Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 700 What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

"Zheng Nanrun, look at the good things you have done."

Good thing I did?

Zheng Nanrun was puzzled and looked over suspiciously.

"Director Yang, what's going on?"

"What's going on? You still have the face to ask me this? Look, this is Zhao Shanhe's real-name report letter against you for tax evasion. You still go to report others. Now it's all right, and now they report you in turn."

Yang Qianshi snorted coldly, and angrily raised the report letter in his hand.

"What? Report me?"

Zheng Nanrun was shocked when he heard it, and he was about to take the report letter, but Yang Qianshi just put it away.

"What? Do you still want to read the content inside? I said Lao Zheng, we have a good relationship, don't let me break the rules."

Zheng Nanrun smiled awkwardly.

"Director Yang, can you tell me what's going on?"

"What else can happen? It's what you saw. Your so-called report letter is totally untenable. Zhao Shanhe has nothing to do now. It's you who was reported by Zhao Shanhe."

Yang Qianshi said coldly: "I was ordered to investigate you, so you should cooperate honestly!"

"What is there for me to investigate? I won't evade taxes, I..."

Just when Zheng Nanrun was about to explain, he heard a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, and the people who walked in were people from the Industry and Commerce Bureau and the Taxation Bureau, led by the directors of the two county-level agencies.

The moment he saw these two chiefs, Yang Qianshi's heart suddenly turned cold.

He knew that even if he wanted to protect Zheng Nanrun, it would be impossible for him now!

When Zheng Nanrun saw the two directors, his face turned pale with fright, and then his legs went limp, and he slumped on the ground.

"Zheng Nanrun, we have received a real-name report against you, saying that you are evading taxes, please cooperate with us in our investigation."

A word sounded, and it turned into an elbow and armpit.


two hours later.

The small auditorium of the Qingniao Glass Factory.

A press conference was held on time.

Because this incident was not a temporary idea, but was fully prepared in advance, it can be said that many news media came here.There are those in Zhenghe County, those in Handong City, and even the news media in Zhongzhou City and the province.

They all gathered in the small auditorium, waiting for the press conference to start.

Naturally, Xia Wan and Dong Siyuan were also there.

"Dong Siyuan, you should know what this press conference is going to announce, right?" Xia Wan asked.

"How can I know." Dong Siyuan shook his head and said.

"Can you not know?"

Xia Wan looked over with playful eyes, and said disapprovingly: "Nowadays, who doesn't know that you, Dong Siyuan, are about to become Zhao Shanhe's queen reporter. Now you tell me that you don't know, do you think I will believe it?"


Dong Siyuan patted his head and smiled embarrassingly.

"Reporter Xia, just wait and see, it's good news anyway."

"Really? Then I'll just wait and see!"

Don't look at Xia Wan's calm words, but she is very envious in her heart.

She also knows that although she and Zhao Shanhe have cooperated several times, and even reported the ten-dollar donation plan of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, she is still not Dong Siyuan, and she has not followed Zhao Shanhe from the beginning came over.

So Dong Siyuan knew many things, but she didn't.

Take your time!

I hope that one day Zhao Shanhe can see my sincerity, so that he can notify me as soon as possible of what he wants to do.

Time ticks by.

About 10 minutes later, Zhao Shanhe walked into the small auditorium on time, followed closely by Li Xiangyang, Liu Wei'an and others.After a group of people came in, they found their seats and sat down.

The reporter's camera clicked and started shooting.

"My friends from the press, we are holding this press conference today, and there are two things to announce."

After the simple process, Li Xiangyang stood in front of the microphone, and he will host the entire press conference. As for Zhao Shanhe, he came to sit in charge.

"First, our Jade Bird Glass Factory has developed toughened glass, and it can be mass-produced from today. Here, people from all walks of life are welcome to come and negotiate business."

Li Xiangyang spoke neatly.

As for this matter, the reporters present were basically not surprised.After all, Zhao Shanhe had already announced this matter at the previous staff meeting.Although not everyone knows it, all the reporters present know it well.

They are interested in the second thing.

Because they knew that since Zhao Shanhe had held a press conference, it was impossible to just announce such a thing, and a big news would definitely come out.

as predicted.

As Li Xiangyang's voice fell, the second thing he said immediately ignited the atmosphere of the audience, and instantly lifted the spirits of all reporters.

"The second thing I want to announce is that our Jade Bird tempered glass has the absolute strength to kill other brands of tempered glass. For example, the quality of Sanjiang Trading's tempered glass is completely crushed by us!"

Li Xiangyang announced proudly.

These words caused an uproar in the audience.

"Isn't it? You said it so brazenly?"

"This is simply an open challenge to Sanjiang Trading."

"Everyone knows that the tempered glass of Sanjiang Trading has always been the leader in our Eastern Province. After all, it was imported from the Eastern Island. But now Jade Glass has issued such a gauntlet. What will Sanjiang Trading do now?"


There was a strong look of anticipation on every reporter's face.

What they want is this kind of explosive news. If you say that the news announced is hello, me, hello, everyone, what's the point?No one read the report.

Now there is big news!

Xia Wan couldn't help but shine in front of her eyes.

She didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to burst out such a big melon!

You said that it’s fine if you promote your Jade Bird Glass, but why do you still belittle Sanjiang Trading like this?Isn't this the same as declaring war on Sanjiang Trading?You just want to stand on the shoulders of Sanjiang Trading!

But this shouldn't be your style of doing things, Zhao Shanhe!

Shouldn't you be seeking stability?

After all, your Jade Bird Glass has just been put into production no matter what, and it hasn't even been put on the market yet.The tempered glass of Sanjiang Trading has a complete marketing chain at any rate. If you do this, aren't you afraid of angering them?

Besides, as far as I know, Huang Weile of Sanjiang Trading is not a good person. If he said that he knew what you said at the press conference today, he would probably never end with you.

"Zhao Shanhe, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?"

Xia Wan subconsciously raised her head to look at the rostrum, looked at Zhao Shanhe, but found that Zhao Shanhe's face was calm, without the slightest sign of being moved. Instead, he was flipping through the documents on his own, without taking Li Xiangyang's words to heart at all. .

Zhao Shanhe, are you so confident?

Xia Wan was full of puzzlement.

And just when she couldn't figure it out, someone suddenly stood up.

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