see?This is the advertising effect.

You must know that when Zhao Shanhe let Xiaoya eat shaved ice for free just now, someone around him said in a strange way, asking if he was a fool, giving away what he wanted to eat like this.

Do you still dare to say that now?

Say my head is funny, you are really elm heads, try this routine, you know, it has been tried and tested.This means that Zhao Shanhe doesn't have much funds now, otherwise, he has a lot of tricks to promote.

But now it seems that this effect is very good.

Xiaoya and the others are the best publicity ambassadors.

You can imagine that in the hot summer, a few young and beautiful girls are eating heart-warming shaved ice in their hands, the picture looks very attractive.

"Boss, I also want a cup of mung bean shaved ice!"

"Yeah! Just a moment!"

When some of those onlookers couldn't bear the temptation and started buying, Zhao Shanhe knew that tonight's opening was a success.

We must know that very few people who come to the night market come by themselves, either with their children or with their lovers. It’s fine if you don’t see this shaved ice. Now that there is, you can tell your children not to eat it?Can you get your girlfriend to leave quickly?Don't be ridiculous, if you really want to do that, your girlfriend will definitely blow it to you.

Soon, there will be a queue here, everyone wants to try this new thing.

Seeing such a scene, Zhao Shanhe was very pleased. Although his arm was a little sore from waving the mold again and again to make shaved ice, he was full of energy when he saw the paper tickets falling into his pocket like this.

The night market is not far away.

"Ruoqing, tonight's movie ticket was bought by someone I entrusted, let's go see it quickly."

A neatly dressed young man said happily with two movie tickets in his hand.

"Haiquan, do you bring water?" The ponytailed girl pursed her chapped lips.

"Bring water?"

Chen Haiquan slapped his forehead suddenly, and said with embarrassment: "No, I was too anxious to come out, so I didn't think about bringing water. Are you thirsty? Let's go, let's buy two popsicles."

"Popsicle?" The girl with the ponytail pouted.

"I don't want to eat popsicles, hey, what do they eat? It looks delicious."

"Let me ask."

Chen Haiquan hurried forward to ask, then came back and pointed to the front and said: "They said it was called shaved ice, and there was a three-wheeled one selling it in front. Do you want to eat it? If you want to eat, let's buy two."

"It looks good and tastes good."

"Then buy it!"

Everyone can see that Chen Haiquan has been courting the girl with ponytails all the time. Now that the girl has her life, how dare he refuse?Without saying a word, he walked forward, and soon came to the shaved ice stand.

"Ruoqing, which kind do you want to eat?" Chen Haiquan turned his head and asked.

"Hey, is that you?"

Who would have thought that the girl with ponytail would be stunned the moment she saw Zhao Shanhe, her face full of surprise.

"do you remember me?"

"It's you, what's the matter? You also want to eat shaved ice?" Zhao Shanhe looked up following the voice, and immediately recognized that this girl was the one who hit him with a bicycle last night?

"You know each other?" Chen Haiquan looked over suspiciously.

"Of course I do. Don't you remember that when I was watching a movie yesterday, I told you that I hit someone with a bicycle, and that was him." The girl with ponytails said with a generous smile.

"So it was you, buddy, I'm really sorry, it was all Ruoqing's fault yesterday." Chen Haiquan suddenly realized.

"Hi, it's okay." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said disapprovingly.

"In this way, I will have the same shaved ice as you here! I will treat it as an apology for you!" Chen Haiquan laughed.

"It's fine to eat shaved ice, but you can get hands-free if you make amends."

Zhao Shanhe did it quickly.

"Zhao Ji Shaved Ice, is your surname Zhao? My name is Du Ruoqing, what is your name Zhao?" Du Ruoqing asked familiarly.

"Zhao Shanhe."

"Zhao Shanhe? What a grand name, is the shaved ice you made really delicious?" Du Ruoqing asked with blinking eyes.

This girl is still a chatterbox!

Zhao Shanhe murmured inwardly, but the movement of his hands didn't stop. His right hand scraped the smoothie like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, a glass of bright red watermelon shaved ice was ready.

"It's delicious. If it's not good, you don't need money."

"Wow, it's really delicious! Haiquan, hurry up and try it."

As soon as Du Ruoqing took the first bite, she felt refreshed. The unique cool taste of watermelon spread all over her body in an instant. Under the stimulation of the smoothie, every pore began to open.

"I'll eat later. Ruoqing, let's go quickly. If we don't leave, we won't be in a hurry. The movie is about to start!" Chen Haiquan, who was holding shaved ice, raised his wrist and looked at his watch and said anxiously.

"What's the rush, really, let's go!"

Du Ruoqing muttered while eating.

"Boss, three cups, one yuan and five, the money is here."

"Okay! Go slowly!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile, and continued to make shaved ice without raising his head. Now is the time for the master, and he has no time to chat with these two people here.

Du Ruoqing and the two also walked into the cinema with shaved ice.

5 minute later.

More than two-thirds of the ice on Zhao Shanhe's tricycle has gone down, and it will be gone soon.At this time, there are still a few people waiting in front of them. After these people are made, all the ice cubes are gone.

Watermelon, mung beans and red beans are also used up.

It wasn't until this time that Zhao Shanhe had time to straighten up and move around a little.

He felt that his back was so sore and his bones were about to fall apart, the corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously twice.

Don't say that when I was busy just now, I didn't even think about the waist, but now I feel the pain.

But although his body was in pain, Zhao Shanhe was excited in his heart. He was not excited about how much money he earned, but thought that if he took the money and gave it to Li Qiuya, she would be very happy, right?She should look at herself with admiration, right?

Qiuya, I will never let you down again, I want you to live a happy and stable life.

"Boss, do you still have shaved ice?"

"Sorry, it's sold out. If you want to eat, come early tomorrow." Zhao Shanhe saw a middle-aged woman walking over with a little girl by the hand to ask questions, and replied with a smile.

"Is it sold out so soon? Well, Niuniu, let's buy it tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay!" Niuniu licked her lips and nodded sensiblely.

Zhao Shanhe smiled apologetically, and after seeing the mother and daughter leave, he hurried back on his tricycle.

The wind at night is still a bit hot, and the body is already sweating profusely.

But Zhao Shanhe's mood was full of anticipation, looking forward to what kind of expression she would have when she saw Li Qiuya and handed over the money she earned to the other party.

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