This is really the level of officials crushing people to death.

Luo Senlin wanted to explain, but after meeting Yang Qianshi's eyes, he knew what he should say.At this time, if he dared to say a word to embarrass Yang Qianshi, he would be put on little shoes.

"Director Zhao, we were indeed reckless in what happened just now, and I sincerely apologize to you here."

Luo Senlin decisively chose to take the blame.

"It's good to know how to be reckless, and be careful when doing things in the future."

Yang Qianshi glared fiercely, then turned to Zhao Shanhe and said, "Director Zhao, what happened today was indeed a misunderstanding. Look, I can't say that I didn't do anything after receiving a letter of complaint, right? Really? In that case, it will be bad for you, me, and the tax bureau, so please understand this."

"Understood, I understand very well."

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Yang Qianshi playfully, and suddenly raised the corners of his lips and said, "Then I'm all right here now?"

"No! Of course not!"

Yang Qianshi waved his hand.

"Your Jade Bird Glass Factory is not open yet, and your Shanqiu Foods Branch Factory also has a tax-free policy. You will definitely be fine here. This matter is purely a misunderstanding. Now that it is open, it will be fine."

"Leader Liang, do you think this is okay?"

"This is your tax bureau's own business, you can handle it well." Liang Xuefeng glanced at it meaningfully.

"Then that's it, I'm leaving first! After I go back, I will handle this matter properly, and I will definitely give Director Zhao a satisfactory explanation!" Yang Qianshi turned around and was about to leave.

"Director Yang, please stop!"

Who would have thought that at this moment, Zhao Shanhe suddenly spoke.

After Yang Qianshi stopped, he looked over suspiciously.

"Director Zhao, is there anything else?"

Liang Xuefeng also looked over.

"Yes, I really want to ask Director Yang about something." Zhao Shanhe raised his hand with a smile, and Cai Shishi immediately handed over an envelope.

"Director Zhao, who are you?" Yang Qianshi was at a loss for a moment.

"Director Yang said just now that Luo Senlin came to us because he received a report letter, saying that as long as he receives a report letter, according to the regulations, there must be investigation and inquiry, right?"


"In this case, I also have a report letter here."

Zhao Shanhe handed over the envelope in his hand with a calm expression.

"I reported in real name that Zheng Nanrun of Nanjue County Cement Factory was involved in many cases of bribery, tax evasion and tax evasion during his tenure as the factory director. Director Yang, please go to the cement factory to investigate and inquire immediately."

The entire conference room fell silent in an instant.

Liang Xuefeng frowned slightly.

Yang Qianshi's heart beat faster.

Luo Senlin looked shocked.

Everyone looked on in surprise.

They didn't expect Zhao Shanhe's revenge to come so quickly, they didn't even have any hesitation at all, and they wanted to repay the world immediately.

"Director Yang, accept the report letter!" Zhao Shanhe raised his hand and said lightly.

Yang Qianshi subconsciously took over the envelope, instinctively raised his head to look over it, and asked with a surprised expression: "Director Zhao, are you serious?"

"Of course, I'm very serious, I'm telling you this matter very seriously, Director Yang, now please take my report letter and deal with business immediately!" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.


In an instant, Yang Qianshi had mixed feelings in his heart.

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?

At this moment, he can't say that he can find such and other reasons to prevaricate this matter, can he?After all, it was he himself who said that he would investigate immediately after receiving the report letter. He couldn't break his word and get fat, let alone in front of Liang Xuefeng.

"Leader Liang, what do you think?"

Yang Qianshi could only seek help from Liang Xuefeng.

After Liang Xuefeng glanced at the report letter, he waved at Yang Qianshi and the others.

"You all go out, I have something to say to Director Zhao."


Everyone walked out of the conference room immediately, and soon there were only the two of them left.Looking at Zhao Shanhe with a calm expression, Liang Xuefeng frowned and asked solemnly, "Director Zhao, are you serious?"

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and said nonchalantly: "Leader Liang, you don't think that the news that has been overwhelming these two days is all about smearing me. I will let it go and don't ask?"

"That's not true." Liang Xuefeng said.

"That's right, even if I don't ask, there should be a limit, right? You can see, what is the result of my silence? It's Zheng Nanrun's intensification, and he even dares to use the law enforcement team of the tax bureau now." Come check me out."

"It's a good thing I'm innocent and I'm on my feet."

"Otherwise, if it were someone else, would I be able to say something clearly when the law enforcement team went out and said something casually? People outside would think that I was really evading taxes!"

When Zhao Shanhe said this, he put his hands behind his back and his eyes were firm and persistent.

"So since he, Zheng Nanrun, insists on pressing me against me, I can't avoid it, so I can only be forced to fight."

"Zheng Nanrun is the director of the cement factory after all, he!"

"What happened to him? Could it be that because he is the director of the cement factory, Leader Liang, are you going to shield him? Are you going to turn a blind eye to what he does?"

Zhao Shanhe interrupted Liang Xuefeng's words rudely, with sharp words.

"Leader Liang, with all due respect, the cement factory should have been rectified a long time ago, or it would have gone bankrupt sooner or later. Don't think that with the investment of the Sakura Club, the cement factory can turn around. This is not what you think It's that simple."

"Of course these have nothing to do with me!"

"What I want is to make Zheng Nanrun pay the price he deserves. If the county can give me the price, it's the best. If it can't be given to me, I will ask for it in my own way!"

Zhao Shanhe has a tough attitude.

"Don't worry, the attitude of the county will definitely handle it fairly and justly. It would be best if Zheng Nanrun has no problems with this matter, but if it is found out that he is really suspected of tax evasion, he can handle it as he wants."

Liang Xuefeng said seriously: "I can assure you of this!"

"That's good!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"Then let's wait and see!"

"and also."

"Leader Liang, I will hold a press conference in two hours."

"News conference?"

Liang Xuefeng's pupils shrank slightly, showing a hint of displeasure, and said in a serious tone: "What are you trying to do? Do you want to force the tax bureau to do things for you?"

"Leader Liang, you misunderstood!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently, and said in a calm manner: "My press conference is not held for this matter, but to promote our tempered glass. Didn't I tell you before? In the past two days, I will Before going to Thang Long City, Southern Province to participate in the Auto Expo, I wanted to make a name for myself for my tempered glass."

Make a name for yourself?

Is that really all that is?

Liang Xuefeng looked at Zhao Shanhe with a gentle smile, and didn't believe that things would be so simple.

"Could it be that?"

Liang Xuefeng suddenly had a thought.

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