Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 699 Is he also worthy?

Could it be that the whole thing has been in Zhao Shanhe's expectation from the beginning to the present?

Nanjue Daily's slander.

Luo Senlin led the investigation.

It's all for the current press conference, so that I can take this opportunity to give Zheng Namyun a fatal blow?

If this is really the case, it means that Zhao Shanhe must have key evidence in his hands, otherwise how dare he do this?In this way, this press conference must never be held, otherwise Zheng Nanyun will be sent to prison.

Of course, Liang Xuefeng was too lazy to care about Zheng Nanrun's life and death.

What he cared about was if Zheng Nanrun went in, what would happen to the cement factory?

The Nanjue Cement Factory finally got a bit of improvement. It can't be said that it was destroyed because of Zheng Nanrun, right?If that is the case, the negative impact it will bring is inestimable.

Thinking of this, Liang Xuefeng hurriedly said, "Director Zhao, is this press conference really going to be held?"

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"So many reporters have come here, so I can't say let others' pigeons go, can I? Besides, I just held this press conference to promote tempered glass. Leader Liang, why are you so nervous?"

"Are you sure you're just promoting tempered glass?" Liang Xuefeng was still a little worried.

"Sure!" Zhao Shanhe nodded vigorously.

"Didn't you want to make a fuss about Zheng Nanrun?"

"He's worthy too?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said nonchalantly: "Leader Liang, in my eyes, he Zheng Nanrun is not worthy of me mobilizing people like this. He doesn't have the weight."

"So, don't worry about it!"

"Of course, I also hope that Director Yang can really do his best to investigate. Otherwise, I don't mind talking about what happened just now at this press conference."


When Liang Xuefeng heard this, his heart, which was just about to relax, couldn't help but tense up again.But he didn't mean to stop, but said calmly: "I'll report what you said to the county right away. If the evidence is convincing, the county will definitely give you an explanation."

"Then I'll just wait!"

"it is good!"

After Liang Xuefeng finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the conference room.

After he led the team to leave, Li Xiangyang and the others walked in. Seeing Zhao Shanhe's calm and confident expression, Li Xiangyang asked, "Director, have you negotiated with Leader Liang?"

"It's negotiated!"

Zhao Shanhe picked up the documents on the table and said slowly: "He has already agreed to support our press conference, so he told Lao Guo to make preparations, and it will be held in the small auditorium in a while."



Outside the Blue Bird Glass Factory.

Yang Qianshi, who had been waiting here for Liang Xuefeng, hurried forward when he saw him come out, and said respectfully in a low voice, "Leader Liang, you can figure it out."

"Yang Qianshi, what are you doing here if you're not going to the cement factory?" Liang Xuefeng asked.

"Leader Liang, I'm here for the cement factory. You said, do we really want to follow what Zhao Shanhe said and investigate Zheng Nanrun?" Yang Qianshi asked in a deep voice.

"You ah you ah!"

Liang Xuefeng raised his arm with an angry smile, pointed at Yang Qianshi and said angrily, "Why didn't you think that way when you sent Luo Senlin to the Jade Bird Glass Factory today?"

"As long as you can think more, things will become like this?"

"At that time, I was either thinking about it or going out to take a look casually. Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would be so persistent."

Yang Qianshi muttered in a low voice.

"Leader Liang, I don't think Zheng Nanrun should seriously investigate. After all, you also know that the cement factory is also an enterprise in our Nanjue County and cannot be closed down."

"Then there is Zheng Nanrun, who has great powers and knows a lot of people. If I investigate rashly, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact on our county."

"So you said..."

"You are bullshitting!"

When Liang Xuefeng heard this, he pointed at Yang Qianshi's nose and yelled angrily.

"Yang Qianshi, listen to me, it's not up to you to think about these messy things, and you shouldn't think about them. What you have to do is to deal with this matter fairly. If you can't handle it well, I will deal with you!"

"Me!" Yang Qianshi was dumbfounded.

"Also, Zhao Shanhe will hold a press conference in two hours. If you say you don't want this to become a big deal, then you can do whatever you want. Otherwise, you will bear all the consequences."

Liang Xuefeng gave the order to drive.

What was left behind was Yang Qianshi with a look of astonishment.

"Director Yang, what should we do about this?" Luo Senlin walked over and asked in a low voice.

"What do you propose?"

Yang Qianshi picked up the envelope, thought for a moment, waved his hand, and said in a cold voice, "Let's go to the cement factory first."


Sitting in the car, Zhang Ling noticed Liang Xuefeng's expression was a little annoyed, and said softly, "Leader, I think that's it. Yang Qianshi may not listen to you."

"Yeah, I can think of this too. After all, Yang Qianshi is backed by someone, he may not be afraid of me. But he has to deal with it for me, otherwise, if something really happens, I won't help him carry around."

Liang Xuefeng's eyes were cold.

"Everyone thinks that Zhao Shanhe is easy to bully, and they all think that Zhao Shanhe is a foreigner and can be dealt with casually. Hmph, they don't even think that Zhao Shanhe has come so far. Who has he been afraid of?"

"They can play with the Jinlu Glass Factory, but they can't play with them." Liang Xuefeng sneered.

"Then what should we do? We can't just watch helplessly like this, can we?" Zhang Ling said.

"Of course not!"

Liang Xuefeng looked at the busy traffic outside the window, and said with deep eyes: "Nowadays, who doesn't know that Zhao Shanhe is the investor I brought in, and he represents me. If he is being plotted against, but I don't stand up for him, then Like what?"

"Hmph. Does Jeong Nam Yoon think his butt is clean?"

"Just wait and see, he will definitely be unlucky this time. What we have to do is to deal with it fairly. In this way, you call the Industry and Commerce Bureau and the Tax Bureau respectively, and ask them to arrange for someone to go to the cement factory to talk to him." into this."


Liang Xuefeng's eyes were full of murderous intent.


Nanjue County Cement Plant.

After returning here, Zheng Nanyun, who was a little restless, was full of thoughts about this matter.Has Zhao Shanhe been cleaned up by Yang Qianshi?

Has Liang Xuefeng passed?If he passed, would he speak for Zhao Shanhe?If he really spoke for Zhao Shanhe, what would Yang Qianshi do?

He thought about all the possible things that could happen.

But he never dreamed that the fire would burn himself.

Just when he was thinking about whether to make a call to ask about the situation, Yang Qianshi led the team.

Seeing Yang Qianshi and the others walk into the office, Zheng Nanrun hurried forward, swept over with a puzzled expression, and asked in a low voice: "Old Yang, what's going on? Why did you bring Captain Luo and the others to my place? Shouldn't you be on Zhao Shanhe's side?"

Hearing Zheng Nanrun's question, the anger in Yang Qianshi's heart burst out.

He raised his hand and pointed to Zheng Nanyun's nose.

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