible, I'm still stewing meat on the fire." Zhao Shanhe laughed said.

"Is there still meat stewing on the fire?"

Li Xiangyang curled his lips speechlessly, only you can stew meat, but with five dollars in front of him, he thinks he should trust Zhao Shanhe once.

So he quickly approved the note, handed it out and said, "You can take the note to the cold storage to pick up the goods at any time! As for the five yuan, you can take it back."

"take it back?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said with a firm expression: "Xiangyang, I know you are doing it for my own good, but this is a business, and it should be worth one yard. I use this money to buy ice, and you sell me ice, it's that simple It’s all right. There’s real meat stewing on the fire, let’s go!”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe walked out of the office with the approval slip.

Seeing his back disappearing from his eyes, Li Xiangyang muttered to himself: "Could it be that this guy has really changed his gender?"

Zhao Shanhe is very considerate in his work.

He also knew that with Li Xiangyang's identity, even if he really didn't give money, he could still approve him.

But in that case, it would make Li Xiangyang infamy. For such a small amount of money, it's not worth it!

Besides, I will be a long-term partner with Li Xiangyang in the future, so there is no need to ruin our friendship because of such a trivial matter.

And when he got home, he started a busy meal.

After putting all the ingredients on the tricycle, three dishes and one soup were also placed on the table.

A plate of braised pork, a plate of vinegared potato shreds, and a plate of stir-fried vermicelli with cabbage.

The soup is millet porridge.

Of course, Zhao Shanhe ate a random bite to fill his stomach, or else he was afraid that he would not be able to stand it this night, so after leaving a note, he left on a tricycle and headed towards the Malu Street night market in a hurry.

Tonight he will continue to kill the Quartet.

Almost 10 minutes later.

Li Qiuya opened the door and returned home, washed her hands briefly, and was about to go into the kitchen to cook.

"Huh? It smells like meat!"

As soon as she took a step, she walked into the room after smelling the smell. When she saw the three dishes and one soup on the table, a surprised expression appeared on her face.

Could it be that Zhao Shanhe did it?

Li Qiuya picked up the note when she saw it.

"Qiuya, I went to the night market to set up a stall. I have already prepared the food. I guess you should be able to eat it when you come back. Don't wait for me, I have eaten."

It was really made by Zhao Shanhe!

Li Qiuya looked at the food in front of her in disbelief, her lips trembled, and the note was tightly clenched in her right hand.

"Zhao Shanhe, is what you said true? Did you really earn the money by setting up a stall?"

Li Qiuya, who was in a complicated mood, sat at the table and started eating. She only had one idea now, which was to go to the night market after dinner. She wanted to see with her own eyes whether Zhao Shanhe lied to her or not!

Ten minutes later, she finished packing her job, and as soon as she walked out of the small courtyard, she ran into her colleague Qiu Ying who came to look for her.

Qiu Ying and she both work in a textile factory, and they live very close together, but Qiu Ying is not married yet and has been with her parents.

"Qiu Ya, where are you going?" Qiu Ying asked.

"I want to go to the night market." Li Qiuya said.

"Ah, I came here just to ask you to go to the night market. We really thought of going together. Let's go, let's go to the night market together and see if there is anything to buy." Qiu Ying hugged Li Qiuya's With their arms bent, the two walked forward.

Zhao Shanhe, who didn't know that Li Qiuya was coming to check the post, had just put the tricycle away, dared to set up the stall, and didn't even have time to shout, so he saw a few people rushing over from the movie theater aggressively, and in a blink of an eye they were He is surrounded.

Zhao Shanhe's face suddenly changed.

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